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This map set is part of the Ruin & Rebuild series


The Cemetery is within the Cathedral grounds, a short walk from the main structure. It was initially conceived by Becket Stonewright as a way to raise funds. Wealthy families paid to have a mausoleum and crypt constructed to house their loved ones remains on consecrated ground, and he used the money to pay for the materials and labour to start the Cathedral.

Thomas Stonewright, the current Dean of the Cathedral is keen to increase attendance now the Cathedral is complete, and he has heard from some members of the congregation that suspicious characters have been seen in the vicinity of the Cemetery, and that many believe them to be connected to the rumours of Becket’s ungodly deals.

The Dean is looking for outsiders to investigate the site, and finally put to bed the allegations that surround the cathedral and his family. However, the reality is that Becket did make a deal, not with the devil, but with a cult that deals in dark magics.

In return for substantial monetary aid and support, they requested to have secret rooms built within the crypts, on the consecrated ground. Becket never asked why, happy to take the money, but now generations later that deal may be about to catch up to his great-great grandson and the Cathedral that was his life’s work.

Additional Information

Use the ZIP folder at the bottom of this post to download the free versions of these battlemaps for use in your TTRPG campaign. If you would like access to the high resolution, un-watermarked and gridless variants of this and other maps along with extra rewards, and would like to support me, check out my paid Patreon tiers!

Traveller Tier Patrons can access the High Resolution Print and VTT Day, Night & Gridless variants of this map, as well as detailed design notes HERE 

Higher Tier Patrons can get the Complete Variant set including Day, Night, Fog, Tile & Clean variants HERE 

GRID SIZE – 34x22 (140DPI)
PIXEL SIZE – 4760x3080

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