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This is the complete set of variants for this weeks maps. It includes Day, Night, Fog, Tile & Clean (unfurnished) versions of the maps.

This map set is part of the Ruin & Rebuild series.


The Cemetery is within the Cathedral grounds, a short walk from the main structure. It was initially conceived by Becket Stonewright as a way to raise funds. Wealthy families paid to have a mausoleum and crypt constructed to house their loved ones remains on consecrated ground, and he used the money to pay for the materials and labour to start the Cathedral.

Thomas Stonewright, the current Dean of the Cathedral is keen to increase attendance now the Cathedral is complete, and he has heard from some members of the congregation that suspicious characters have been seen in the vicinity of the Cemetery, and that many believe them to be connected to the rumours of Becket’s ungodly deals.

The Dean is looking for outsiders to investigate the site, and finally put to bed the allegations that surround the cathedral and his family. However, the reality is that Becket did make a deal, not with the devil, but with a cult that deals in dark magics.

In return for substantial monetary aid and support, they requested to have secret rooms built within the crypts, on the consecrated ground. Becket never asked why, happy to take the money, but now generations later that deal may be about to catch up to his great-great grandson and the Cathedral that was his life’s work.

Grid Information

GRID SIZE 34x22 (300DPI)
SIZE – 4760x3080 (140DPI)

Design Notes

You may notice in the downloads that I have included a slightly fancier version of the 'Key & Design Notes' document. I felt it was about time we had something better than a plain text doc, although that is still included for those of you who prefer it.

Gothic Cemetery - Grounds

  • 01 – Main Gate – Two large iron gates, carved in a relief pattern. In front of the gates are two small shrines. Once through the gates, visitors are greeted by a pair of winged stone grotesques.
  • 02 – Unmarked Grave – This grave stands out among the others as it is raised on a small mound and fenced off, but there is no marker to say whose remains it holds. Instead two patterned stone disks sit on top of it, slightly inset. Anyone who knows how to correctly orientate the two disks can open the lid and enter the hidden staircase leading down to the ritual room (19)
  • 03 – Indera Family Mausoleum – The Indera family are among the wealthiest in the area, so accordingly they have the grandest mausoleum. Inside the mausoleum is a shrine to the family’s chosen Gods, although the statues faces have strikingly similar features to the family members themselves. Locked doors and a staircase at the back of the room lead down to the family crypt (11)
  • 04 – Font – A stone basin of clean water on a raised platform.
  • 05 – Back Gate – Lining the path to the smaller rear gate are numerous gravestones of community members whose families were not able to afford a place within the cemetery itself.
  • 06 – Shrine – A small shrine to the God of the after-death, who watches over spirits of those who have passed and keeps them safe.
  • 07 – Longtide Family Mausoleum – The Longtide family tree is full of esteemed figures, all of which are inscribed on the stone tablet, although some seem to have been removed. Stairs on either side lead down the family crypt (15)
  • 08 – Locked Mausoleum – This tomb is set in a small private area to the side of the cemetery. There are no clear markings to show who it belongs to and no one ever seems to visit it, but it is kept clean and tidy. The groundskeeper seems to keep some tools here, so there must be a key to get in. A staircase hidden within the tomb leads down to 16.
  • 09 – Theris Family Mausoleums – The Theris family famously don’t get along. Despite purchasing a single plot in the cemetery, they have separate mausoleums so in death they can finally get some peace.
  • 10 – Sandweaver Family Mausoleum – In contrast to the Theris’s, the Sandweaver’s are an incredibly tight knit family group. This mausoleum was initially constructed for a single family member, but as more of them passed over time they wished to be close together, so more tombs were crammed into the small space. Eventually a whole new crypt had to be dug for them underground (18).

Gothic Cemetery – Crypt

  • 11 – Indera Family Crypt – More of a temple than a crypt, the currently living Indira family members use this as a place of private worship, or at least that is what most people think. In actual fact they store most of their inherited wealth down here, coming to ‘pray’ whenever their pockets are feeling light. Locked doors on the Eastern wall lead to a small vault (12), and a hidden door (S) behind the statue on the western wall lead to the main treasury (13) There are also secret doorways (S) to the North and South that the Indira’s are unaware of. Stairs lead up to 03
  • 12 – Indera Family Vault – A few valuable art pieces and some locked chests.
  • 13 – Indera Family Treasury – This has clearly been ransacked. The room is filled with broken, empty pots and urns that were once filled with coin and gems. Have the Indira’s spent all of their money, or did someone take it?
  • 14 – Hidden Passage – The cult members use these secret passages to move between the lower crypts, making entrance and exit to their secret rooms harder to track. A statue of their otherworldly patron greets those who pass, arms open for a final embrace.
  • 15 Longtide Family Crypt – Detailed carved busts of the family’s well-known ancestors sit atop marble tombs. Politicians, local celebrities, and war heroes are all celebrated here. There is a distinct absence of family members who were not so esteemed, however.  Stairs on the Western end lead up to 07. Hidden doors on either end of the crypt lead to 14 and 16.
  • 16 Cultists Hallway – Statues and paintings depicting demons and devils line the walls. Scrolls written in some infernal dark text which burns the tongues of those who attempt to speak their words sit atop stone pedestals.
  • 17 – Cultists Crypt – A single wooden coffin sits in the centre of the room. Blood red lanterns fill the space with ominous light. A chained book rests on top of the coffin.
  • 18 – Sandweaver Family Crypt – This crypt has had to be expanded multiple times as all the Sandweaver kin wish to spend their eternal rest together. At the northern end are two coffins holding the remains of twin sons who died fighting a war in a distant land. The statue between them is of their mother, who died of heartbreak when learning of her son’s fate. She now watches over them for eternity. Hidden doorways (S) on the north and east side lead to the Cultists secret areas (17 & 19). Stairs on the southern end lead up to 10
  • 19 – Cultists Ritual Room – A sacrificial altar covered in dark runes is in the centre of the room. Statues of demon hounds watch over the entrance. Stairs lead up to 02.
  • 20 – Cultists Artefact Room – An object of great power rests here, waiting to be awoken. Perhaps now that the Cathedral has been completed according to the Cultists century long plans, the time has come.



Erlend Aakre

Love it, would have been really cool if had a snow/desert variant as well, but I guess it's a trade-off between more maps or more variants. Also, cheers to Ryan for the tip on BeFunky and it's Winter filter!