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Hey everyone!

This months new magic item from Abyssal Brews is the Stoneshearer, part of the Ruin & Rebuild series.

Butterfly Effect Dagger

Dagger, Very rare (requires attunement)

The slightest change can send ripples through time and space altering the course of history. Those who understand cause and effect seek to exploit these mechanisms for their own means. This butterfly knife used to belong to one such creature and still vibrates with magical potential. While attuned, you have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magical weapon.

When you hit with an attack with this dagger, you can choose to mark a creature instead of dealing damage, leaving behind a seared scar that the creature is aware of, in the shape of a butterfly. At the start of your subsequent turns, another butterfly scar appears on the marked creature up to a maximum of 10. A marked creature only gains additional scars at the start of your turn, not from additional attacks.

When a marked creature starts their turn, you can take a reaction to flourish this dagger and cause the scars to rip open. The marked creature must make a Constitution saving throw where the DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + the number of butterfly scars currently on them. On a failure, they take 1d8 necrotic damage per butterfly scar and are stunned until the start of their next turn. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not stunned. Afterwards all of the scars disappear and the creature is no longer marked. You can only mark one creature at a time and cannot move the mark.


AbyssalBrews is a team of two creating elegant magic items, creatures, character options, and more for your 5E table. We release fully illustrated content weekly in tons of formats to fit your table whether physical or digital. We have dozens of items in our backlog that you get instant access to the moment you sign up. Let us take some of your prep work off your hands with our items and options.

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Wow, that's pretty powerful, even if the scars disappear after using the special ability.

Manuel Grewer

Interesting, a dagger to stack damage while increasing the chance to stun the creature. My players usually take less than six rounds to clear enemies, so I don't think that it's too powerfull, even with the +2 bonus. Sweet!