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This map set is part of the Ruin & Rebuild series

You can get the unruined version of these maps HERE


Under Abbess Temerion the church was a place of sanctuary and peace for all, but it would be hard to believe that seeing it now. The belltower that sang out every morning has been sundered from the building, taking much of the rest of the structure down with it. The pews have been thrown askew and the once vibrant gardens have withered and died.

Even the crypts below have been ransacked, although on closer inspection this damage seems to have been caused by something else. Something more…feral. Whatever happened in Ostenwold seems to be far more than a bandit raid, it almost feels as though multiple evils have been drawn here at once, but why and by whom?

Additional Information

Use the ZIP folder at the bottom of this post to download the free versions of these battlemaps for use in your TTRPG campaign. If you would like access to the high resolution, un-watermarked and gridless variants of this and other maps along with extra rewards, and would like to support me, check out my paid Patreon tiers!

Traveller Tier Patrons can access the High Resolution Print and VTT Day, Night & Gridless variants of this map, as well as detailed design notes HERE 

Higher Tier Patrons can get the Complete Variant set including Day, Night,Snow, Tile & Clean variants HERE 

GRID SIZE – 22x17 (140DPI)
PIXEL SIZE – 3080x2380



DM Dave

I like to imagine that after I wrote like... 6 adventures here, you decided to just destroy it in order to retire it.


I figured you needed even more versions of it for the next 6 adventures