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Hey everyone!

You all already know Darryl from Splattered Ink, he creates the incredible SRD Creature Tokens and free BBEGs we release on a regular basis. 

He has just launched a Kickstarter in partnership with Hit Point Press.
Seeds of Decay is now live!!
Check out the free samples attached to this post, and if you like them you can back the Kickstarter HERE 

The Alwaysgreen Forest is a lush and beautiful land teeming with life and magic, full of ancient towering trees, life-giving waters and deep crystal lined caves. 

The awakened Woodkin, majestic Deeret, Goblins, Ratkind, Dobbers of all traditions, and many more call it their home. They are friends to the forest, belonging to it just as a leaf does to a tree. 

However, there is trouble in the forest. 

A crack has formed in the darkness leaking rot and decay.  Trees are withering and crops are failing to mature.Strange, twisted creatures have been seen in the shadows. 

The Rot Weaver has returned, threatening all life in Dobberton.

The Alwaysgreen forest needs heroes!

Seeds of Decay is a 5th Edition campaign setting that covers the expansive Alwaysgreen Forest, meet new folks, build amazing contraptions and engage in a compelling adventure from 1st to 8th levels.

Back the Kickstarter now! 




This looks awesome!

Anthony Falk

I agree with MykeMyke it really does -- it also looks like something even better suited for PF2E LOL!