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This is the complete set of variants for this weeks maps. It includes Day, Night, Desert, Grass, Flood, Snow and Clean versions of the maps, as well as tiles for the buildings.


The craftspeople and artisans of Samarahd are well known even outside of the city, and in particular for their use of Nephrite, a rare green stone found only in the desert that shines with an unearthly lustre and has some arcane qualities.

For years the Splitstone quarry has been the primary provider of raw nephrite, but in recent months the once rich veins seem to have dried up. Although there is still some income from the sale of regular stone for construction, the quarry is currently working at a loss and it’s foreman, Heiman Taruro, is desperate to find a new source. To this end, he has been digging an extensive mine network below the quarry in hope of finding more nephrite.

Deep in one of the tunnels, shards of nephrite have been found among the excavated debris, bringing new hope to Heiman and the quarry. But ever since that discovery creatures have started emerging from the tunnels at night and attacking the workers. Oddly it seems that the monsters are not making these attacks in retaliation but are trying to escape the mines in a frenzied panic. Heiman has put out a notice asking for protection from these creature’s attacks, and if they can be dealt with, then a further investigation and clearance of the mine has a higher reward.

Grid Information

GRID SIZE 44x34 (300DPI)
SIZE – 6160x4760 (140DPI)

Design Notes

Splitstone Quarry

  • 01 – Guards Hut Visitors entering and leaving the quarry need to make themselves known to the guards at the entrance, for their own safety.
  • 02 Workmen’s Camp – Some of the workers stay at the quarry due to their long working hours.
  • 03 Dormitory – Some of the higher-ranking workers are provided with beds and shelter for the nights they aren’t on shift.
  • 04 Common Area – A small kitchenette and seating for the workers in between shifts, although most of the rare down time is spent planning the next dig.
  • 05 Foreman’s Office – Heiman can be found it here most of the time, pulling his hair out trying to come up with a new solution.
  • 06 – Toilets
  • 07 – Testing Lab – Small shards of nephrite found in the excavated debris are tested for quality, purity and magical absorbance.
  • 08 – Office – The Nephrite testing is led by Temer Atarac, a talented scientist with arcane abilities. She is concerned that Heiman’s heavy-handed and hasty digging of the mines is going to cause more trouble than it is worth.
  • 09 – Sifting Room – All of the excavated rock and soil from the mines is sifted by hand, in search of small shards or fragments of high-quality nephrite. If a large quantity is found in any one area, it could point to a new vein.
  • 10 – Watchtower – A single guard atop the tower keeps lookout. Being inside the city walls, the quarry has rarely had to deal with attacks of any kind before.
  • 11 - Debris Pile – All of the loose rock removed from the quarry and mines is kept here, waiting to be sifted for valuable nephrite.
  • 12 – Water Tanks – Despite the great oases, water is still a precious commodity in the desert city and has to be used sparingly. A small ration is given to the workers each day, but water is also needed for cleaning nephrite and other precious minerals and rocks.
  • 13 Break Area – A couple of tables used during shift breaks sit among piles of equipment and machinery.
  • 14 Rock Breaker – Smaller pieces of unusable rock are broken up by hand, to see if any nephrite is encased inside.
  • 15 Mine Entrance – Leads to the maze-like tunnels of the mines below.

Look out for the connected Mines map set coming soon as part of a special collaboration!

Watch me make this map!

You can watch the 'Speed Draw' time lapse of how I made these maps over on my YouTube channel, where I release weekly videos on how I make my Battlemaps. This weeks Speed Draw video can be found HERE




Love the new map! Quick suggestion, I've been having a hard time pinning down which folder to put your maps into lately. I can find that information by searching your master post for which directory you put them into, but it'd be great if you just had a clear spot in the beginning of your post reiterating where it ought to go. I might be remembering wrong but I feel like you used to start off your posts with "Today's addition to The Desert City collection," or something to that effect.