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Hi Everyone,

This is the third post of 4 that I will be putting out every week this month to highlight some of the awesome creators out there that you may not yet have heard of, and that you might like to support in exchange for some great rewards!  

You can see the previous posts here:
Part 1
Part 2 


The Goblin Explorer - I'm Matt, the artist behind the Endless Dungeon, an infinite series of dark and grim dungeon maps, perfect for your crawling adventures. Each Tuesday a new release brings you forever deeper inside its never-ending darkness. For my patrons I also offer tons of assets (png and DungeonDraft), Music tracks and full support for FoundryVTT and E+ for all my maps. Grab a torch dungeon delver and welcome to the Endless Dungeon.

Support the Goblin Explorer - https://www.patreon.com/thegoblinexplorer
Tiers start at 3$/month

Renflowergrapx - Hey, This is Ren! I'm a full-time artist creating digital illustrated content for tabletop adventures. I am releasing high-quality maps available with and without grid plus variations! I'm also working on tokens that I'd love to add to each themed release with your help =) Feel free to join if you'd like to!

Support Ren - https://www.patreon.com/renflowergrapx
Tiers start at €1.5/creation

MarkDrummondJ - Mark Drummond J is creating unique battlemaps and environments for TTRPGs, with designs often encompassing both Science Fiction and Fantasy.
2-3 times a month patrons receive a new release containing detailed hand drawn battlemaps with immersive concept art to help set the scene for your players
Each map set is also available as a FoundryVTT module with prebuilt walls and lighting.

Support Mark - https://www.patreon.com/markdrummondj
Tiers start at $3/creation

Beneos Battlemaps - Beneos Battlemaps is creating high quality 3D animated battlemaps with the industry leading Unreal Engine for your Pen & Paper game.

Support Beneos Battlemaps - https://www.patreon.com/BeneosBattlemaps
Tiers start at $4.5/creation

Stained Karbon Maps - Stained Karbon creates beautiful and unique Battlemaps that serve to inspire epic adventures.

Support Stained Karbon - https://www.patreon.com/StainedKarbonMaps
Tiers start at $5/month

Misjay Maps - Hi I am Misjay (AKA Janice). I create maps at different scales and in a variety of styles. Battlemaps and Settlement maps are my favorite, however, occasionally I dabble with World maps too. Currently I am particularly enjoying creating maps with playable elevation changes. 

Support Misjay - https://www.patreon.com/misjaymaps
Tiers start at $1/creation

J.Dungeonmaster - Hey, Im J.Dungeonmaster (or Julian) and I create Battlemaps for you to use in you TTRPG Games, I normally have 2 paid creations per month and love to implement your ideas/suggestions into my maps. 

Support J.Dungeonmaster - https://www.patreon.com/jdungeonmaster
Tiers start at $1/creation


Papalchemy - Papelchemy is printable papercraft terrain and accessories for your Tabletop Roleplay games. Join the Papelchemy Patreon and access all sets as well as
Patreon exclusive accessories, all designed for a 25mm grid. Participate in creating a magical paper world by getting access to polls, previews, and the exclusive discord server. There you can meet other crafters, make suggestions, and get any crafting questions answered by the designer herself.

Support Papalchemy - https://www.patreon.com/Papelchemy
Tiers start at $7/month


Underground Oracle - We’re a best-selling, two-person, small press producing balanced and polished supplements for your 5th edition games. We work every day to turn our love of ttrpgs into the sorts of exciting and original materials that we enjoy at our own gaming table. 

Support Undeground Oracle - https://www.patreon.com/undergroundoracle
Tiers start at $3/month

Instant Encounters - Instant Encounters is creating drop-in encounters for your next session. With over 85 encounters currently available for levels 1-15 and every terrain type. More than just combat, these include roleplaying interactions with detailed NPC's and exploration encounters to introduce new locations and lore to your worlds. We produce 5 encounters every week with patron polls to decide the theme for upcoming releases, So swing on by and start off by grabbing a FREE pack of 25 encounters and start prepping less today.

Support Instant Encounters - https://www.patreon.com/instantencounters
Tiers start at $3/month

The DM Tool Chest - Hey everyone, this is TJ from The DM Tool Chest! I've been creating D&D adventures and worlds for 30+ years and recently took the plunge to turn them into professional-quality modules for my patrons. Every month you'll receive 4-5 handcrafted adventures depending on the tier you choose. Each one is packed full of new monsters, NPCs, spells, magic items, and full-color custom maps! Swing on by and grab up some of the free content to see if you might like what I have to offer, or drop into the discord and say hello!

Support The DM Tool Chest - https://www.patreon.com/thedmtoolchest
Tiers start at $3/month



Ryan from the Token Vault

Another great list of talented creators Tom! These are all worth a sub!!


Thanks for the boost tom :) much appreciated.


Thank you again Tom for spreading the love to all us creators out here, this is so much appreciated


Thanks for the shout-out, Tom! Truly appreciated. :)


Thanks, Tom! Really appreciate the mention! Now it's time for me to sub to these other awesome creators :)


I know I’m not directly a creator, but I am the resident DM with a vibrant community online that could do with a shout out like this. Their Patreon accounts for everything from homebrew to novels, and lots of regular campaigns and one-shots to use the content from all these wonderful creators (and I do!). I know you’ll have sorted this moons ago, but if you might be willing I have copy ready in the same format - you can find me as MykeMyke#7356 on Discord. Thanks!


Hi Myke, I organised these posts last month and already have a full list, but I will probably do something like this again in the future, so will let you know!