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Hello, everyone!

First of all, apologies for not keeping you updated sooner. Last week I was trying to put together a video while doing mighty battle with illness. It's that time of year where the weather dramatically fluctuates in my part of the world (it's -6 now and two days ago it was +20) and that messes with my body. Not to mention my sleep pattern, which has always been erratic at best.


Right now I have multiple options. I might just do a video about the next Cerebus graphic novel, Melmoth, just to get it out of the way in preparation for the final volume I intend to cover: Mothers & Daughters. But it's short so I'd like to supplement it with another video.

Also in the works is a video about the few instances where Steve Ditko *actually* spoke about the character, Mr. A. There's a scratchy piece of audio from 1987 that I transcribed and intend to read, as well as a portion of an interview he gave in 1968. Finally, it concludes with my take on the perception of Ditko in the public space. Specifically, the oddball loner with extreme views that kept him away from greater success. It was inspired by (and in part, a response to) Tom King's depiction of Ditko in Rorschach. 

I'm also picking away at a Personal Favourites type of script. And an in-depth look at King and Gerad's Mister Miracle series. And the Murphyverse. Not to mention, the travesty that is Avengers #200. 

So, there's a lot in the works. But, at this time, I'm unsure what's going to appear this week.



Dude. You’ve totally blown up Void Indigo! You received praise/recommendations from both Bronze & Modern Gods and Comic Tom 101! Congratulations!


I wonder if it's a distorted Streisand effect. That is, the video brought some attention to Void Indigo and that attention brought it to the attention of others who then influenced the price. Or something along those lines.