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Coming this week is a video that matches the graphic above. I'll be looking at the four launch titles of the new Ultimate Universe and seeing how they're doing at this point. Which are good and which are...less good? You'll find out soon!

Other projects I'm working on are:

The next Hellblazer video, which will be focused on the massive Paul Jenkins run. I've partially re-read, but I'm taking a bit of a break so I can keep a clear head about that portion of the series.

Due to some discussions in Discord, I've outlined something I've tentatively titled, An Alternate History Of Comics. While I've done a video specifically about the underground comix, this would be a look at the entire side story of the development of the undergrounds into the overgrounds/ground level comics into the alternative titles of the '80's. With a look at the black and white boom brought on by TMNT and ending with the formation of Image. At least, that's my current outline. It's a lot of research and everything is subject to change. But the point is to chart all the bits and pieces that established the Direct Market and the influence/role those titles played.

Also in the back of my head is doing a comic book iceberg. I think a general one (with comic book trivia) would be okay. But I'm trying to think of a character/team that might be a better option. At which point, I'd solicit your bits of knowledge! I'll probably do a dedicated thread on Discord once I get all the details settled in my brain.

All of that should keep me busy for a few weeks at least!



Titular Heroine

"...as a first draft for others to build on" "...foundation for the space of comic book history between, roughly, 1967 to 1993" That's really fascinating; interested to see where it goes!


Thank you! I figure, since that's an area that's really not been covered, there's likely a bunch of stuff I'll miss. That's why I would consider a first draft and others can add to it down the line.

Super Vader

Looking forward to the Hellblazer video and the TMNT story.