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This week I am finally going to upload the Q&A video I intended to make before I got sick and found myself flat on my back for almost two weeks. In fact, I'm still kind of sick. This damn virus is lingering and won't go away. But I'm working through it.

After that, I have more than a few that's scripted and waiting to be recorded. There's the final Cerebus video. A retrospective of Gerber in the 80's (which is going to be pretty damn long). Possibly a piece about Elektra: Assassin. And, when writing the previous Ditko video, I discovered a bit on Wikipedia that seems inaccurate and improperly sourced. So, I wrote a piece about trying to confirm that information.

That's about all I have on my brain this week. I will talk at you soon...


Super Vader

Looking forward to Gerber and hopefully a little more Ditko.

Titular Heroine

I'm glad you're on the mend -- these viruses floating around are nasty little beasts.