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Cold Clouds 1 - (Genshin Impact, Ganyu!SI)

Being reborn is such a bizarre phenomenon.

One moment you stop to be and… the next one, you are again. Just not as you were before. It is a clean slate, not an outright revival, but actually a reversal where only a fraction of what I had persisted. My mind was most of it, and my past perception remained within the body of a youngling.

It didn’t help that my birth was not a normal or mortal conception. I wasn’t born to humans, but rather to a… dragon? A giraffe? A fluffy entity that seemed far too big for me to have been inside before being born.

Still, I could tell it was my mother. And I could tell one thing- I know where I was as I could recognize this entity on the spot. A Qilin from Genshin Impact. A rare breed of Adepti conceived by Rex Lapis/Morax/Grandpa Money.

This means a lot of shit like the Heavenly Principles, its Sustainers, the upcoming Archon Wars, and even the Calamity. I was around the ‘calm before the storm’ as shit was soon going to hit Teyvat and drag me into this conflict somehow.

But for now, I was more intrigued by my new mother and her majestic cloud-like frame.

She was quite tired, resting beside me as something allowed for a blanket to be wrapped around me. Nice and cozy, it felt strangely nice to be pressing against such a massive and towering creature.

The nebulous realm above the clouds was indeed mesmerizing and sleep-inducing… I just couldn’t close my eyes before such a shocking situation. Maybe babies would do this if put through it, but I wasn’t a normal baby. And that didn’t seem to be on the mind of my new parent as she focused more on recovering over what had happened.

The floff was epic and pleasant to rub against, but as much as I had hoped for this to be the birth of an OC that had a Qilin mother, that maybe I was going to be a cousin to Ganyu and see the world from a similar yet different perspective than hers, I was given the cold and harsh truth from the get go.

First, however, I was given the sweetener, I am not sure how the breastfeeding unfolded- I just was coerced near a tit and started to suckle. Softly, gently and yet happily as what would have been unpleasant for a grown-ass man felt like the sweetest thing ever to fill my tiny stomach.

I didn’t count how many hours I spent with my new mother during this time as I didn’t expect to keep track of those to know how quickly she would leave me. I only know that she switched to her humane form, which resembled an ‘older-looking’ Ganyu without horns, and she penned what looked to be a scroll.

It was neatly wrapped up, then put around my neck through a necklace as she gave me one last look and offered me a mournful look. That was something haunting as I could tell what was up. I was not going to stay here for long, and I had no clue on why that was it.

“I am sorry, little one. But… you can’t stay here.”

I could understand her just fine, and I wanted to protest the sudden decision to kick me out of the nest without reason. She didn’t give me reason, she just looked sad and then shifted to her fluffier form.

Gone was the warmth as she took me on her back, flying in the sky as she descended several feets away from the lovely isolation she had created for… herself.

Maybe it was my past life’s pettiness coming through, but I couldn’t get it. Why? What did I do to deserve this beyond being born?

I couldn’t utter those words- my mind failing to push my newborn’s tonsils to work as intended. I could just gurgle and be upset. And that was all. The noise was lost in the wind, and, by the time we got to our destination, I was too spent to push any further.

I just gave her an upset look, one that she returned with a slightly sorrowful one. Was there also guilt? Hesitation? Could I make her hesitate long enough to-

She was leaving me. Her face showed resolve- my mother was no longer wavering in ditching me like this. I couldn’t protest, I could just stare and judge as a little thing like me should.

I am sorry.


I am so sorry.


But she was just gone. She knocked just once at the door which front she left me at, and then departed rapidly, unwilling to face a potentially painful reunion to whom I could tell was my father.

The door opened and it revealed a man of Asian descent with brown hair and piercing violet with a Chinese outfit. He looked far from old, maybe in his early thirties- he had glasses and he appeared surprised to see me at his doorstep.

“And who may you be, hm?” He asked with a perplexed tone, before then taking notice of the scroll around my neck.

I was getting a bit fussy over the upsetting circumstance. I was tired, I had been abandoned and suddenly we were inside the house. He left me by the kitchen, resting on a table as he studied the content of the letter.

I didn’t feel hungry or anything, but the grumpiness wasn’t going away. I was noticing only now that I was ‘missing’ something quite important. Something that I should be feeling between my legs to some extent and-

“Hm, your name… what a precious name. I guess you are my daughter-”



I am a baby girl?!



Cue the most insane walk through Liyue/Guili and beyond to try and fix/fuck/destroy the plot left and right.

Expect a lot of Yuri Pairings.



How could you abandon this baby! You truly have no soul!


I want Zhongli to petrify when baby Ganyu calls him papa, and everyone else to rag on him about it. It’s an easy joke, but sometimes it’s easy because it works