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Submissive Girls with Tools 3 - (Male-On-Futa/Futasub Stories)

Episode: ‘Another Kind of Revolution: The Colorful Team (1)’

Warning! All characters are aged up. Ruby is 18, while the others are 19.

Join a School for Huntsmen as a Supporter, they said. You will not be handling tough situations and make a lot of money, they also said.

By they, I mean my parents, and by School for Huntsmen I mean Beacon Academy. To be fair, I could have been a regular Huntsman, but I was told that I just lacked the mindset.

I had aura, a modest ability that guaranteed some water manipulation when I was focusing enough to use it, and I was… Well, I had a mediocre shotgun compared to the combined guns used by others.

My name is Sino Sepia and I would say that life decided to give me a strange hand of cards when I got into Beacon. After all, I did succeed in the graduation test but, on a rare occasion where the list of new students was uneven and I failed to get a teammate, I was sorted into the one team I collaborated the most during our eventful trip in the Emerald Forest.

Team RWBYS was, by all means, the ‘dream team’ for any guy at first glance. All girls, all cute in their own ways and also quite socially nice despite a few bumps in the last few days of starting the first year at Beacon.

Lessons are bearable, grades are acceptable but… I was caught in a bit of a development I doubt many were aware about if they didn’t personally know those girls.

They weren’t exactly normal girls but… futanaris. It came as a surprise as I had nothing to prepare me for that first morning at Beacon as a team when I saw Yang walking out of the bathroom, wearing just an orange shirt and a flaccid bulge showing on her thin black panties.

Then there was Weiss huffing and scolding Yang for not ‘being a decent person and using masculine underwear like she did’, which confirmed her as a futa too. Blake tried to use her book to hide the tent she was pitching through her kimono sleepwear, while Ruby…

Well, the girl had a stiff boner that was making a fairly big tent through her sweatpants, causing her to try and cover it by pulling her black shirt down and… showing her breasts some more.

All in all, a chaotic mess, but one that I learned to get accustomed to. And that I had to be quiet about since Jaune, someone I befriended in the airship taking us to Beacon, was actually into Weiss and didn’t know she had a mast herself.

Despite how odd of a detail this was, I saw nothing really changing from my initial understanding that I would have to share a single room and a single bathroom with girls. Especially since they still took ages to get through their morning rituals.

A week into school also raised a concerning issue: I couldn’t find a time of peace in that room or, really, anywhere else. Beacon didn’t have a space where I could do what a man needed to do once in a while, and I would say that was stressful. The fact that I lived with four gorgeous ladies made it even more awkward for me to handle but…

The Gods seemed to listen to my plight.

Between lessons, it was reasonable to find time to hit the school gym. It was definitely an upgrade compared to the one back home, and it helped keep up with my training despite not taking part in combat classes.

All was nice and well despite a few sights here and there of some older students getting caught getting handsy with one another, but then I came to realize Ruby was also someone that frequented the school gym too.

I had expected Yang, but she hardly spent any hour there since she would train solo, so Ruby was indeed a surprise to find there from time to time. She would leave before the end of each hourly session, pretty much getting hard seeing so many girls and boys sweating up and getting hot.

Poor girl clearly had no understanding of how to masturbate, which was really tragic since I could see Yang and their father never telling her about it. However, that was bound to change right as this week came to an end and-


I blinked, glancing on the side as I was pacing on a treadmill and spotting a very flustered Ruby. “Hi Ruby.”

She nodded quickly. “H-Hi, can- can I ask you something? As f-friend.”

“Sure?” I half-answered half-asked as I tried to make sense of why she would need my attention and she had a boner.

“Can you… Can you teach me to… you know.”

“Deal with the gun in your pants?” I asked cheekily, causing her to huff and… nod. “Really? Shouldn’t that be Yang’s responsibility?”

“She said that I should just wait for marriage. I didn’t ask Weiss since she already is upset with me and Blake is… Well, Blake.”

“Sounds reasonable,” I nodded in agreement to that explanation. “I can help, but I want to establish two rules.”

Her silver eyes widened in delight. “Sure.”

“First, you need to learn self-control once I teach you how to handle that, ‘kay?”

She nodded.

“Also, if you need privacy to do that, you can ask me.”

That actually made Ruby frown. “W-Why?”

“Well, I have been trying to handle my own stuff too, but a single individual keeping in a room alone does cast suspicion, two however? And one of which is someone as ‘innocent’ as you are? No one would cause trouble.”

The girl took a moment to think about it and then smiled.

“I think that’s okay,” She confirmed. “So, what do we do for… this?”

I stopped the treadmill, and glanced at the counter. And then thought about the map of Beacon.

“Not here. This place has cameras everywhere,” I remarked quietly as I knew the Gym had been hit enough times by ‘pervert exhibitionists’ to warrant cameras in all rooms. “But I have an idea where.”

While the Gym tended to have people to see and report for indecency, the library was actually a safe haven for some depravation. If you were to go in there with some fellow classmates to study in one of the available rooms there, you are hardly checked and the study rooms are not put under surveillance.

No one ever thought of changing that for some reason but… it was convenient.

So, despite looking as if we had finished a marathon just now, the librarian gave us a perplexed look and just took the excuse we forgot to study for a test to grant us the study room we were asking for.

The door was closed as soon as we got in, and I locked it with the key we were given. Ruby looked extremely nervous, still hiding her boner with the towel I gave her as her shirt wasn’t going to cut as a cover.

“S-So, what now?”

“First thing first, Scrolls away,” I hummed, taking mine and turning it off before setting it down by the table in the middle of the room. Ruby followed my steps and looked in a calmer mood. “This means that none of us is trying to trick each other. No blackmail or any of that. Got it?”

She nodded, offering a tiny smile before tensing up as she saw me drop my pants and underwear.

“Y-You are-”

“I can’t exactly help you with it if in the end I will pop a boner too, Rubes. I am not going to do anything wrong with you. Trust me.”

Ruby nodded, but the girl looked slightly reluctant in just pulling her dick out of one of  her pants’ leg holes. It was modestly big and-

“Y-You’re bigger than Yang,” Ruby blurted out, possibly as a compliment. I actually took it as one.

“Really? I thought she was bigger.”

She shook her head, cheeks now burning red. “She- she is a bit smaller than you actually.” She mumbled while glancing at my hardened dick, then gulping nervously as she saw me stroking my length. “I-Is that what I have to do?”

“Slowly, but yes.”

Nodding at my words, Ruby reached for her penis and carefully started to rub along it with her hand. Shudders spread all over her body, her eyes slightly aimed first at her dick as she kept up track with me and then she was ogling at my masturbation.

With that kind of attention, it was kind of tough to not get extra into it, but while I expected her to last a little longer, I had underestimated Ruby’s pent-up stress as she was already reaching for the towel as she felt her ejaculation coming.

“I-It’s close,” She muttered weakly, her face so sexy as she came hard into the towel.

Ruby appeared quite relieved by the clean closure to her first round of masturbation, but noticed that I had yet to be done. She allowed me to claim the towel, but she was confused by what I asked her to do.

“Could you sit on the table and… give me a view of your butt?”

Surprise flared on her expression. “R-Really? Why?”

“Well, you are cute and exciting, and I am very close.”

I may have gone a bit far about it, but I was actually underestimating Ruby again. Despite her hesitation, the girl took position, ditching her shoes and sitting there with her butt exposed through her shorts… so was her dick as it was hardening again at the idea of being a subject of masturbation.

It didn’t take too long for me to cum on the towel too, but soon a bigger issue came up- neither of us was seeing our boners ceasing to get rock hard.

“We- we have a few more hours. So… we can try until we get it under control.”

Ruby nodded, her dick throbbing happily as each effort we took would see some boundaries slipping away. First it was proximity, then it was touching as our dicks were now being rubbed together and then she instinctively leaned in for a kiss.

It was an intense and steamy masturbation session, with the pace growing more and more unstable until.

“Y-You ready, baby.”

She nodded happily, licking my lips before answering and kissing me again. “Y-Yes~!

We came one last hard time onto the towel, finalizing the impressive and lengthy session but also calming down our own libido for the time being. After being done cleaning up and leaving the library without gaining any suspicious look, I realized Ruby was holding my hand and-

“Are- Are we dating now?”

“...I suppose we are.”

Her eyes widened excitedly, and then she suddenly deflated.


“We can’t tell Yang. She would go crazy.”

I nodded in agreement, familiar with the blonde’s fierce moments. “I guess we can go on dates during weekends, making it more like ‘supplying for the team.’”

The girl beamed at the idea, and hugged my arm closer to her chest as we retreated to our dorm room.

While we were quite cautious about our ‘clandestine’ relationship to the point of no one seemingly suspecting a thing, it wouldn’t take too long for a certain Schnee Heiress to pick up how her partner was suddenly distracted by something else.



I can’t help but imagine this sort of plot, if expanded, becoming its own story. Still, for now, it’s stuck here and it will be followed by, you know, Weiss getting ‘corrected’ by Ruby and Sino.



Me encanta y espero a futuro pueda tener su historia. // Que tal una historia las Sailors Scouts y nuestro querido "J" "ayudándoles a entrenar" sus cuerpos.


Great chapter and am honestly super excited to see possible interactions with the rest of the team! As for suggestions: Helluva Boss insert with Luna constantly horny from the sexual smells from Blitzø, Mozie, and Millie and ends up trying to take it out on the Insert(maybe Secretary?) and it ends up with him seeing through her actions and finding the root cause and making her into a good girl; or could be her after the hellhound party and being found by the MC depressed, angry, and pent-up with the MC trying to help her out and ends up with her divulging she’s a Futa thinking he’ll find her repulsive or weird only to end up with the MC giving her plenty of comfort and making her his good girl Since I’ve got Vizzieverse in my mind maybe an Insert where he is a Sinner in the Happy Hotel(or maybe just a human trapped in Hell that Charlie took in?) and finds a stressed and pent-up Charlie due to her dreams falling apart (for Vaggie relationship maybe have them close but not to a relationship status due to both being futas and afraid the other will dislike them if they found out?) and ends up having a therapy session with her that ends up with the Insert helping her ‘relieve’ her stress. Maybe a sequel where Vaggie finds out and ends with all them helping each other Re:Zero Insert where all the Dragon Maidens are Futas and the MC is a butler/knight to Emilia (pre-canon) and ends up with Emilia being worried and confused on what her erection is after waking up with morning wood with the MC having to teach her about the birds and the bees(since Puck absolutely refuses to talk to her about and close to that subject) as well as helping her find relief like any good butler/knight would

Pedro Jose Bello Belen

For the last one hope we get Futa Natsumi instead of Subaru later on added as well XP Really through all wonderful ideas and would love to see them all!^^