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Submissive Girls with Tools 2 - (Male-On-Futa/Futasub Stories)

Episode: ‘Archonate Masts: The Water Lily (1)’

The journey from Sumeru to Fontaine proved to be far more impervious than I had expected, yet I knew this was still the best path to take.

The first sign that the Grand Sage was starting some sort of experiment tied to the Akasha System had urged me to remove my connection, my presence and physically leave the premises of the region. I had been aware of some shady deals, but I had been unable to perceive the full scope of this, knowing only that it would entertain the manipulation of consciences.

My plan to escape Sumeru was a cowardly move by some extent, but one that I couldn’t do more about since my low level within the Akademiya limited my chance of stopping whatever was happening.

What I could do was move away until things were calmer back home. I didn’t have any family, not many friends, and my research could be continued in Fontaine as it related to marine biology.

So I was quite devoid of ties that anchored me to my home as I took for the harsh journey through the desert, and then through the small sea connecting Sumeru to my destination.

The Court was deemed by many as a ‘downgrade’ compared to Sumeru, but I knew better than to trust what I found on the Akasha System as it could have been mere fake information meant to dissuade any departure before those experiments.

And as I reached the place, I could tell that it was indeed a different place compared to what the documents I found called it to be: the Court was relatively ‘smaller’ than Sumeru, but it lacked a major biome-related change beyond the existence of underwater structures.

The boat I took was led by a Melusine- one that was a bit clumsy in her explanations, but overall exhaustive regarding her work in providing tidbits that cleared up some questions about Fontaine as a whole.

As I arrived at the proper Court, I managed to get directions to their government’s offices to validate my paperwork. Surprisingly enough the process of naturalization was somewhat easier to achieve- far easier I would say compared to Sumeru’s own strict standards.

But while that may have sounded like a good thing, the truth was that the resulting paperwork lacked one thing that I was quick to find concerning.

“What about research grants?”

“Those are handled by research academies, monsieur,” The little Melusine standing by the counter answered. She wasn’t to blame for this- I should have known better than to expect this to be the same as it would in Sumeru.

The Akademiya was in charge, thus research grants were allowed to researchers that moved into the country. But Fontaine’s Intellectual Class was something else. It wasn’t on top of the game as a legislative sect, and it lacked the means to enable a society where researchers and sages gained funds for their efforts.

Thus, instead of beating myself over it, I spent the rest of the day trying to find someplace to work in. I barely left the walls, thinking that Fontaine would have a place for me to work at. A purpose too, but the process shredded that hopeless attempt.

One thing that the Akasha System hadn’t lied about Fontaine was their interest to enforce perfect employment for their natives. Since I was a foreigner, such a practice wasn’t followed for me.

There was no opening, no space, nothing that could allow me to find a temporary work solution as none of the available academies sought out new members. They had limited budgets, thus they couldn’t have too many researchers at work.

I soon realized, as the skies darkened, that I was going to be unemployed, homeless, and pretty much worthless to this society until I found some lowly job to entertain and make a name for myself.

I had money but no purpose as I sat by one of the quarters within the court, the darkness shrouding the stars as I felt like I was being punished or something.

I suppose it makes sense since I left Sumeru like a coward.

There was peace and quiet at first, the loudness of the streets making space to silence as people retreated to their homes. Various activities had ended their late shifts, thus closing down for the day and further reducing the presence of people around.

One thing I was glad about was that Fontaine was safe enough to wander around at nighttime. The Gardes acted as an efficient police force to keep troublemakers from causing trouble, and many didn’t dare to commit any heinous act out of fear of being instantly hurled to the Merope Fortress after a lengthy trial against them.

It was safe and all but… How did ‘this’ happen?

“How much?” A feminine voice asked, holding out a bag of Mora in front of me as I had been distracted in my thoughts for a while.

Raising my gaze, I frowned at the question. “What?”

She huffed. “How much for your service, monsieur?”

A fool would have thought of this as a job opportunity as a researcher. I knew that the context was actually far more awkward. I could tell this hooded woman thought I was a courtesan or something.

“I-I am-” I tried to find my voice in rejecting this, but then I realized I would need a way to keep my finances afloat.

And while I wasn’t exactly proud of this, I knew better than to say no to this sort of indecent offer. I needed the money, she clearly wanted pleasure and I was fine with that sort of degrading task.

“Depends on what you ask, madame.”

The girl went a bit stiff, then hummed and finally nodded. “I-I suppose that makes sense. Follow me.”

Before I could have asked where she was taking me, the woman took me by the hand and led me around the court. We dodged the few Gardes’ agents around, the lady knowing perfectly where to go without drawing attention and soon she took me to what looked to be quite the humble flat.

There wasn’t much around and it was fitting for a woman living on her own and… a pretty one at that. Her heterochromic eyes stood out to me, but it was her white hair with blue bangs that made me feel like I have seen her before.

“You will have to please me.”

I nodded as I saw her sit by the bed, unfastening her short pants and then pausing by her underwear.

“S-So, you are not going to judge, okay?!”

That request confused me, but as I nodded and she dropped her underwear, I realized why she may have felt somewhat nervous about this. The throbbing dick that I was introduced to was definitely a surprise, but I wasn’t unfamiliar with the so-called ‘dickgirls’.

In Sumeru there were quite a few of those that stood out, and while some aristocrats were quite opposed to them, it was also true that some were also rumored to seek the warmth of some of those ladies with penises.

I was quite neutral to this, and yet I was a bit surprised since it was the first time I met a dickgirl. I studied the shivering tool from a closer spot, humming over its girth and size.

The length was a few inches smaller in size than mine, but it was thick and quite peculiar with its bluish tip. Humane in looks despite the odd color at the head, and, as I reached to grasp it, I realized how soft it was.

Soft and delicate. Soft and also a bit ‘weak’.

Shuddering, the young woman offered a muffled moan and the reaction caught me slightly off-guard due to how ‘intense’ it was despite the little action I made. Was she that pent-up?

While I wasn’t exactly an expert in rubbing dicks beyond mine, I couldn’t help but feel this was a bit easy to handle. It was so feminine due to its velvety texture as I proceeded to rub it at a steadily increasing pace.

The girl was shuddering, twitching and growing noisier as she leaned down to better enjoy the service. Despite her words trying to brag about her size, I could tell she was about to cum no more than ten minutes into the pleasure.

Was she a virgin?

She sure was behaving like one and I quite got a lot of cream soaring on the sky as I noticed a peculiar detail ‘behind’ her scrotum. I touched the hairless balls to check as I noticed a hint of wetness on the rear as they were hiding what appeared to be a pretty pussy.

As I checked, my soft touch of her testes was enough to cause her to climax. Streams of white traveled upward and then down to her jacket. She looked quite gratified by the pleasure, but her dick was still hard despite the cumshot.

“Up for more?”

She slowly nodded, removing her upper clothes and hat before turning belly down and raising her butt up. The girl truly had a pussy, one that was leaking copious amounts of girlcum over her balls.

I reached out for her penis again, the soft thing hardening at my touch while I found myself mesmerized by the pleasant fragrance coming off her cunt. I could tell she was a virgin with her dick, but I have a feeling this dickgirl was also a virgin by her pretty lower lips.

“M-More~,” She begged softly, and I felt a smile creep on my face as I brought my face closer to her buns.

“More?” I asked quietly, my warm breath soon ripping through her body as it tickled her exposed slit. “Do you want me to milk you more, you naughty girl?”

Her moans were growing more relentless, and she shuddered as each word landed some more warmth upon her naughty hole. She came hard again, but she didn’t say anything as I kept on milking her cock dry with my hand, ignoring the cumstain she was leaving under her groin.

“I said,” I hummed, feeling more bold at how submissive she was as I leaned even closer to her groin. “Do-” Smooch~ “You-” Smooch~ “Want-” Smooch “To-” Smooch “Be-” Smooch “Milked~?”

The girl was shaking uncontrollably. “Yes- Yes~! Milk me~! I need- ah~ I need  this~! Please… love me more~.”

That last bit sounded closer to a sob than a moan and it kind of surprised me enough to bring me out of the horny fuck for a moment. It was clear this girl had issues so… maybe I should treat her more gently.

“I see, then stay put as I make you cum a lot, you pretty girl.”

The compliment had a reaction as her cock hardened again and I started to put more effort in slurping that naughty virgin hole. The girl was cumming a lot, widening the cumpool and draining her balls some more before ultimately calling it quits.

As she got a tiny break, I thought about what happened before I drained her fully and decided to hit hard on something that could give me a lot of cash in return of comfort to this girl.

“The Lover’s Whispers? What’s that?” The girl inquired, eyes wide and yet shy as she curiously studied my words.

“It’s a practice in Sumeru where courtesans provide comfort to their clients. It’s not sexual, but it is intended to give the client an outlet to emotional stress.”

The young woman appeared conflicted, but she slowly nodded. “How does it work?”

Soon the girl, still nude, was resting her head on my lap, my hand resting by her side and caressing her hair away. All that came from my mouth was cheesy and simple pep-talking. Nothing really meaningful as I really didn’t know what was up with her so I couldn’t be precise with my words but… it seemed to work.

At first, the young woman was tense as she listened, whispering some self-loathing through and through, but I easily swatted that away and…

And now she is crying on my lap.

I didn’t ask her what it was all about. I thought that could have fucked the moment, and I could tell that she was working through it within that moment. The ‘moment’ lasted a full hour, and she almost fell asleep before realizing I was still there.

“T-Thank you,” She mumbled with a spent voice. “I… I like this. And I know it’s unusual but…” She paused, eyes closed momentarily and then she delivered the offer with a convinced tone. “Do you want to work for me?”


“I-I mean, I understand that as a courtesan you may find it weird but… you can be my assistant-”

“I would be fine with that,” I answered.

“And then there are the benefits of being… wait, really?”

“Well, I don’t exactly know who you are or what your work is, lady, but I can tell you are well-meaning and possibly well-mannered at work. I wouldn’t mind having that as a boss.”

She beamed at my kind words, and then frowned. “W-Wait, you don’t know who I am?”

“I just arrived here from Sumeru today,” I admitted sheepishly. “I am sorry for missing out on your identity, miss-

“Furina. I am the Hydro Archon.”

Oh. Oh fuck.

And thus I became the assistant (and lover) of the amazing (and quite submissive) Hydro Archon.



Furina gets sexual, moral and emotional boost pre-Archon Quests. When Lumine comes by in Fontaine, things will play out interestingly. But things may start getting ‘crazy’ as soon as Clorinde gets involved in this.

Suggestions are welcome!



Hi, I know that this is probably unusual JustBukarin, but is there any chance you could send me a message? I have an idea for a story I'd like to talk about, but every time I try to send you a direct message, my app sends me on a wild goose chase. I understand if it's not doable though.


Artist for the futa farina