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Stop it, I want to save the World - or ‘Trying to be a Good Aizen, but these furred people ain’t letting me!’ (Sonic Archie Comics, Aizen!SI)

At the beginning, there was light and it wasn’t God.

At least, not in the way many would call it a sign of the divine. It was the sun, and I was somewhere in the open. Grass surrounded me and the blanket kept me warm and protected… and I could tell I was also nude.

Normally, that should be enough to panic like a motherfucker, yet my mind was… sluggish. My body was also troubled by its capacity to move as I just was stuck to shake and ‘growl’ quietly.

Something wasn’t right, and I had further confirmation of this when I heard voices approaching my general location. At first, it was a dissonant bunch of noises bearing no meaning, but soon they got close enough for me to hear what was up.

“The guards were right. It’s a baby,” A womanly voice stated, and I felt my brain cringe.

The hell you mean ‘a baby’? And while part of me wanted to rule this as a non-proof that I was indeed a baby, I finally saw the source of that approaching voice and… awakening as a baby didn’t feel that weird.

Not when the woman that spoke to me was an anthro squirrel with an appearance strikingly similar to Sonic characters.

Meet Alicia Acorn. Queen of Mobius, wife of King Maximillian, mother of Prince Elias and… mine now. Sally Acorn, a more familiar name, would be born two years after I was found but… the situation at that point was quite simple.

I had been turned into a baby, left in the garden of the Royal Castle of Mobius and I was suddenly adopted by the Royal Family despite my appearance.

Truth be told, part of me was dreading the meaning behind such a situation considering that the dislike for humans was a common piece of knowledge in Mobius. Not much for the classic reasons, but rather because humans were known isolationists and rather aggressive against Mobian diplomatic endeavors.

Some advisors were quite eager to see me given the boot, but the Queen made a solid front, and Maximillian was too good of a guy and too short-tempered to actually give a shit about what they were telling him.

Now, I would have been more concerned about getting yeeted into this world’s humanity but… but I would say I had something else sticking by the blanket which I was found in. A name that was then used to call me.


Bleach’s main antagonist in several of the series’ early Major Arcs, masterful genius, powerful Shinigami that was flawed by outrageous amounts of greed and ambition. I was supposedly him… but as a baby. And supposedly a human?

Aizen was, after all, a Shinigami- those were not mere humans and their powers made them stand out compared to the rest. Yet, nothing could be confirmed at once as I found myself stuck within a body that was infantile, lacking bowel control and unable to grasp the capacity to speak properly.

So, I was properly adopted, I met my big brother who was actually happy to have a sibling to play with, and yet he wasn’t bound to be ‘interested’ in me for long as he would soon be more intrigued about walking around and be a boy that could walk.

Two years went by as I endured the years of being a baby, and I would say that things were going well for me. I was tended properly since I wasn’t that fussy of a toddler thus I wasn’t exactly given the ‘tired as shit, but still being a good parent’ look from either my new mother or Rosie, the royal children’s nanny and caretaker.

I was a ‘good boy’, and became gooder when I learned to get my potty training down to perfection. Humiliating, there was no doubt in that, but it was a first step in the right direction. And as I was happily settled in the family, little Sally was born.

Ah yes, the tomboy princess that Sega seemed to hate the guts of was born a healthy baby with just a tuft of red hair atop her head. The first time I met her was pretty much when she got settled in the same crib as me.

At this point, she was sleepy and clearly unresponsive to the fact her mother had just left her in the crib with me. Now, I am not a genius in pedagogical affairs, but I am good enough to remember my previous mom complaining that I tended to cry a lot when she wasn’t around since I could notice when ‘her smell was not around’.

Since a baby is a baby and they could barely discern people from their faces alone, smell was the best way for them to know who was who. And since Sally was a few days old, I decided that it was best to create some ‘solid foundation’ of my existence in her mind from the get-go.

Hugging her, sleep-cuddling with her, or even just resting beside her were priorities when I was in the crib with her. After all, our mother was stuck with the job of ‘high diplomat’ since our father was dog-shit in keeping his temper at bay and tended to fuck up diplomatic circumstances when he was young- before mom stepped in and helped up.

So, Sally cried a few times early on, giving poor Rosie quite a lot of hell, but this was temporary. Not ‘temporary enough’ to prevent Elias from getting a bit ‘awkward’ in being around the crib and checking on us but temporary enough to let me have some peaceful slumber while I nurtured a good relationship with my baby sister. And yes, I know, I was a year older than her, but my mind was my mind, so I called dibs on the ‘super-old brother’ tag. For the time being.

Soon I was four, and I was well out of the crib with Sally and we were closer to Elias. Speaking of our older brother, the nervous crown prince had started sparring. Nothing extreme or proper combat, but he was being taught how to defend himself.

I would be given this opportunity the next year, and I looked forward to seeing if I had a knack for swords as my understanding of energy right now was abysmal. I could ‘perceive’ people, but those had to be within a certain range and I had to be fully focused and meditating to perceive them.

Still, I was also able to read from books, check around the palace and, eventually, I would be able to tag along with mom’s diplomatic endeavors from time to time if I keep on being a ‘good boy’.

Rosie was a bit fussy over the idea of letting me go into the world, but mother was understanding as ‘she wouldn’t let me be out of her sight anytime during those circumstances’. A bit eerie, but it was better than trying to keep Sally from bawling her eyes out in trying to keep me at the castle since…

Well, I was manly enough to not be upset about playing with her and her dolls. Elias was too much of a ‘tough guy’ to do that, but I really didn’t see the issue.

Hell, some of Sally’s tall-legged dolls were soon turned into swords by removing the legs since Sally was a tomboy for sure as she favored small pants to skirts even though she liked to be ‘pretty’ during parties.

Beyond those tiny bumps along the road, stuff was shaping to be some of the calmest childhoods I could have asked for in terms of a second life… and then I was reminded that I was on a time limit when father had us prepare as someone was invited to be a ‘royal advisor’.

And I was holding back a livid and murderous look when I saw that dipshit of an overlander that is Julian Kintobor from the House of Ivo- but many would know him as Dr. Ivo Robotnik and, sooner than later, Dr. Eggman.


Draconic Hermit

Ironically enough, Aizen!Bucca would embody the good qualities of Order here. And considering the bullshit that happens when the Embodiments of Order and Chaos (the latter being Sonic of course) put their vendetta aside and work together even momentarily, I can see Aizen and Sonic, no matter the form the hedgehog may or may not take here, becoming a nigh unstoppable team given time.


I forgot to mention as it was something for later, but some characters have been R63'd as per request of the Patron that advanced that suggestion. Sonic is now a she and may want to 'protect the Prince' more than he really needs it.

Draconic Hermit

Honestly, that just makes the title hilariously on point. Though it doesn't change how I think that the moments where Sonic actually let's him help her out as an equal are gonna be just as epic as when Sonic and Eggman teams up in Frontiers: Final Horizon, just the context of why she and Aizen don't do so.


*Sneezes loudly* Sonic is behind him with medicine

Pedro Jose Bello Belen

Looking forward to more of this, and will there be stuff from other Sonic Timelines here as well like, say, Sage? And what of the Archie Megaman Crossovers let alone Smash Bros?