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The Wholesome Latias Experience 2 - or ‘I swear, this Pokémon Copypasta is worthy of the Most Wholesome around’ (Pokémon, SI)

It was morning… and it was time for the usual flight around the perimeter of our home.

After settling in our little place of isolation and comfort, we really didn’t have much to trouble ourselves with. Call it me being selfish, but I really found it easier to not engage in the whole chosen one spiel, or any timeline bullshit I may have to face.

Nah, Latias and I had a shared goal: enjoy life of comfort without being outrageously lazy about it.

So, the patrol wasn’t exactly a needed thing considering we were quite isolated from other humans, with Latias’ speedy flight allowing us to move around fast and without getting intercepted by anyone.

Still, it was fair to say that this world has a tendency to screw with people, and while peace had reigned in this little heaven for a while now, there was no reason to expect things to keep quiet for too long.


IT’S SO COOOOOOOOOOLLLL!” I exclaimed loudly, cackling wildly while Latias was rushing through the air, almost breaking the sound barrier but also not because that would actually fuck me up in the worst way possible.

It was a shared pleasure as it made for a good way to shred away what little sleepiness is left in us both so we could start our day accordingly. Once that patrol, it was time to check the garden, the plants and finally if everything was alright with the sunlight panels and independent hydraulic pump providing water to the entire house.

All was as it should be, so I walked back to the house and looked at what we could do today. Latias floated right behind me, head tilting left and right before we both contemplated our current schedule.

“We could get ourselves some more berries for the fields,” I offered, Latias nodding as we pondered what batch we could go for, but before we had something settled for, we both paused at the distinct noise of someone tapping… on the window right beside us?

Latias and I turned at the same time to greet… a pink furred thing floating in front of the window. The blue eyes and feline appearance cemented what we were looking at.

“Oh, that’s Mew.”

“Why is… Mew at our place?”

Panic roused by this unexpected development, but as we both drew closer to the window, I saw how irregular the floating was and how tired-looking the pink thing appeared to be. Right as I opened the window, Mew collapsed into my welcoming arms and… the fuck?

I turned to Latias as Mew was now soundly asleep in my arms… and I kind of felt clueless on what we needed to do.

“I guess today we’re dealing with this,” I mumbled, and it was kind of like that. I sat on the couch, Latias settled right beside me as we both were mesmerized by the sight of Mew slumbering like that.

It was like a cat- a cat that was responsible for either the beginning of everything or for producing Arceus. So tiny, so pink, and generally innocent-looking. Even my awareness of this cute thing’s prankster nature was lost as I tried to understand what happened there.

It had gone through a fight, this much we could both see, but my brain was stuck to the detail. Which fight? A canon one? Did it face Mewtwo? Had I been hurled into the anime?

Also… Is Mew a Boy or a Girl? Or neither?

Like, those are reasonable questions. But I couldn’t exactly ask or check myself. I had been worried that more than just sitting idle and letting the pink Pokémon sleep was all it needed to recover- but nah, changes were happening.

Small cuts were receding into nothingness as if they hadn’t been there before. The fur regained some glistening hue, and the overall slumber lacked any form of disturbance, the thing enjoying the position it was stuck with and ultimately dragging this seemingly intense staring for a few hours.

At a certain point, however, Latias got a bit envious of not getting headpats, so she coaxed me to reach out with my free hand and pat her head until this situation was over. And let me just say that staying put like that, albeit adorable, took seven hours to end.

I was lucky to have not drink much and to have already peed earlier that day, so I was able to endure sitting there, going through the chores of being the ‘emotional’ support to a certain patslut and the tactical ‘human couch pillow’ to a baby Pokémon that fathered/mothered the rest of Pokékind (or just Arceus).

Yet, the circumstances saw a change. Yawning softly, Mew stirred from its sleep, pearly blue eyes awakening to the situation it was in and… it smiled.

"Meeeeew~!" A relatively purred noise came from the pink entity and I hummed. I turned to Latias and saw she had fallen asleep.

I think now’s a good time to ask questions.

“Hello there… so, can you explain what’s up?” I asked and Mew… nodded. “How about I ask ‘yes and no’ questions and you either nod or shake your head?”

It gave another nod, good.

“Okay… first, you know I am not from around?”

A confident nod.

“You are tied to what brought me here?”

Mew nodded with the same tone.

“Were you the one that brought me here?”

It shook its head. That got me frowning.

“Was it Arceus?”

A nod.


Shrug. I have a feeling Mew just didn’t linger around enough to know.

“I see… Well, what happened to you? Did you fight someone?”

Mew nodded with a tiny sheepish look.

“Was it… Mewtwo?”

Double nod.

“...Do you know this is fictional where I come from?”

A smile and a nod. Wow, that’s a weird reaction to being told they were fake.

“And you decided to come here because you could use this place as a refuge?”

A solid nod, and I hummed.

“Am I like your own version of ‘that buddy that will always give me the couch or bed to crash for the night’?”

A nod, and I almost facepalm.

“That makes… somewhat sense. So, you’re just going to pass by once in a while to claim the couch?”

A shake of head, I raised an eyebrow in disbelief and then I saw it give me a smug look.

“Oh, you also mean using me as a human pillow.”


“You’re adorable, but you’re being a little too smug here, pinkster,” I hummed, poking at its nose. “Also, are you a boy or a girl?”

Suddenly and abruptly, Mew’s eyes widened at the question and… it shrugged.


A giggle erupted from the amused Pokémon and soon it floated out of my lap and floated out of the window. It took a moment to wave ‘bye bye’ and then just… left. I stared at the window for a moment, then at the ceiling and then down to the sleeping Latias.

It sure feels like nothing much has happened today but… oh well, it was a good day nonetheless.



Ah yes, it’s not like now Mew will feel entitled to yank these two through the movies or something. Next stop… Shamouti Island!?



Must boop the mew snoot

Alex McGregor

...careful Mew may just decide that your now there chosen human so you get to go on quests they need done... which could be anything from go get me some berries to go save the world because Ash is somewhere else saving it from something else currently lol