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Are we really friends? 7 - or ‘So, I got inserted in a NTR Victim’s body but… I am kind of not upset since I don’t know these girls?’ (Original Hentai NTR Subversion, SI!Victim(?))

It was the day. It was the moment where all attachments to father’s old life will be severed.

No more secrets, no chance for the bastards to track us down and no way for my life to get screwed ever again. I reached the park early. I was nervous- I should have waited somewhere near rather than just sit by one of the benches. I had my eyes on my phone, messaging with Satsuki as she had skipped school… and she wasn’t answering my messages.

Something didn’t feel right, and I was planning to check on her once I was done with this messy shit at once. As the correct hour struck, I noticed someone approaching the bench. Not an adult, but a child. One holding a map and… giving me a familiar smile. Blonde hair, blue eyes… oddly familiar.

“Oh, if it isn’t Oniichan!”

…I don’t know this loli. What the fuck?

“It’s been so long, Oniichan! Do you have mama’s paperwork with you?”

…They recruit kids? Actually, scratch that. Kids would probably make sense as reasonable agents considering how amoral some aspects of society in Japan truly were.

“I actually do. Here.”

Her smile widened as I gave her the briefcase with the items that the agency wanted but-

“Actually… should I have put in other items that were not relevant to the paperwork but-”

“Nah, any toys are finders keepers if they aren’t about work stuff,” The blonde assured mirthfully. “Still, thanks for being so polite, Oniichan!”

I can sense the fake sweetness from that. I merely nodded and she left me. And the gun with the ammo boxes. Why the hell were they doing that? I was quite confused about this but… I decided to leave the park, and call at Satsuki’s home for info.

I had this gut feeling something bad was going to soon happen, and I just needed her at home and away from trouble.

Hm? Isn’t Satsuki-chan spending the day at your house? She sent me a message saying that.

She totally did not but… this is bad.

“Oh, right. Sorry miss, I forgot that. I was going to turn up late and I thought today was tomorrow since we had an online game session together.”

I ended the call as fast as possible without giving the poor woman any worries. I could tell Satsuki was kidnapped… and it wasn’t a cheap attack. It was planned, orchestrated finely to not only take her away, but also use it as a distraction going to my house.

I sent a message to Satsuki’s phone.

I know you stole my friend’s phone. Give her and her phone back or there will be consequences?

Playing a bit tough? Not really. I was in no mood for this sort of behavior but…

The thief decided to call instead of getting a message back. A curious game, but I decided to play with it. I answered and-

Hello Toru-kun~.

That’s Misako. And I no longer like this game.

“Where is Satsuki, bitch?”

Ah-ah~, that’s no way to talk with your highschool sweethea-

“I will call the cops and tell them that your boy toy is fucking kids. I want to see how much you giggle when he is getting bum-fucked by some inmates,” I interrupted dryly. “Where the fuck is Satsuki, you whore?”

Ah, I am telling you, Toru-kun. She is at the old Theater near my home. You know which one, it’s where we promised to be husband and wife as children. I would have given you twenty minutes but… how about ten for being such a potty-mouthed jerk? See you soon~!

The bitch has lost her mind. Still, ten minutes was risking it for me. I was lucky to find a cab that got me to my destination in nine minutes. I ran through the entrance and looked around for traps. No surprises, no trouble- that was until we got to the ‘main stage’.

“You’re finally there, Toru-kun!” Misako announced jovially. “I am so glad that you made it. Oh, before I forget- this is Jerome, my new boyfriend.”

“‘Sup,” A 2-meters tall mofo of the dark-skinned denomination stood before me. Stereotypical black man of the netorare degree.

“Not much, just trying to handle a bitchy former childhood friend. Tried to ‘NTR’ me once for some reason. You?”

“Only doing this bitch a favor for having a nice pussy and a thicc ass,” The guy replied. “Plus, your friend is a nice snack.”

“That friend is my homie- and you don’t rape any homies of mine.”

“Well, tough luck, lil’ fry. Feisty bitch looks yummy and the boys

“Face it, Toru-kun. Their genes are above yours. No matter how smart you think you are, you are weak!”

…Dear God there is so much cringey shit going on. I would have normally wasted time calling out these bastards’ shitty effort to appear like muthafooking Gangsters, but I realized one thing.

I was on a time limit as Satsuki was on the stage, restrained to a table as some dark-skinned dickheads were moments away from tearing her purity apart. And I remembered this feisty lady was my friend.

Not Satoru’s childhood friend- My friend.

Thus, I drew a choice. And one I was willing to commit out of friendship’s sake. A choice I wouldn’t be happy to make considering that I was going to take a huge risk.

“You know… I kind of wanted to make all of this a joke. You know, punchline and all of that. Making this the Japanese Police Brutality Experience. In theme with the kind of racism this bitch is spitting. But then I realized one thing, Jamal,” I looked up at the ‘new boyfriend’ with a flat look, purposely forgetting his shit-ass name. “I ain’t got time for that because you tried to rape my homie, and your ugly ass is just giving me a trigger-happy feeling.”

He looked confused, but I didn’t hesitate anymore as I wasn’t going to restrain myself with those fools. I had dodged employing murder because it would be unclean and it would gain attention.

But considering this place was old as fuck, no one lived around to hear any loud noise and I could tell these people didn’t have any local relatives to worry about, I could make use of the one good thing I have left from daddy dearest.

The gun was grasped by my right hand, aimed at the big target and I hit him twice. Once in the shoulder, and then on his neck. He fell back, convulsing and looking shocked. Misako fell to her knees, stunned by the development while trying to help her ‘Chocolate Hunk’ as she was calling him to keep him alive.

The reaction that those meant to ‘handle’ Satsuki had was one of flight rather than fight. They didn’t have guns on them, but while they tried to find a way out through the rear areas, they soon were greeted by barricades.

As I ignored Misako and approached the stage, I shot the bastards in their back. Some turned to try and beg for mercy, but they were all witnesses and all scum. Their death meant less rapists in the street and that was fine by me.

Satsuki was tense as I approached, but she didn’t shy away as I pulled her in a hug. Her school uniform had been damaged with knives and her face was bruised and slightly wounded.

“I-I knew you would come. For me,” She muttered, lips quivering as she leaned against me. “Misako- She was- she said… I–!”

Before she could have finished, I felt her reach for the gun I was holding and taking aim behind me. A loud bang came from the weapon and the target was… Misako. The girl’s wide-eyed expression was the last thing I saw as her attempt to rush us with a knife ended with a bullet piercing her skull.

Satsuki looked… stunned. And then she blinked. “T-That felt good.”

“You saved me,” I hummed, reasoning the good feeling. “And shooting a gun is quite exhilarating.”

I took it from her though. Don’t need to make her euphoric about it.

“Holier words have never been said!” A familiar childish voice exclaimed right from behind me. At the entrance, two individuals approached.

The quick-paced blonde loli from the park and… someone that screamed danger by appearance alone. Woman with short white hair, a piercing pair of gray eyes, and a stance that just felt threatening as she approached.

“Eikasu Satoru, son of Hiroki… that was an unpleasant display of gun violence,” The unfamiliar woman spoke, and I realized that it was a fellow agent to the loli.

I slowly turned around. “You followed me.”

“Call it curiosity,” The woman calmly rebuked, while the loli giggled.

“More like worry! Worrywart, look at this neat bloodbath.”

Bloodthirsty much?

“Still, it persists that… the director may need to speak with you about using a gun owned by the agency. I suggest you two follow us peacefully.”


She blinked. “Oh.”

Was she expecting us to put up some resistance? She sure looks… ‘upset’ about it.




Good guys with guns! Hell yeah!


Sabía que tarde o temprano tendríamos que recurrir a los balazos, me siento satisfecho ya que me hace sentir como en casa