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My Dark Lady Shouldn't Be This Cute 6 - or ‘The day I had to become a bit of a teddy bear to my beloved Dark (Cutie) Lady Tammy’ (HP SI, feat. Fem!TomRiddle)

So, after going through a brief ‘Awkward Gang Leader’ Phase, I would say that I had everything I needed to start something rather risky, but overall ‘logical and needed’.

“I am glad you all could make it for this sixth session of the Knights of Walpurgis,” I said as I looked at both the group of youths that had sought my guidance and the small group of girls that Tammy had… befriended.

I am not sure that she really treated them as friends, but I saw no display of worrisome behaviors among them beyond them all strangely having an ‘intense’ vibe while I was in the room. Even Willow had that look at times and- Distraction! I need to focus on the task at hand.

So, I found a gang with a hint of a cult within its foundation. Now, I know, this is a bad thing to do to derail the Death Eaters, but the truth is- this is really needed. After all, a situation was soon to happen within the Magical Worlds and the last thing I needed was for Tammy’s potential lack of a group behind her to create more traction for Grindelwald-favoring factions within Britain.

Hence why I created the ‘Knights of Walpurgis’, and established it in a pseudo-political school club.

The composition is simple: it served as a study group, but it had a special ‘thing’ at the start of each session- a history of politics, a speech about modern events, and… a bit of ideology to shape the youths before me to not be babbling cretins that sprouted about blood purity.

Speaking of which, I made a case to explain the ‘truth’ about it and I got their attention through a rather simple step: I told them they were right, but not truly in the right.

It took me a while to find some journals of the past detailing life at the beginning of Hogwarts, but those that I found allowed me to establish a valid study on what Salazar Slytherin’s doctrine was all about.

“A-Are you saying that we were lied about?”

“Partly so, yes. But not by your families- politicians that abused your trust in traditions to try and besmirch them with lies and omissions of truth,” I replied to the incredulous voice of Nott. “The truth is, my dear friends, that some strangely rough policies adopted in the past were done mostly for practical reasons. Think about it, nowadays it’s easier to find a mundaneborn with supportive parents for their magical education while in medieval times it was the reason for an execution.”

“What changed?” Willow inquired and Tammy giggled.

“Religion, obviously.”

“What do you mean?” Mulciber asked in surprise. “Religion? Aren’t muggles just ‘God-loving and -fearing’ and nothing else?”

“That’s the thing, Mulciber,” I interjected politely. “Mundane people love God and thus follow his voice. But what happens when the ‘voice’ is heard only by a group of people that wishes to expand their powers beyond the role of priests? Greed is the biggest sin we have to fear when it comes to power, magical or not. Enough is never enough for many that are willing to sell their souls to immortality- or worse, break it to pieces to obtain invincibility.”

I paused a moment, then sighed as I glanced at Tammy’s engrossed look.

“So, people became more enticed by the need to please their Lord, enough to instantly see something they couldn’t justify with the Bible as deeds of ‘demonic descent’. The burnings, the hangings, the executions- hitting not just wizards but also normal muggles that wanted to use knowledge to their advantage. Greed is the end of us all when it is in the hands of dangerous men. Hence why this is no longer a problem. Religion lost power, now the Monarch of England is deemed the ruler of the faith, the one that represents the highest role under God, and thus the religious plights for the wizardkind had lessened down to the few rare cases of today.”

And so on I made sure to ‘warp’ their roots so that they weren’t threatened in losing those, but still shifted their mindsets away from radicalism. It was a rather difficult track to follow without using the ‘wrong’ words in some instances.

After each of those speeches, training would ensue. It wasn’t anything grandiose as they first imagined, but they quickly realized what I was up to when I had them tell me what their favorite spells were and give them a way to ‘expand’ on those within a safe environment and without putting them in a spot to get injured. That would be bad.

Still, the Sixth Session was special as I decided to broaden the topic into ‘current politics’. And I wanted them to know why Grindelwald was bad beyond him being a ‘Dark Lord’.

“Today I will start with circumstances that are happening now, in the present, within the mundane society of Europe,” I spoke up, seeing some eyes rolling at this. “Which may also influence us since Gellert Grindelwald is behind those.”

Surprise from all flared at this. “I thought that Grindelwald was not involved with Mundanes?”

Rosier was greeted with a nod.

“That’s because it was a secret until I found some interesting information about a growing threat to Magical Britain which is… telling,” I replied honestly. “You see, a new regime has ruled Germany in the last few years, and while this is nothing new in regards to Mundane affairs, it comes as a surprise that this change has happened with the Magical Government in Berlin.”

“I thought the German Prime Minister had ‘saved’ the country. That’s what traders say,” Willow pointed out. “Father was quite relieved when he heard the market had survived here but… he was skeptical too.”

“That’s because the government that has risen in charge is authoritarian and has expropriated members of its society, nobles and rich people, that all share a thing in common- they are Jews and Goblins.”

“...What’s a Jew?” Lucretia Black asked, the girl having been firmly in support of the blood purity theory, but also accepting the revisionist view I had on it. “I believe I heard of it but… it’s not something I am familiar with.”

“I think not many here do-”

“I do know what it means,” Willow piped in. “It’s a group of people that are like Christians, but they come from another country and end up migrating everywhere.”

“Yes,” I confirmed. “The Jews are members of the former nation of Judea that has long been colonized by Muslims. Nowadays, it is a group united by religion, but not of the kind of normal Christians. They are isolated from the rest due to persecution and yet… now are being persecuted once again for religion. They are deemed the cause of all problems for Mundanes, the real reason Germany lost the Great War two decades ago- and so on. Grindelwald supports these policies as it allows him to create a wonderful window of opportunity to control everyone if he wins this upcoming war.”

“And this is bad because-”

“If you oppose them, you can be ruled out as a dissident or a jew-lover. Illegal enough to have you imprisoned, interned to a prison camp to then be worked to death or outright killed.”

“S-Surely we are not targeted.”

“Why wouldn’t you? Do you think Grindelwald would care about your blood? About your family? He would see you like the rest- tools. You lack potential, you lack loyalty… well, you would be seen only as a hindrance to his glorious plan of a true authoritarian utopia of his.”

“H-He said that he wanted to make us great. Us wizards,” Nott remarked and I sighed.

“He also said that he wanted to prevent war, yet he is the one causing it. He said his group is made by people he trusts and cares about, but how many left him and were killed for incompetence. Do you really think a liar can truly be a good leader if what really matters to him is what is power?”

The connection between Lesson 1 and this one was made, and I saw a few eyes widening at this.

“Those that do not learn from history will be condemned to see it repeat under their noses. And the more time goes, more cruel methods to hurt and kill will be developed,” I pressed on the matter. “So, the situation is quite simple. Soon war will be upon us, and while the Mundane world will be put through hellfire with the German Air Force being currently unmatched due to its training and preparation, Grindelwald will use this to stage intense attacks within Britain. So, things will get bad for us too.”

There was silence after I was done with that comment, but… I wasn’t completely done yet.

“Which is why I want you all to be ready. He will try everything, from cheap intimidation to outright giving your parents and relatives the world they want for the sake of having that one advantage to be on top and, once there, he will give those he promised greatness nothing. You will have to fight him and his group.”

The somber tone I created made for a good incentive for them to train harder for today and… I was approached by Tammy during exercises.

“What if the Orphanage gets hit?”

“I am working on it. I will have a solution by Christmas and… we are staying at Hogwarts for it.”

“Obviously,” She hummed. “So… any new spells?”

“Yup, and I think you will like this one.”

Tammy’s eyes were soon wide open as silvery mist was produced by my wand and formed a… fully-formed mini-wyvern.

After all, what are the chances of her being ‘bad’ if she can use the Patronus charm?



Next time… Dumbledore’s POV!



Just waiting for the day he manages to mix Expeliarmus and Patronus, that's gonna be a nightmare. (Expeliarmus(Mirror) + Patronus(Ghost Summon) = Mirror Ghost, either exists on reflections or is a copy of somebody else.


Is her patronus.... Going to be 2? One a snake or something cute like a rabbit. And the other is a replica of John....which she hides extremely extremely well...


Me encantó muchas gracias