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Super Big Bro 3 - or ‘How I ended up becoming the Big Brother to Three ‘Perfect Girls’’ (Powerpuff Girls’ Brother!SI)

The city of Townsville! Another monster has been beaten and–

“I didn’t do it on purpose!” Buttercup snapped, causing Blossom to huff. “Also, you’re still nagging on me. You’re not my mom or boss!”

“I am the leader of the group!” The brunette rebutted angrily, rushing after her sister and…

Leaving a rather confused Bubbles to see this situation unfold.

Going back to their room, the blonde could hear her siblings still fighting about it. It was perplexing for her to understand why they were so intense about it. Sure, Buttercup had done wrong, but she apologized and Blossom could be bossy but she isn’t wrong about being their leader and a good one at that.

So, Bubbles wasn’t sure how to deal with this. They were really at it, loudly screaming at each other and she didn’t want to be screamed at. It was clear if she tried they were going to take it on her and the blonde didn’t want that. Huffing by her bed, her attention was stolen by an amusing sigh coming from her best friend doll, Oci.

My, oh my. What a bunch of horrid sisters! To be so fighty, so feisty! While their sister is being upset.

Normally Bubbles would have just nodded along those lines but… she remembered her brother had told her and her sisters in case of-

If you end up facing a doll that starts to speak without it having batteries and the functions to talk, then it’s a demonic bad doll you need to destroy.

A demonic doll? The blonde perked at that notion as she grasped Octi and looked for anywhere where the batteries could be located but- nothing came to sight. In fact, it was clear the voice didn’t come a recorded line but-

“Are you a demonic doll, Octi?”

Me? Oh, I would never be-

“You don’t have batteries.”

“...I am a magical doll!

“...That’s a lie.”


Her heat vision carefully melted the thing and then her cold breath cooled it enough to drop the weird mix into the trash bin. It wouldn’t be the first time she had to buy an Octi, after all what mattered was that it still existed elsewhere.

Still, Bubbles’ attention was brought back to her sisters’ yelling at one another and… she decided to work on it. Rather than approach it herself, she just went downstairs to the living room where she found her big bro playing a solo game with numbers.

“What’s that?” The girl asked, curious about it.

“Sudoku. It’s a game of focus and… you’re upset.”

“Yeah,” She said with a deflated tone. “Buttercup and Blossom are bickering.”

“I heard as much,” Her big bro said and then hummed. “What about though?”

“Buttercup sent the monster flying into some of the old buildings- those that are not being used by people.” Luckily for them, a part of Townsville was no longer inhabited by the locals due to large migrations into other major cities. “And Blossom got really angry about it. So Buttercup thinks Blossom is being too harsh and bossy, while Blossom says she is the leader of the group so she has to make the ‘calls’.”

Her brother nodded along those things.

“I see-”

“And Octi got possessed, so I destroyed it.”

“Oh. I guess a visit to the toy shop is a must now.”

She smiled. “Can I get something new?”

“Did you cause issues?”

“Nope!” Bubbles proudly stated. “In fact, I did things right.”

“Hmm, I suppose you are up for a new toy and Ice cream.”

She squealed loudly and happily, throwing her tiny fists up in celebration and- unconsciously getting her sisters’ attention.

“Did someone say ‘Ice Cream’!?” Buttercup rushed downstairs, followed by Blossom.

“I want some too.”

“Well, it’s sad for you to ask for that since I have been told that Bubbles has been the only one to not cause issues in this shift.”

Both girls were soon standing in front of the two.

“What?! But I didn’t do anything!” Blossom exploded in clear irritation. “It was Buttercup-”

“I said I was sorry and yet you keep on putting me through this as if I didn’t say it! You’re bossy.”

“Am not!”

“And that’s why you both aren’t getting ice cream today,” John interrupted, causing the two girls to pause. “It’s less on the actions happening for the mission, but how you’re all reacting to those. You two are sisters and it’s fine to fight over things, but it’s not nice to be bashing each other like that, as if you’re each other’s enemies. You will sit there, you will apologize for one another and try to understand how this happened. And yes, you both are at fault.”

They both deflated at this and Bubbles felt sad once again but… she floated up to her brother’s ears and whispered something to him. He smiled and patted her head much to her delight.

“Also, if you do come up with why you both have messed up, Bubbles and I will go and buy you some ice cream you can eat for tomorrow. Got it?”

They both perked up at this and nodded at the same time. And soon John and Bubbles left to get the sweet treat while Buttercup and Blossom tried to sort out their differences.

“John?” Bubbles hummed mid-flight, catching her brother’s attention. “Why were Blossom and Buttercup so angry about what happened?”

“Well… Blossom feels and has earned the right to be a leader, but can take it too far at times. Meanwhile Buttercup is quite the independent girl, so she likes to do things her way and wastes no time thinking about consequences. Which is why you are all part of a team and not doing your own thing?”

“Oh? Is that so?”

“While you three have the same powers, you all have your own personalities. Blossom is the bravest, Buttercup is the toughest, and you are the kindest. And those are a tiny slice of good traits you girls have- but you also have your flaws as Blossom can be quite intense about her role, Buttercup can and will feel insecure the moment she feels she is not in control of her actions, and you don’t like to fight with your sisters because you don’t want to make things worse or get yelled at.”

The blonde nodded in agreement to all of that. “So, we are a team because we can… match our attitudes and qualities better?”

“That’s right!”

Bubbles beamed, glad to have understood the morale of the day.

So once again the day is saved thanks to the Super Big Bro as he successfully prevents an attack from-


GASP! This dark and distorted voice of evil! It couldn’t be but–

It would seem this little rascal is causing a lot of changes and… I guess I have to teach him about what happens with party-poopers… in a more DIRECT and FUNNIER way.






And now ‘Canon’ fights back. Next time, John vs. HIM.



Gracias por el capítulo, será divertido lo que sigue


HIM is gonna take a nutshot.


I absolutely love the fact that Bubbles simply melted the doll and asked for another one.