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A Modern Guy in the Lesbian Vampires' Court 6 - or ‘My business as the treasurer is surely a troublesome one among those ‘supposed’ world-conquerors’ (Castlevania Animated Series, Vampire!SI)

Lenore didn’t like going into trips out of her lair.

It was a bit silly to imagine that’s something she disliked but- it was tedious to keep things afloat when not around her trustworthy minions. That’s not to say she was upset with the current circumstance. Far from it.

Adrian was adorable, and easy to bring to blushes, while John was… John. She liked him, there was no denying him. Admiration and love, sympathy and lust. He was suddenly becoming a source of so many emotions for her and, in truth, she appreciated all of that.

Lenore had many times contemplated the notion of love after her turbulent past. The ‘Pagan Wars’ had left her morally scarred before the brutality of religion. Hence why she found John’s interesting application of ruthless dismantlement for Catholicism to be worthy of praise. It was the sort of vicious retribution she had been waiting for for so long and… he was so smart. Deadly smart. The kind of cleverness that enticed her.

Plus, he has spotted her back. Like two ferocious bats meeting for the first time, gauging their skills and… ‘complimenting’ one another. It would be a lie to say she liked him from the beginning, but he was compelling in his words and action. Genuine too.

Lenore had long steeled herself from seeking love, but nothing could have predicted the amount of affection coming her way and, in return, the amount she was giving back to him. John was clearly interested, but held back on a simple reason.

They were equals, even beyond the chores of their roles. It was curious to entertain the thought, but it felt reasonable and fitting for them both. Neither wanted to submit, nor they wanted to dominate. It was a mixed bag for Lenore, but she couldn’t deny she was fine with it.

The trip felt like an interesting way to explore that. The days were spent away from the sunlight, the nights saw them rush through the distance and towards Dracula’s famous castle.

It took them a few days to get to their destination, and the construct baffled Lenore. Castles may have not been the topic she was into, but the building itself was so wonderfully grim that it made her wonder and stress over the magnitude of power behind its construction. How did it come to be? The question betrayed her silence as she spoke up with this thought.

“Many have suppositions. Some say father’s army, some say he had conjured monsters to build it,” Adrian muttered with a hint of amusement, clearly pleased to see her so ‘adorable’.

“And would you happen to know the truth?”

“Not really,” Adrian admitted sheepishly. “I am… Father never spoke much of his past.”

“Mostly because Lord Tepes’ past was one of massacres and decimation,” John pointed out, gaze aimed at the castle. “Still, I have heard rumors the castle was one of the first things he created as he became a vampire. A display of power that slowly saw this magnificent product of magic and technology being created.”

Adrian nodded in agreement, but Lenore could tell John had more to say- it was something she started noticing ever since he began ‘trailing off’ in explanations. He knew more than he was willing to share. Something that intrigued her and… aroused her even more.

He knew how to play with the information he had without being arrogant about it. Pride is both a difficult monster and a wonderful creature- one can easily be controlled by it, but by using it at the right time it can be extremely helpful.

Once inside the castle, Lenore felt the ‘warmth’ of the halls. Differently from the Castle of Graz, this place felt alive and as if they were venturing its bowels. Awkward to think about, but nonetheless a curious matter.

The stroll this time was brief as Adrian was quick to speak with a vampire servant- and soon they were all standing by the ‘meeting room’ established by the Lord of Shadow himself.

Dracula was a towering figure. Even as he sat by his throne, the frame of his was clearly taller than any vampire Lenore had ever met. Despite this detail and the soul-digging narrowed eyes of his, the Count didn’t truly instill fear within those around him. He was clearly upset, and yet he was not outright hating those surrounding him.

Especially the one that sat on his right. The blonde human appeared suave and ‘fragile’, yet her calm and collected look manifested a sense of self-security not many women her nature and position would manifest. Then again, Lady Lisa was meant to appear strong in those difficult times and, as she had predicted, the lady didn’t lack the iron in her gaze. Not when they shared a brief look that filtered a tiny bit of understanding over their current circumstances.

“Father, I have returned with assistance.”

“Lord Dracula,” Lenore spoke up, bowing slightly together with John. “I am Lenore, Queen Diplomat for Styria. John here is the Lord Treasurer.”

Surprise flashed from Dracula- a temporary diversion from his stoic mask.

“I was expecting ‘lesser’ advisors.”

“It was decided by the council that it was best we were to approach you in the matters of help,” John explained with a truthful tone. “Especially since this interest of yours could potentially change many things for our current socio-political understanding of the world.”

“Is that so? Please, take a seat then.”

They were offered some wine, with Lenore picking a full glass and John settling with half of it. And as the fruity flavor hit the back of her throat, Lenore took a cursory look over the other table’s occupants. None of those people were familiar to her, but she could tell those were vampires from small covens all over Romania.

She could see familiar emblems that she could find in the old books of the ancient vampire houses… yet the redhead had no names to rely upon. Which is why she took note of those that were used for these representatives, easily connecting those to the leadership of those covens.

Adrian was sitting by the empty seat on the left of his father, appearing vigilant and less ‘relaxed’ as he appeared previously. He clearly had some experience with this kind of meeting, but it wasn’t enough to be ‘stiff enough’ without appearing too stiff.

“Now that we are all here, I will provide my vision- I wish for the Church in Romania to be punished for their attempt at my wife’s life.”

Everyone was concentrated, and yet Lady Lisa didn’t appear pleased by this decision.

“We could focus on those that are to blame,” The blonde assured, eyes aimed at her hands as she rested those on the table. “A war for me is…”

“Necessary,” Dracula interrupted, sounding tense as he knew his wife was clearly not willing to support any bloodshed. “They came close to killing you, dear. This is not something we can’t ignore.”

“And, if I may add,” Lenore commented quietly. “Killing ‘just those responsible’ would only spark a reprisal.”

John nodded in agreement. “The church has a rather fractured but ‘defensive’ mindset when it comes to reaction to their ill-planned actions. Especially when those are against individuals they already deem to be ‘dancing with Satan’ or something of the kind.”

There were agreeing looks and yet Lisa looked quite upset by this.

“That’s not to say that your morality is wrong, Lady Lisa,” John added with a degree of awareness. “The notion of slaying innocents is not something that is productive to this sort of planning- I wish to make this clear as a Treasurer that trying to involve innocents into the side we are fighting would only make this a too vicious of a war to be sustainable and winnable.”

Lenore smiled. “Such a conflict would be indeed detrimental. Especially if this involves the Hungarians that lust after Transylvania, the Lithuanians that seek Moldavia and the Ottomans that want to claim the rest.”

The Wallachian coven leaders appeared nervous at the mention of the Ottoman Empire, as it was by far the worst threat possible for the region. Lenore may not be aware of many things, but the one element she was familiar with was that the Ottomans had forts beyond the Danube that could allow them to cross it and enter Romania whenever they wanted and without risking being slaughtered by the rivers.

If retaliation was to be offered, then it had to come through a smart plan to prevent that invasion. The overall meeting was a mess of people throwing in ideas and Dracula gauging those. It was a learning experience, but overall Lenore held back from giving her own thought on the matter until the next day.

She had just arrived at the castle and much had to be entertained with her knowledge. So, it was time to… ‘rest’ a bit. They were offered which rooms to take shortly after the meeting was adjourned and-

“Oh, we will need just one.”

Lenore was tempted to tempt John. After all, he had been so keen to restrain himself and… she needed to tease him a bit. She wanted a reaction- anything that could tell how genuine he truly was with her and…

Even with her nightwear having been picked to be a tantalizing thing to the eye and the body, John just-

Cuddled with her.

Actually no, he sleep-cuddled with her!

Such a notion was… terribly good. She had expected his hands on her, to be molested and teased, to be introduced to extreme intimacy which may or may not redefine her view of him but he just- he just cuddled.

And she liked it. A lot. Enough that she was asleep in mere minutes, happily nuzzling and blessed with good dreams.

The next morning saw Lenore frustrated by the pleasant and yet ‘limited’ morning, but the next night, as they woke up, saw them both cuddle a bit more before waking up.

“John?” The redhead asked quietly.


Lenore took his lips, and was welcomed in the most wonderful kiss possible- cuddles and kisses… she could enjoy this new status quo~.



Slow and steady wins the race John, slow and steady