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A Cowardly Demon 3 - or ‘How a Craven Girl ends up married, wife'd up and becomes the center of the plot’ (Kimetsu no Yaiba, SIxMukago)

It was late evening, the sun was already gone and Mukago was… sitting at the edge of the house.

Legs kicking, boredom piling up, and a deep sense of frustration swelling within her chest at the notion of not being allowed out just yet because ‘John was busy hunting about’.

Truth be told, Mukago was aware why this ban existed- she may or may not have gone a bit too far with a boar. In the sense that the little fucker had tricked her a few times and… she may have ruined a few trees left and right, so the villagers may have suspected a ‘big bear’ was behind this.

It was due to the lack of people aware of demons that Mukago safely dodged detection, but the close-call and conversation about it put the fear of death in her about ‘disregarding a situation she put herself into’.

She had never had to hunt animals for a living, preferring wimpy humans that were keen to ‘play hero for fame’ and then end up dying to stupid traps. Now… she was bored.

Standing up from the porch, she walked back inside. Her gaze floated over everything around the kitchen, the living room and then the workshop. The small station room where the man would spend an hour or so getting things crafted.

It wasn’t a place John told her to not go to, but it was the kind of area she instinctively felt pushed away from since it was where her husband would make things. Nothing impressive, but still worthwhile for hunting and…

What if I make him a few traps for him to use?

That was something Mukago knew she could do without issues. In fact, as someone that had the power to conceive some ruthless things from her crafty hands, it shouldn’t be difficult to get a few efficient traps to hunt those pesky boars.

Her lips curved upward at the thought of any of her creations murdering those fat things, giving her human’s nourishment and her a deep sense of validation. Plus, a kiss or a head pat was guaranteed for her if she proved her worth like that.

Grinning eye-to-eye, the female demon was soon tinkering around with what tools she could find and what ‘ingredient’ fancied her glance. It was during her moment of conception of some of the most perfidious anti-boar traps that her hubby decided to finally come back.

She was a bit surprised when she noticed him. His arms wrapping around her from behind and his cheek pressing against hers.

“Whatcha doing?”

“Traps for boars.”

“...You really hate those.”

“They deserve only hatred,” Mukago remarked calmly, clearly unfazed by such a claim. “How did the hunt go?”

“Found some good things to keep fresh,” John beamed. “I will leave you to your trap-making.”

Nodding distractedly, Mukago hummed softly while settling her attention to the traps. She was done with those roughly around the time her husband was done making dinner. Her chest squeezed in happiness as she was praised for the hard work and the traps were placed together with the rest in his traps’ bag.

Getting fed with his blood with a head pat made the overall experience wonderful, enough that the craving for some cock-milking came almost instantly as they settled in bed. But while the days have been relatively calm and quiet, Mukago kept an eye out of trouble and, despite her good mood, something came up to her nostrils that made her immensely furious.

Someone was spying on them, and that someone was also… playing with themselves! Coward or not, this was one humiliation too much!


“Find her, kill her, and you shall be given access to the Twelve Kizuki.”

Muzan’s orders were loud and clear, and for someone like Susamaru this was a wonderful opportunity to let go. The young demon had many times waited for this chance, and now she could prove her worth to the one that turned her into this cool demon!

It was boring to go alone to this, sure, as she usually had someone to nag at her but still make the stroll fun but… her goal was one and the same: claim the traitorous bitch’s head and become the best Kizuki Muzan could have asked for! It was a priority, an urge!

And what made it easier was where the backstabber was hiding at. Some rural village, away from major routes and thus safe from potential Hashira hunting for individuals like her.

Oh! This was the day- or night! As the sun was out of sight, and the darkness welcomed her for a giddy game of murder, Susamaru was ready for just that when… She stumbled in quite the situation.

She was never a stealthy individual, but Mukago was known to be a ‘trapper’. So, going head on may be bad for her. As much as she may be a dummy, suicidal was not part of her brain. Oh no, she was smart alright!

So, Susamaru slowly found the house where the pesky traitor was hiding, carefully climbed by the roof and then found the window where the smell of the female demon was… together with a strange intense stench of… sweat and something else.

Oh?! Is she playing with someone!!?

A wild grin appeared on Susamaru as she prepared her temari and- paused. Silence could hardly be demanded from someone that was usually hyperactive, but the sight she was bestowed with was enough to render the playful demon into an intrigued one.

What game is… that?

The feminine moan erupting from the one she could tell was Mukago made Susamaru twitch, her gaze transfixed over the sweaty nude frames of a female demon doing something with the human male that was… ‘doing things’ with her.

Was this sex? Susamaru was familiar with the art of babymaking, but never thought much of it as it was just that. To make babies. And why would she want to know more about something like making babies when it meant becoming a mother and being boring?

Yet, the sight of a demon like Mukago, a former Twelve Kizuki, engaging in that activity and appearing so… so giddy- it got a strange reaction from Susamaru’s body. Relaxing her frame and sitting down on the roof, the girl felt damp within her… lower body. She shifted a hand through her kimono, tapping just briefly her fundoshi and then pressing her fingers against it as she was greeted by the feeling of the cloth being soaked up with… pee?

Bringing it to her nostrils, she was greeted by something that wasn’t pee at all. It was different enough to tempt her to taste it. Sweet! But… why? How? Was the mere seeing of sex making her so worked up and doing this with her lower body?

Almost tempted like the action-junkie that she was, Susamaru tried to ‘match’ with the pace. It was clear that her lower body was the key, just like Mukago’s exposed lower bits were as they were… ‘penetrated’ by the human’s penis. Would fingers suffice?

She tried one, and it had a ‘pulling’ reaction. Then two fingers and that had her mildly pleased for some reason. It was like she was in the middle of a game, heated up and excited. Yet, it was just her- and visual help. Susamaru felt a strange noise work its way through her throat, and she instinctively stopped it, lessening it to a-


Curiosity flared at the tiny moan, confusing the Demon some more but not stopping her from going further. In fact, she felt encouraged to do more of it and the pace increased. Her sight grew unfocused, her tongue shifted out of her mouth as she felt her body arch tensely and then-


She couldn’t hold it anymore, her world burning and then exploding as her exposed pussy released something that wasn’t pee. It was intense, it was wonderful and she suddenly felt… depleted.

Her body was suddenly drained, tired and-

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

Susamaru’s unease doubled as she snapped her gaze to the window, where an angry nude Mukago was glaring at her. Panic roused and she tried to escape, only for a rope to suddenly be applied around her body.

There were seals to it, a result of Mukago’s special ability. Struggling was futile as Susamaru could personally test by trying that while getting dragged into the bedroom.

The human appeared perplexed, and yet Mukago was ruthless. “I will make sure you pay for peeping on me and my husband!”

“Mukago-chan,” The human hummed. “Maybe she wasn’t trying to be a pervert.”

“Y-Yeah, I was here to… uh…”

“Yes?” The human pressed, his smile concerning.

“I was trying to… to kill Mukago and become a Twelve Kizuki!”

“Really?” Mukago asked, appearing surprised by the news. “Muzan sent someone that wasn’t part of the group.”

“He said it would have been my initiation! But then, as I found you, I noticed what you were doing and-”

“And you felt aroused.”

“Y-Yep,” Susamaru voiced nervously.

“Was this your first time?” He pressed and she nodded.

“Yeah, it was… good.”

“I’m glad to hear you liked that. That was love-making after all.”

Mukago’s eyes darted to her husband. “W-Why are you not angry too!? She was spying on us!”

“Not with the intention of being a peeping tom,” The human assured before turning back to the younger demon. “Now, my name is John. What’s yours?”


“Nice to meet you, Susamaru. How about you tell us more about you- why were you trying to kill my wife?”

She blinked, appearing confused. “Wife? But she is a demon and you’re a human.”

“And? I love her a lot.”

Mugako’s face burned up a bit at that admission. “I-I love you too.”

The happy smile on his face warmed Susamaru too. It wasn’t something weird, but it made her feel like she was with friends- and it’s been a long time since she felt like that.

“Well, I want to be a Twelve Kizuki.”

“You don’t want to,” Mukago remarked dryly, causing the girl to scowl. “I am not even saying you are not there yet, but that it’s not worth it.”

“Of course it is! Lord Muzan has given us so much and-”

“And nothing!” Mukago snapped angrily, surprising Susamaru with that outburst. “You think that he did it for potential? He wants to find something- something that is not about power or he would have disposed of me ages ago. No, he cares not for us, and you are just a tool like I used to be.”

“I am not!”

“Ladies, this is a bit too loud,” John tried to say. “I get you are both angry but-”

“Why would a human mean anything to a demon!?”

“Because he loves me in a way that Muzan could not with anyone!”

Susamaru’s cheeks puffed. “Liar.”

Mukago looked livid but… then a vicious smile appeared. “Do you really think that?”


“Then how about a game?”

Susamaru perked at this. “A game? I will have you beat!”

“Oh, you’re not facing me,” Mukago assured. “After all, you said that a human’s love is less than Muzan. So… how about you do that.”

“Sex?” Susamaru asked, smiling at Mukago’s flat nod. “It will not have me defeated!”

“Do I get a say in this or are you two too deep in the battle haze to realize that?”

“Ah! Are you a chicken, human?!”

John flashed a frown. “You know what, I will allow it.”

There was something ominous about it, but Susamaru wasn’t willing to even contemplate it. After all, she loved Muzan too much to be beaten by sex! She was going to be a Kizuki and-

Th-This is so good~!

The slutty thought came roughly five minutes into the challenge. Mukago had the ropes removed, but also the kimono that Susamaru was wearing. No kimono, no underclothes and no fundoshi. She never felt that exposed to someone, but Susamaru felt less upset and more ‘interested’ to explore it.

As she was positioned to have her back turned to the human as she lowered herself onto his length, the demon was confused by what to expect by the penetration. Immediate pleasure was not. It was different- it was far more intense than anything she had experienced before.

She was soon bouncing up and down John’s cock, her hands back as he was holding her wrists with his strong hands. A lustful look fixed on her face while Mukago played with her breasts.

“You are quite beautiful,” The older demon admitted objectively, the praise hitting harder due to the circumstance as her hands groped and teased the bigger chest.

Hornny noises were also coming from her bouncing, a bit embarrassing at first but-

Plap~ Plap~ Plap~ Plap~ Plap~ Plap~ Plap~ Plap~ Plap~

It also made her tighter while the human kept on pounding her silly. It was such an event and while that shouldn’t have done much to her but-

“I-I will win.”

“You better, you are no quitter after all,” John genuinely told her, making her confused.

“W-Why are- ah- are you helping me? We are enemies?”

“Are we? This is a challenge, yeah, but we are also having fun too.”

A slow nod came from the semi-focused Susamaru. “B-But I have to win. For Muzan- and hurt your wife.”

“Which is why I want you to give your all rather than just give up. It means a lot to you and yet I will not lose to you.”



“Why- Why do you love her?”

John hummed. “Well, Mukago can be clumsy at times. A bit of a sillyhead and has a bit of a temper-”

“Hey!” Mukago huffed, but the human chuckled.

“Still, I love her for those flaws and the traits that make her unique. Just like you have your own quirks and faults.”

Susamaru felt this hit her deep. “Oh.”

“You’re lovable too, Susamaru.”

She perked. “A-Am I? I mean, I don’t want to be a boring wife.”

“Well, considering the fact Mukago isn’t boring, I think it’s fair to say that’s not the case. You like to play games, right?”

“Yes!” She replied mid-moan.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind playing with you. Same for Mukago if she is up to it. Plus, I wouldn’t mind playing games I used to do back home- you know, western stuff.”

“L-Like?” This time her brain was centered around games.

“Well, there are a few ball-based ones. One of them is called Football…”

The rest of the session was them talking about the games. Each with interesting rules and- and it made Susamaru giggly. It brought back old memories she had long buried all the while climaxing against the human and the human cumming deep in her. And then, a very interesting question came up.

“I-If I lose, how- how would that work?” The girl asked, leaning down to her lover’s chest, the pace having slowed down into something quite intense but not too rough. “I mean, Muzan would be angry and- and then I wouldn’t have anywhere to go.”

“You can stay here if you want.”

“R-Really? Even though, I- I caused issues and I am childish and-”

He landed a kiss on her cheek. “If you want, yeah.”

Susamaru beamed, and she could see Mukago… being appeasing. Her grin widened and she further abandoned herself into it. For some reason, the idea of letting go of Muzan felt less like a betrayal and more like…


As the sex ended in her defeat, Susamaru sighed softly as she found herself drawn to bed. She was nestled between Mukago and John, the warmth blissful and relaxing.

Her eyes were closed and, for the first time in a long while, Susamaru felt like being ‘aimless’ wasn’t that big of an issue if she had this kind of feeling once more. Like back when she was a child but stronger and intimate.




Second Wife/First Concubine getto!


Alex McGregor

The Demon Slayers are going to be so freaking confused lol\


nah suddenly even one of them joins this relationship with the facade of having information about muzan and even in the distant future we have muzan himself as a wife xD

Alpha_wolf_Omega Beta

So john be Blessed with the power of Love and Family. He shall be the patriarch that brought/Brings together the Humans and the Demons!


So is no one going to point out how the factors a demon just said their masters name and their curse is not killing them?

gabriel bezerra

John must be like anti-muzan blood or something because holy molly being close to him makes demons not die by saiying muzan's name, my theory is that John is a Sun Breathing user and is using his presence to affect muzan's blood somehow

King Ottarl

Am surprise Susamaru didn’t die for saying Muzan’s name considering that the was how she originally die


About the Muzan's curse not working: something something John's outwordly blood and nature messing with it.