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No means No! 4 - or ‘In a world of depravity and lust, a single man stands against the noncon aspects of it’ (Hentai-world, feat. OC-Insert)

EDIT: While re-reading the doujin, I realized that Riho’s real name is Kanoko. But I will not retcon it since… yeah, I don’t see a point- the people are the same, the name may be a bit different but that’s all for her.

Judo Club.

I have done Boxing, but never once I contemplated this form of combat. Not because I wasn’t interested, but rather the fees back home favored Boxing more than Judo or Karate.

So, when it comes to this sort of Dojos, I am aware of some random videos I have seen on YT and some movies about that kind of stuff. Which is why I was rather cautious when I asked Riho if she could guide me to one she was aware of.

As I had predicted, she took me to the ‘right one’. How could I tell this was the dojo I was looking for?

“Ohayo, Riho-nee!” A chirpy greeting came from a certain tomboy with a kink for strong men- at least, that’s how it was ‘illustrated’.

The thoughts in the chapter regarding this girl, Shiina Ayumu, were particularly puzzling to someone that didn’t read them properly- in the specific, how she utterly surrendered herself to the bastard.

It all started with defeat, that sense of hopelessness that made her ‘weak inside’, and that ultimately opened up the path for him to corner her and… get her too.

From the way the story made it seem, this happened weeks after he would have claimed Nao, so I was within the right time to get my situation encroached here too. It would all be coincidental to the bone, enough to potentially deter the bastard from going forward.

Riho had taken steps to warn her mother that this guy was bad news- enough to put the woman in the mood to install a RING camera to keep track of any surprises if the guy was to cover the peephole at the door.

There had been no effort to approach that, and it may be motivated by 1) me kicking his ass recently and putting him in a bad spot, and 2) the fact that him claiming Hiroko and Riho’s mom was something Riho and Nao would have suggested in the original timeline.

With the butterflies my actions triggered, it was clear that this was a fortuitous circumstance to establish much needed steps to protect another kid from this bastard. And Ayumu was… an interesting situation herself.

Not only did I need to keep an eye on her blatant instant loss fetish, but I also had to do something quite important- get this girl off her stupid mindset over training. Once I was done talking with the Dojo’s sensei, I was offered to spar with Ayumu.

Riho watched the fight and, much to her and Ayumu’s surprise, the latter’s punch hardly got a reaction out of me as she hit my abs. In fact, she instinctively pulled back to nurse her hurting fist.


I frowned at that development, knowing that I was no superman and that the punch was just… missing something. Something crucial for a punch to have to really be strong.

“Ayumu-chan?” I asked calmly, the girl frowning away from her hurting fist. “Can you please lift up one of your sleeves?”

The sensei was also watching over the fight, an interesting look of amusement flashing as he saw his student do just that and… I hummed.

“Why don’t you have muscles in that arm?”

The question surprised her. In truth, she was lean but… she had been training for five years. And while I could tell her form and posture was right both statically and while moving, the lack of muscles actually confused me.

“Hm? Of course, I have muscles-”

“Not the kind you should have after five years,” I rebuked flatly, narrowing my eyes to… her sensei. “What is going on?”

He coughed in his hand. “She is on a diet.”


“It’s nothing! I am still a capable fighter, Will-senpai!”

“By technique, for sure. But what about your power? I get it that you don’t need much in Judo, but you should know better than throw out of the window the means to get yourself some strength.”

“...I-I have a reason.”

“...A ‘boy’ reason?”

Ayumu went tense, and I offered a tiny smile.

“H-How can you tell?”

“Riho told me that you are crushing hard on Hiroki.”

Her jaw dropped and Riho groaned at being thrown under the bus like that.


“Geez, Ayumu-chan, that doesn’t mean you are going to be a bride any more when the time comes. Plus, this is the sort of stuff that guys like- you know, tomboys with abs.”

She froze up, eyes narrowing suspiciously. “The girls in my classroom-”

“Are probably jealous of you, Ayu-chan,” Riho piped in, phone out and already displaying a few interesting pictures. “Look at these girls. Are they ugly?”

Lots of girls hitting the gym and having some peak tomboyish beauty mixed with pretty muscles, abs and confident smiles.

Ayumu took the phone in her hands and found herself mesmerized by the sight.

“S-So… boys like that?”


“I… I didn’t know that.”

“It’s alright. The most important thing is that you now start getting the right diet for the sort of training you’re doing.”

Ayumu turned to her sensei and… he shook his head.

“I will not aid you in this, Ayumu. In fact, I think you should ask the young man that is helping you right now.”


Ayumu beamed and then looked adorable for a moment. “Senpai! Teach me how to eat and exercise right!”

…This is stupid.

“And you may end up being trained into my special secret arts,” The old sensei admitted and… I sighed.

“Fine, but I will be ruthless. So I will not accept you being a quitter, Ayumu-chan.”

“I will never quit!”


Quarren didn’t like defeat.

If there’s something his father had always stressed him about, if he wanted to amount to something in this world, he had to show he had value and worth. So, what was the best way to show this if not to claim dicklets’ bitches for himself? It was only fair he showed some tiny punks how real men ruled the world.

Still, recent days have been quite ruthless and he had been rendered unable to do much for two long weeks. He got pushed away by some bastard from home, then he got punched unconscious by said bastard when he had gotten close to claiming the little childhood friend of that whiny bitch, and now… now he was about to claim that whiner’s little karate girl-buddy.

He was no weakling, and he refused to accept the previous defeats. This time, there was no way he was going to find that bastard here. And he smiled when he was right.

The Dojo just had a shitty old sensei who he managed to convince into joining after a test and… that sweet tomboy treat. He could already savor the idea of mating-pressing the bitch into submission.

Oh, she was going to be the long-needed snack he had longed for.

“So, you want to join this club? Are you sure you’re good for it?”

The strangely flat and dry tone from the chick added with a sense of confidence stirred in him a sense of anger. The girl, Ayumu, was clearly an arrogant brat that was going to be ‘fixed’ through some long breeding session. Or… that was the plan.

The first thing that signaled him that this may not be an easy fight was when they went to shake hands. The girl’s hand, albeit smaller than his, was able to squeeze back at him. She wasn’t as strong as he was, but she clearly was trained. She was tough.

And it made him aroused to imagine how much of a submissive whore she was going to be in bed.

Then the spar began and he was greeted with a lesson he had forgotten about Judo. Truth be told, Quarren had done two-three lessons of Judo as a child. His father had stressed the idea of ‘refining his muscles’.

It was frustrating really, his father was a hard ass with all his children. The stupidest shit was that none of his brothers actually cared much about the tough love he gave them- they were fucking rich and strong! Why the fuck would they need to do any tough work?!

That question, Quarren was soon to find out, was related to this fight and the previous defeats. He could justify the older guy beating him due to age and experience. But this spar- this little bitch-

The ‘tiny punch’ she hurled at him made him doubleback in pain. His ribs groaning against that rapid attack, then even more as more punches and kicks came through. Not even ten minutes into that grueling and painful spar, and Quarren was giving him.

He had been defeated- by a fucking little tomboy!

The senile fuck then told him to get lost and he was suddenly on the streets. He was in pain, and he was ready to get back to his car to rest it out at his luxurious villa when… a large Hammer parked right in front of him, and a few black men like him rushed to get him. He was cuffed up, a bag put on his face and tied up for good within the car’s rear seat.

He thought that some criminal bastard rival to his father had kidnapped him but-

“Yes, Lord Madsen. Your son is secure and we’re en route to your location.”

F-Father is here?! Fuck no!!



Tutorial Arc is coming to an end and… Papa Madsen is going to met Will Talley. How will it go?!



Noice. Thanks for the chapter!


Seguro es madre es de algún otro H pero es imposible saberlo en este momento, gracias por el cap.

Nasaguy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-25 03:57:08 Great to see Ayumu getting the motivation to get muscles & to get stronger to prevent herself from falling into a bad ending. (Along with her beating the guy whose name I can’t bother recalling since it’s a waste of time) Tho I do have a recommendation of one source of ntr that I would like to be prevented, it’s called Otomedori(never quite found peace in my soul after that). Tho can’t wait for more of your other stories in the future!!
2023-06-24 05:51:20 Great to see Ayumu getting the motivation to get muscles & to get stronger to prevent herself from falling into a bad ending. (Along with her beating the guy whose name I can’t bother recalling since it’s a waste of time) Tho I do have a recommendation of one source of ntr that I would like to be prevented, it’s called Otomedori(never quite found peace in my soul after that). Tho can’t wait for more of your other stories in the future!!

Great to see Ayumu getting the motivation to get muscles & to get stronger to prevent herself from falling into a bad ending. (Along with her beating the guy whose name I can’t bother recalling since it’s a waste of time) Tho I do have a recommendation of one source of ntr that I would like to be prevented, it’s called Otomedori(never quite found peace in my soul after that). Tho can’t wait for more of your other stories in the future!!


Thank you for the update! I love seeing these bastards kicked around