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Fateful Troubles - or ‘In a Fate-styled Yuri Otome Game, the Protagonist is actually moving to claim her Male Childhood Friend, aka me.’ (Fate-esque Otome Game, Male!SI)

The thought process behind this idea: A while ago a Patron suggested a story where a Male NPC SI ends up becoming a pep-talker/coach/childhood friend to the protagonist of a Yuri circumstance. Well, this Game fails to make it work as the MC is… she has a lot of Rizz, the issue is that she is aiming it badly for ‘some unknown reasons.

Rebirth is crazy. You may think that this happens and the expected result is an isekai adventure of sorts but…

This definitely is not one.

My name is Emiya Gudao, and I think this is a bit of a sad joke as this isn’t what it looks like. My name is Emiya, and I have the appearance of a little male Fujimaru Ritsuka, but… magecraft isn’t a thing. Magic is.

And the reality I live in can only be described by the notion of Nasuverse as ‘completely unrelated to it beyond some characteristics where most of the characters that are beloved in the franchise exist within the same few generations I live in’. And I just can’t understand why this is a thing. In fact, I think this was the crackiest situation I could have imagined.

Beyond an holographic window telling me more of the situation as I started as a toddler.

You have been recruited by Alaya-chan to make sure the Female Main Character wins the ultimate girls-only harem! Why? Well, Mama is into this shit and I am an obedient child. You will get rewarded handsomely at the end of this journey.


P.S. Your mommy may eventually turn her attention to lewd you. Prepare for that.

My mother is Sakura, by the way, and she is… rather active with father. When one thinks of Emiya Shirou, they think of the redhead with the cringe heroic mindset. But this guy is more like Prillya Shirou on the side of the Illyaverse- a goofy normal kid which tended to stumble on homoerotic circumstances if he wasn’t getting pushed to have pseudo-incestous scenes with his sister.

Or he ‘used to be’ that. Shirou had white hair like Archer, but he was… well, driven into that as Sakura had gone ‘Dark’ with him in the bedroom within their first day as a married couple. My dark hair and blue eyes were inherited from the Tohsaka genes Sakura somewhat kept in her DNA.

With that in mind, I didn’t expect things to go as interesting as they could in Kindergarten- that’s where I was given a reality check on who I had to keep an eye on and those I had to be guarded about.

Ibaraki, or Banana-oni, was Shuten’s young niece, Ereshkigal and Ishtar were twin daughters to Rin and someone that I was unable to learn about as her husband, Baobhan Sith, Melusine and Gray were Morgan’s daughters, Skadi existed as Scathach’s little sister, and… Mordred was Lancer Artoria’s daughter.

There were more toddlers I was familiar with in that odd kindergarten. Males too. Astolfo was actually spotted getting rejected by some boys because he was a girl when the truth was painfully different. I gave him a head pat, that put him in a good mood. But he wasn’t the one I had to be the ‘ultimate Childhood Friends’ of.

Oh no, that role was claimed by a curious orangette that seemed magnetically stuck to me as she followed me left and right while at Kindergarten. Fujimaru Ritsuka was adorable- in the sense that she was a rather ‘modest’ character for a toddler. Childish but not to the point of grating my nerves, and knew how to be quiet without being a creep about it.

We were the tightest buddy as we kept on sticking to each other through the ensuing years. I learned some basic magic, she learned some too, and we were usually known as the ‘Guda/Guda Duo’ since the orangette had been nicknamed by her parents as ‘Gudako’ and the irony wasn’t lost on teachers and classmates alike.

Years went by and… then a monumental event came which gave me relief.

“I-I think I like girls.”

“Is that so?”

Middle-school. ‘Gudako’ had been bottling up her gay feels for some steamy and hot girls for a while. Poor girl realized that while she was straight as a noodle, getting wet ruined that. Plus, she was fatefully meant to do that.


“...I am glad that you told me that.”

She blinked, fidgeting a little. “R-Really?”

“Well, kind of makes helping you get someone easier since we both like girls.”

“...You don’t mind?”

“Why should I, Guda-chan?” I asked, pinching her cheeks. “You’re my best buddy and my fem-bro. And we don’t ditch our bros.”

The bone-breaking hug was adorable. But what I missed in that was a sliver of ‘disappointment’ as I said those words. Nothing that I could have predicted, really, but that didn’t matter at that point.

Everything was set to be a smooth new life where I would get this hurdle done fast. Gudako was good with her rizz and she had already made a few friends up to high school.

It was High School where the ‘game’ was meant to start. I had prepared to be in my best shape possible (which was surprisingly good at hiding my muscles as I looked quite ‘normal’ compared to other magic users)  And the target that was found was…

“Do you like that girl with the glasses?”

The orangette jumped as we were walking inside the school, starting our first day there. She had been looking at a very ‘familiar’ Kohai that looked quite pretty to the eyes with how innocent her appearance was.

Hello there, Mash. Or should I call you Harem Target 1?

“S-She’s cute.”

“Then go ask her name.”

Gudako appeared nervous. “N-now?”

I nodded and… she nodded back.

“I can do it,” She told herself.

You sure can.

“I-I will ask her name.”

That’s an easy job for you, Guda-chan. I doubt you can blunder.

And thus she marched forth, bravely walking up to the girl and… getting a frown out of her as Mash appeared confused. Soon Gudako was back with a fake smile on her face.

“How did it go?” I asked, hoping that I wasn’t seeing things.

Her smile faltered. “I-I now know where the bathroom is.”

“Gudako, the fuck?”

Palms on her face Gudako just groaned and quietly admitted to a very difficult trait I will have to be wary about.

S-She is just so cute. And I am so dumb.

I patted her back in an effort to soothe her from that defeat but…

This was going to be more difficult than I had expected.



Oh, it is definitely going to be more difficult than even the game has predicted.



Gudacest bestcest lets gooooo!

SW fan

This is a fun story good work

Alex McGregor

Gudako is mainlining that Useless Lesbian lol


Technically, they aren't related on this story, but what the hell, LES DO IT!


Interesting like to see more


Esto va a tener mucha diversión y pobre Gudako es Bi y se le rompió su corazoncito con ese rechazo indirecto, ella solo quería pan y jalea, ahora solo tendrá jalea a menos que más adelante ella haga algo para reclamar su pan.


Wait so she has rizz but fails to score with Mash? And she's gonna aim at the MC? I'm a bit confused here but I enjoyed the chapter.


Roll out the salty snacks and drinks cause we are going to enjoy the hijinks of a harem protagonist and their coach.


Just imagining the MC teaching her everything to successfully rizz someone up and then it gets used on him xD

Juan Gustavo

Can't wait for the next part.