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Super Big Bro 2 - or ‘How I ended up becoming the Big Brother to Three ‘Perfect Girls’’ (Powerpuff Girls’ Brother!SI)

The city of Townsville! Another day has gone by and people are enjoying their lovely weekends in their own way. The Utonium Family is… buying some groceries.

Ignore him. He can’t hurt you if you refuse to-

I can perfectly hear you, young lad.

Well crap. Still, I am busy, can you please not be too intrusive?

Sure can do, young man- but watch out with that cart!

Right as he said that, the shopping cart Professor Utonium was riding around ended up colliding with another. The girls had been pestering the poor man with various stuff they wanted to buy, but none was needed or even necessary.

The owner of the cart was a woman around the Professor’s age with short white hair and-

Dear God, it's Sedusa.

Now, now, no spoiling.

What’s that supposed to mean? Right before I spoke up about it, I realized that this was not a good spot to start a fight in. The supermarket was too packed, they were too close to the villain and she was clearly in a good spot to overwhelm us just enough to bail.

No, I couldn’t intervene this soon and, right as it happened in Canon, a suspicious series of events unfolded. Starting with Sedusa (or Ima Goodelady as she was calling herself in that disguise) asking the professor out as an ‘apology’ from him and then ‘miraculously’ ending up hitting it off with him to the point of the man inviting her to live with us. And to sleep in his bed.

Yeah, I never thought of this in a realistic way but- fuck, it’s horrible to know that such a big red flag for an adult wouldn’t be perceived as such by a kid, with the PPGs being caught unaware of what was to come.

From the next day to the one following it I saw Sedusa try her best to get the girls to ‘behave like normal girls’. She tried to do the same with me, but bitch learned that I was not a kid and I was not someone she could rule over as my ‘mother’.

It was frustrating to see how deep it went and how complicated of a matter was. If I struck without proof, I would end up leaving more questions than answers. After all, no one knew I was aware of the general lines of the canonverse-


Well, no one but the fucking narrator, I suppose. Still, I couldn’t exactly strike without a plan and… then I realized that Sedusa was already robbing around Townsville. And this gave me a very interesting idea.

First thing first, I had to ‘borrow’ some stuff from the Professor to build a ‘special dispenser’, and then ask Bubbles for some of her reserves of glitter. The blonde was confused by what I was up to, same for her sisters but… I took them to my room.

“You think that Miss Ima is a villain? Then why are we not stopping her?!” Buttercup exploded, but Blossom huffed.

“That’s because Big Bro doesn’t have proof.”

“I actually do,” I admitted calmly, surprising the trio some more. “But I am worried that ‘Ima’ may try to dodge the accusations with how deep in the Professor’s mind she is.”

“And how would a glitter bomb work to help with that?” Bubbles asked calmly and I patted her head, causing her to smile after so long.

That bitch had taken the kid’s ‘Mr. Monkey’ plushie, I was reasonably infuriated by this event so I was going to make her pay with a little thing to ‘spice things up’. Instead of normal glue, I was going to use the fast-drying super-glue that the professor used in some machines in his lab.

“That’s a good question. And it has to do with a little prank I will play on that ugly woman. Since I am sure that she is the mysterious thief that has been robbing stores in town, I will ask the mayor for some help in… setting up a trap.”

“Hm? Like what?” Bubbles pushed for more and I smiled back at her.

“I will tell him to empty his safe, put the glitter bomb in it, and then announce in town that he will be keeping a ‘precious friend’s pretty blue gem’ within this ‘box’. From there, he will lower the defenses to his home and let a certain thief in.”

“And she will get the glitter!” Blossom realized and I nodded.

“And she will pay for being a bad person!” Buttercup confirmed giddily.

“Yup. Now, I need you three to keep quiet about it, keep your heads low on not retaliating with her as her punishment is going to happen in a few hours. Got it?”

The trio nodded, and I let them stay in my room to watch some movies as they had been forced to do nothing but do their homework and skip on fighting crime. And I had been unable to fucking catch that bitch on the act for some reason.

She just seemed to know how to plan rapid escapes so… I had to rely on this plan to turn her objective into the one thing that was going to screw up with her the most. So, while the girls were busy, I took off to check with the Mayor and told him what was going on.

He appeared surprised, but he was rather jovial and open to help me with this so I gave him the bomb to hide in his safe and well away from his money, and then returned back home as the news of the gem was given around lunchtime.

And Ima heard it all with an intrigued look plastered over her face.

I spied on her as she left the house to ‘go through an urgent grocery trip’, leaving the girls and I to play around while waiting for her return. Buttercup took the role of checking by the window and…

“She’s back!” Her lips were twitching as a tiny giggle left her lips, drawing us to the window to see a very furious Ima storming inside the house with her white-haired wig, face and upper chest covered in light blue glitter.


The blonde flinched. “I-I didn’t do-”

“Anything. And I will take care of it.”

She nodded nervously and stuck behind my legs as we all moved downstairs. The woman was sobbing against the Professor’s chest, and the man looked at the blonde.

“Bubbles, how could you-”

“She was not the one that did that,” I interrupted the man, causing him to look up at me.

“John? What do you mean?”

“Well, to make it simple, I helped the Mayor with a thief issue, and staged an ambush for the one that goes by the name Sedusa.”

The man frowned, the woman gripping tightly against his chest. “I don’t-”

“I made a glitter bomb that was a decoy to use on the thief. Bright blue as it would give the police patrol meant to chase the thief back to her base and then check on the house she would try to find shelter in.”

I saw Ima tense up, eyes widening astronomically right as the doorbell rang.

Professor, this is Agent Hughes and Agent Paulson of the MPD. We think you are unconsciously harboring a criminal inside your home.

The professor looked stunned but-

“AH, ENOUGH!” Ima snarled, pushing him on the ground. “You know what! Fine, I will destroy you directly and put an end to you all! You ruined my beautiful face and I shall ruin your life for good!”

She snarled, her wig twitching and convulsing but ultimately staying put as Senusa realized that something was wrong.

“W-Why can’t I-”

“Super glue,” I interrupted, causing her to glare in shock at me. “I knew the thief used hair as her primary weapon, so… you will need to go through a surgery-based haircut to remove that glue.”

She… dropped to her knees. “Y-You. W-Why? How?!”

“Differently from the professor, I can do some background check Ima, or should I call you ‘I’m a Good Lady’?”

As I said this, I noticed the two agents having been let in by Blossom, taking a look at the woman and then proceeding to take her away. Professor Utonium got up from the ground and he looked genuinely mortified.

“G-Girls, John, I… I don’t know what to say. I should have seen something was wrong but-”

“It’s possible Senusa has some ‘pheromones’ powers tied to her hair,” I assured, interjecting it. “Professor, an apology is fine.”

“Yeah, it’s all right,” Buttercup assured and Bubbles… giggled.

“Plus, you were acting so silly around her, Professor. Do all boys behave like that?”

“Not always,” I replied and then turned to the professor as he approached  to give the girls a big hug. One I was pulled into by Bubbles to try and ‘calm down’ any upset that may be remaining from the experience.

“I guess I should have listened to Cranston. Luck with love is surely a difficult thing for us scientists to understand.”

Sounds like good advice but… who is Cranston?

So once again the day is saved thanks to the Super Big Bro as he successfully repells the perfidious beauty that is Sedusa! What an astonishing young lad!

No, wait, who is Cranston? I don’t recall anyone called like that!

Well… I don’t know myself~!




Indeed, who is Cranston? One of the first big dilemmas that will entertain this story but… not through this first part of it.



Cranston, Cranston, why do i think of "CRAB" when i read it, also, the narrator is still being a pain, I LOVE IT.


Gracias por el capitulo, jaja está claro que un John jamás podrá tener un SI tranquilo sin sorpresas


Who is Cranston? The Shadow knows!