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My Dark Lady Shouldn't Be This Cute 4 - or ‘The day I had to become a bit of a teddy bear to my beloved Dark (Cutie) Lady Tammy’ (HP SI, feat. Fem!TomRiddle)

I am still alive.

Despite being besieged by bigoted Slytherin, I would dare to say that the only gripe I had to face were scowls and glares. It was back at a time where racism was rather diluted compared to how it would turn with Voldemort’s rise to power.

Since Tammy hates that shit, I doubted that was going to manifest beyond the mere irritation of ‘purebloods over some muggles with powers’. And the first week created a rather odd shift in that first impression.

Not on purpose, I really wasn’t planning to make a solid statement just yet about where my sister and I stood on, but they ‘saw’ something that made them reluctant to try anything funny with us.

Where my sibling excelled as a proper student, I took it a step further early on. Magic was, after all, a subject divided in categories that not many had the interest to study. Any major developments that may have been made in the early years of the castle had started to decline in frequency along the years. So, many elements of it were not known due to a growth in complacency for many people.

I decided to break that circle by doing something simple and yet unexplored: understanding the depths of the simplest spells we were being taught. I know, I could just plan a way to get to the Forbidden Section of the Library, but it was the kind of stuff that would put Dumbledore on both Tammy and my asses.

So, I decided to first make a list of things we were available to students in the First-Year books:
1) Wingardium Leviosa;
2) Lumos;
3) Alohomora;
4) Flipendo;
5) Expelliarmus

First came the Levitation Charm. Upon an early look, the spell is quite simple: it allows wizards and witches to levitate objects. But that’s the thing- the way the spell acts upon its target is not as simple as that.

Magic was willed into replacing the object’s gravity with one built by Magic itself.

It may seem little, but it defies a few logics within the notion of ‘levitation’. After all, the object can do more than just ‘levitate’. As I studied it closely as part of my special homework, I could tell this could be self-applied once mastered in its simpler form.

Second was Lumos- and this is very interesting. Lumos is a special spell which works on producing light. This, I don’t disagree to- but this isn’t the end of it. It produces light which can then be ‘selected’ within the pronunciation and the wand-swinging. Lumos Solem is an example of it as it specifically produces sunlight.

So… what happens when you try to produce a ‘solid light’ spell? Constructs.

“Lumos Solidos!” Right as I casted this spell, I created a barrier of hard-light. Stronger than a normal Protego Maxima due to the element it was made off, I had literally tripped into creating a cheaper, stronger version of even the strongest variant of Protego.

This one I decided to teach to Tammy.

“Does it work against all spells? Like the Unforgivable Curses?”

I had to pause when she brought those up. “How do you know of the Curses?”

“Heard from some of the older Slytherins. They mentioned how those would be ‘too far’ towards us.”

“It should, but dodging is preferred.”

A nod, and I spent the third day at Hogwarts educating Tammy with what new spells I created as variants of those we were being taught in regular lessons.

Alohomora comes next and, truth be told, I don’t know how it works. It wasn’t even a matter of seeing the mechanism unlock, but rather how the magic did that. At times it worked, at times it didn’t.

Which is why I delved deep into the history behind the spell, and learned that it was one that had been imported from Africa. Britain used two ‘obsolete’ spells before Alohomora: Portaberto and Open Sesame.

No, I am not joking. Open Sesame is indeed a spell, but it works within a specific situation- it has to be a door or a ‘passage’ from a room to another. Its effect was to effectively rip the barrier apart- turning wooden doors into firewood.

The former was the more subtle version of the latter- Portaberto tended to crack locks. The one thing I noticed while using the spell was that it was faulty untilI studied the kind of lock the spell is dealing with. As I drew some assumptions, I could tell it could be harnessed to also break iron and steel if those were used for a closed door.

These two spells were less subtle, but they could be good and reliable when doors were ‘defended’ by the Anti-Alohomora charm. It seems that no one used the Anti-charms for these other two so… good to know. And thus Tammy was now happy with three new spells to play with.

Next up is Flipendo and… oh fuck, this is good. The simplest offensive spell was actually the most terrifying I could expand upon- if before I could restrain most of the offensive spells to ‘literal attacks’, this one was different because, in truth, the ‘Knockback Jinx’ had ‘Conceptual Potential’.

One thing I realized with some spells was how those reacted with their targets. At times the effect was immediate and were manifestations of magic within ‘Reality-Driven’. The other kind is ‘Conceptual-Driven’ which is the imposition of one’s magical will within Reality. The former was bound by the laws of logic, while the other by the lack of such laws.

Wingardium Leviosa was a Conceptual Spell as its will tended to rewrite laws of gravity within an object for as long as it was in effect.

Flipendo was a Conceptual Spell too, as its purpose was not just to knock people out of sight, but it was given that name due to its effect in the basic form on how it was used. The truth is the shape the spell had while within the tip of the wand. It was magic… and it was rotating- no, it was Spinning.

I continued to maintain the spell back within the wand’s tip for a while, seeing the shifting growing faster and faster and then, as I released it… I saw it happen with great results. The usually slow-paced Knockback Jinx turned into a fast bullet that silently tore through several of the desks of the unused classroom I was employing as my secret training. I didn’t put any extra magic, or focused any harder than it should be needed for the spell. What I did was let it spin on itself some more.

I think I may have stumbled on a Jojo reference or something.

I doubted it was the same as the Spin from Part 7 and 8, but the way this power manifested came from the concept of self-rotation. This opened up the opportunity to explore a source of genuine infinite power if mastered properly. Either that, or a powerful tool to use in times of need. It was a novelty I kept from Tammy- last thing I needed was her somewhat pulling a Golden Spin out of nothing and obtaining the most powerful ability this world didn’t need to be subjected to- yet.

The final element on the list was… unimportant compared to the rest. Expelliarmus is called the ‘Disarming Charm’. By going through magical logic and how Charm works, the main point of use for this spell is tied to a subjective understanding of disarming.

Technically speaking, I can will myself to see an hand as an independent item and… rip it out of someone that was moronic enough to warrant it.

I didn’t really see a point to expand on it just yet. Maybe I could glean more by further reading on the topic, but the First-Year Charm Textbook didn’t give much on the topic.

Now that I explained where my current advances in Week 1 are, I will also drop in my current favorite subject: Potions.

It was a dual interest actually as I saw it as a way to improve my standing in Slytherin through Slughorn’s delight in praising and supporting rising stars within the subject, and because I found this aspect of the school reminiscent of the time I spent playing ‘Little Chemic’ as a little kid in my previous life.

There were some references to how cooking worked in the way to handle ingredients, and the way it all mixed up in a rather fun way to create useful potions was, all in all, an exceptional subject.

Plus, you can’t be traced whenever you use a specific kind of potion for pranks if you do the basics of cleaning after your steps.

And now to the main juicy thing- how did I get my roommates’ respect?

Well, it starts with a simple session of duels.

Nothing much happened to it as no one was enough of an idiot to start issues. Then, as I found myself leading a small group of Slytherin to the next lesson as the rest was behind to keep on listening to the after-lesson’s words from Professor Flitwick.

And Tammy had the ‘unfair job’ of cleaning after her mess when she may have broken a bit of the table with the swift victories she got during this first session of the Duel Club so she wasn’t with us at the time.

Right as we turned the corner, we spotted a trio of Gryffindors that seemed to be around their Fifth Years strolling about and… suddenly approaching us.

“Well, well, we have some little Snakes here.”

Why now?

“Can we, like, do this never. We have classes to attend,” I flatly pointed out. Willow was right behind me and she looked uneasy- so was anyone actually as we really weren’t in the kind of group of being utter dipshits.

Well, my roommates and a few other boys were ready to start a scuffle but-

“Look, we don’t want trouble. And I will not let any fight happen, so you-”

Before I could finish, one of the idiots hurled a spell.

“Lumos Solidos.”

The barrier manifested right moments away the spell could have gotten to me. The solid surface easily tanked the various jinxes and charms trying to get to me. I saw some familiar ones, others I was mostly clueless about and-

“How long can you hold it?”

I turned to Willow, seeing her worried look and the curious looks on the other students.

“As long as it is needed,” I admitted calmly, barely feeling the drain on keeping up the spell. “I am fine.”

The girl didn’t seem convinced of it, but I didn’t have any issue in just holding the spell for as long as it was needed for a teacher to rush up to check. One of the Slytherins had rushed back to Flitwick and gotten his attention.

By the time the teacher was there, the Gryffindorks looked tired, shocked and baffled by the resistance of the shield. Flitwick was equally awed by it-

“Mr. Riddle, did you- what kind of spell are you using?”

“It’s one I tried out while testing out Lumos. I call it Lumos Solidos- Light made into a Solid Object.”

And now I got some extra points for the House Cup for 1) Avoiding a fight by creating a proper barrier; 2) Creating a Spell from an existing one.

I am not sure how this was going to go as I didn’t exactly plan to reveal one of the spells this soon but, truth be told, I could tell other wizards had better than this. I don’t mean the 70% of normal users, but those that were either law enforcement, dark wizards or just people that knew shit more than others.

Still, I got a big tight hug from Tammy for her worried thoughts after having heard I got ‘stuck in a fight’. Despite telling her that I was fine, she promised ‘vengeance’ against the Gryffindors.

I decided to leave it at that as I could tell she was going to prank them the fuck up. After the rest of the day went smoothly and I returned to my room, I was surprised to find the others were already there and were clearly waiting for me.

“Riddle. We need to talk.”

I blinked, but I walked up to the group as they rallied in the middle of the room.

“How long have you been practicing magic?” Nott asked, looking intrigued.

“A week.”

“That’s a load of crap, there’s no way a Muggleborn can be this strong,” Lestrange rebuked and I scoffed. “What?”

“I am not a Muggleborn. Same for my sister,” I replied flatly. “I was found on a cold night in London and brought by some officers working at the local Constable back to the closest orphanage. No parents, no means to be identified. My ‘sister’ was dropped off after her mother gave birth to her at the orphanage and, from my understanding, her last name was Gaunt.”

They all looked aware of what that meant.

“Gaunt? You mean to tell us your sister is a pureblood?”

“Or a half-blood.” Rosier finally spoke.

“I don’t know,” I replied curtly, giving them a harsh look. “And, with all due respect to whoever taught you that sort of ideological crap, I don’t care.”

“Blood is important in our society, Riddle-” Nott remarked.

“Perhaps within some of the old circles, but blood matters not when power and cunning are not present,” I interrupted. “If it was as simple as just keeping it within the pureblood families, then there would be some mighty Merlin-like warlocks running amok. I don’t need to tell you that’s not the case.”

“My father-” Lestrange tried to say, but I jumped back to him.

“Probably told you what his father told him and what his father’s father told him again. Have you asked ‘why is blood tied to magic’?”

Unsurprisingly enough, no one answered that.

“I will provide a reason why that hasn’t been asked ever, if any of you asked your family, then there would be punishment for defying such an important tenet in your traditions,” I added with a dry tone. “So, here’s the deal- you either claim it or not.”

They all nodded and I gave it to them as simple as it could be.

“I don’t want thugs, I don’t want minions, I don’t want disposable tools- I want individuals with ideas and thoughts. I want equals in what I envision in this society my sister and I want to create. And I know you three have the means to help me and yourselves to see that.”

“...” “...” “...”

“How about I just let you watch and see what I can do in this first month? You give it a try and then you tell me, heh?”

They all shared a quick look and…

“It wouldn’t be bad.”

“It would not.”

“Good! Then let us be, at the very least, acquaintances from now on.”

And that’s how I got the ‘Gang’ started, I suppose.

Now, how do I break it to Tammy?



Next time, Tammy’s POV and the many ‘skanks’ that have been dealt with as they tried to get close to her brother. Feat. a very awkward Willow behaving as Tammy’s flickering good conscience around some of those ‘bitches’.



Which version of Merlin? Disney or Fate version? Disney!Merlin would possibly just make them quiet, Fate!Merlin would troll the hell out of them, i mean, he's the Dick Wizard.


Aunque creo prácticamente no tenemos información de ese Merlin


Great chapter as always, looking forward to the next!

Pedro Jose Bello Belen

My headcanon is that he’s between Disney and Fate Merlin, so someone whom usually ignores problems but Can from time to time punish those that go too far XP