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Impactful Connection 2 - or ‘The Tale of a Writer and a Medic from Different Worlds’ (When Genshin Impact unites Dimensions!)

Yorra Villeneuve hated bullshit.

She had a bullshit childhood, a bullshit life up to adulthood, then she got hit by all sort of shit with a Darkrai fucking with her brain, her step-brother turning into a monster, her surrogate lil’ bro getting murdered while trying his first attempt against the Elite Four-

Fuck, the list was long and it was black as it could get. But damn, this was going beyond her usual stuff.

First thing first, Yorra was obsessed with Genshin. Created by MiHoYo, an organization based in Alola, it was a free game that gave Yorra what she needed- a means to escape the shitty reality she was stuck with and do stuff that made her warm inside- maybe less warm than getting spitroasted, but still… She loved the feeling of not having to be an intern at the local hospital and a gym leader- the Eighth Gym Leader at that.


Now, when she started gaming, she didn’t expect for a lasting co-op relationship to become the messy time-loopy shit she was now supposed to deal with now that it was the beginning of a new day.

Yorra barely slept - she hardly could actually - and now she felt like she couldn’t shake off the feeling this mess was bigger than just Genshin. After all, phone-calling worked and… it didn’t cost much. That’s the thing, for some reason the tariff between ‘two fucking different dimensions’ was close to zero.

The reality of having made a ‘dipshit friend’ through dimensions was as absurd as it could get… then she remembered that Legendary Pokémon were a fucking thing. And that there were some that could literally go through Space and Time.

Yup, it was absurd but not impossible.

Now that she managed to ‘somewhat grasp the gravity of the utter mess she was expected to face’, the young woman focused on the main question: How?

If this was a widespread phenomenon, how come no one else failed to notice this? Actually, how the fuck would this go unnoticed with some of the deranged opportunists within the Elite Four ready to milk this sort of opportunity?

Is it wrong that I crave booze so early in the morning? I just don’t want to deal with this crap.

She knew that this sort of investigation couldn’t be done on her own. It wasn’t her stuff, her motif. Hence why Yorra made the decision to call someone she knew she could trust with this sort of techy stuff.

How about you subscribe to my channel, Yor?! You know you love my content!

That again? Yorra scowled at that ‘demand’, knowing the man on the other side of the call didn’t mean it. Of all potential allies in this situation, he was the best shot she got to try and either confirm or refute that John was a denizen of a world where Pokémon are not a thing.

“Look, Crits. I am hard-pressed about it. Just check where this phone number is from and-”

Urgh!Steely Crits, fellow Gym Leader and ‘professional Pokétuber’, huffed loudly back at the girl. “Yorra, it’s always the same. Always asking me to do things and always dropping on why you need this. Like, who’s this guy? Did he forget to pay?

“First, I don’t get paid for sex,” The young woman rebuked flatly. “Second, I didn’t bang this one. I just need to check something really fast in regard to where he is right now.”


“I… I don’t think he is anywhere we know about. You know, none of the regions.”

“Oh? You mean he got some super-spooky secret number that needs some cracking?” Crits was giddy at this point so-

Hook, line and…

“More like he is nowhere in this world.”

“And you got my full attention. Give me a moment, darling.”


Yorra waited patiently, looking around her flat and glaring at the counter that had been damaged by Buttons. She gave him the cone of shone, the big boy definitely can take some irony in being an infuriating cat at times.

He was still her main Pokémon. Especially after what… happened with Maxima. The thought always soured any effort to keep calm, and it made her so angry but- but things change.

Maybe too much.

Still, her patient wait was rewarded with a puzzled look from Steely.

So, Yor, I am trying to make sense of it and… I know this may sound off, but it does confirm this guy is from an… unknown place. There's none I know or can find online.

“...Is it like ‘Italy’ or something like that?”


Shit. Double shit.

Yor, I think you owe me an explanation,” Steely was going ‘Sterny’ on her. “What is going on?

“It’s like… we were playing Genshin.”

That Gacha game I told you many times not to play?” The man sarcastically described, causing Yorra’s mood to further drop.

“Yeah, yeah- well, I like it. And he likes it- we kind of have been co-oping for about an year now and it came up with the fact his world doesn’t… have Pokémon.”


“And you can’t tell anyone else until we know how bad this would be if it spreads.”

Yor, how did you… I can’t even think of the right words with how shocking this all is.

“Well, welcome to my world,” The girl groaned. “And I told him that I wouldn’t tell anyone else.”

That secret will be safe with me! But first, I would like to call him and ask him about games from his world so-

“He’s probably sleeping at this point,” She replied effortlessly, almost instinctively as she remembered it was the time of the day where it was deep night where he lived.

Oh… And how do you know that?

“Time-zones came up while planning games,” Yorra replied truthfully. “Steel, I don’t want to bang him- hell, I tried to set up an online date between him and Jules.”


The fellow Gym Leader then went awfully quiet.

Does- Does Didier know?

“Nope. And I hope he doesn’t learn this from your mouth.”

I don’t want to trigger Didier, so that’s a big no,” Steel promised. “But… Jules? You know, lovely cheerleading and social Jules that hardly plays video games nowaday?

“She likes her boys nerdy and reliable. Plus, John has a backbone and can insult back when needed so that should keep up with that Dragon Dumbass.”

And did he practice that ‘backbone’ with you?” Steel teased a bit. “Will you also have sex with him as preparation?

“Considering the fact we have a hate bone for one another? That would be highly difficult for me even at my thirstiest.”

Truth be told, Yorra did contemplate that. Fucking John would be an experience- she doubted he would be the best she had, but she knew it would be the most amusing. They hated each other’s guts when it comes to favorite characters in the game, so it would create quite the interesting pseudo hate-sex situation to play with.

Still, she had promised Jules she would help her find a boyfriend. So- That’s all for now.

Steel actually looked a bit surprised by her words but… ultimately shrugged and dropped the topic.

If it works, I guess it would be quite the funniest way for poor Jules to leave singlehood.

Yorra finally cracked a cheeky smile. “Definitely.”

And that gave her a few ideas to set up the ideal date for those two idiots.



Yorra is in a bit of a shitty spot in her life. So Genshin and John play a big role in raising her mood. Still, Yor has a himbo after her heart that she is willingly ignoring. Poor ‘Hot Wheels’.

Also, Jules will be a fun character to write.



Oh. Glad this got an update. Certainly a logical turn, trying to find a way to prove one way or another if he's in the regions by going to someone who understands computers better than herself.


Oh, me olvide de mencionar está historia en las que quiero. Gracias por el capítulo


Not gonna lie, despite what she says, I'm shipping her with John :V So I'm hoping for a shimaidon route~~