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Try 'em all! - or ‘This was not the Journey to be the Very Best I was hoping for' (Pokemon, Anthroverse SI)

Ah yes, Pokemon.

I should have known that a big-tiddy anthro Arceus promising me the ‘best life’ ever into a version of the Pokeworld by starting with an unique starter was bound to leave me in a precarious situation. And no, it wasn’t an economic or social situation the main issue I was dealing with-

It was a ‘circumstantial’ one tied to one odd question that mommy-milkers Arceus asked me before hurling me in a different existence.

Which Pokemon do you want to have for this ‘journey’~?” The sultriness of the MILF kind was unexpected but rather welcomed.

“W-Well, since I have to pick a reliable Mon… Lucario!”


That is where I was greeted by a completely different situation than the one I had envisioned. When I thought of choosing Lucario, I expected the standard Pokemon version which is SFW. I wasn’t expecting…


Master~, I am very very horny. Let's have a bed-battle~!

Vicious, brutal, beautiful, regretfully intense and…

I think I went a bit too far about it. But with a horni Lucario on me, a genuine interest in having my lonely self treated to some wholesome and rough bed-breaking love-making sex, and the fact the dream had been true… I kind of went hard on ‘Lucy’.

The girl wanted something intense, yes, but the twitching mess of pleasure and canine delight was completely overwhelmed by what I had at my disposal. The house was the same as mine, if not located elsewhere due to the sudden ‘dimensional displacement’.

Lucario sighed happily as she basked in the greatness of a good ol’ breeding session. Her very human-looking pussy was clogged with several rounds-worth of cum, and her fur on the chest was ruffled enough to show her erect nipples.

“Good girl,” I commented, getting a wider grin out of her. Dirty-talking was one of her weaknesses and… she was quite the sweet thing as I was done taking care of her feminine needs.

“So… how much do you know?”

“A bit. Not a lot. Lady Arceus only told me that you are my Master, someone that will take care of me forever and that he will make me a happy girl!”

That was lovely, but I was expecting a bit more. That had to wait after we went through a quick shower with some groping, and then a rapid exploration of the city we were in to see what was up.

Cadux City was a ‘modest place’ in the Errina Region. It made sense that places like Kanto, Johto and other regions weren’t a thing there but… it sure felt odd to be in a Pokeworld with Anthro Pokemon working with humans rather than engaging in fights.

Stuff like ‘Wild Pokemon’ was still a thing, but it was a rare occurrence ever since the practice of Pokemon-on-Pokemon combat had been dropped.

Likewise, the resurface of the trend where humans would be in relationship with pokemon had long established itself as a welcomed aspect of society… even though some were not fully sold on the ‘harems’ that came out of this.

No Gyms, no Poke-battles, and no Pokemon League. No ‘action’ so to speak. Pokemon could still use their powers, but those were extremely limited compared to their ‘original’ selves so it wasn’t convenient enough to ‘stamp out’ human workers in most fields.

“So, you would actually be happy if I just took in another girl?”

“Yup!” Lucario assured giddily. “More girls means more fun in bed-battles, right?”

I nodded. “Yeah. But it is still important because we need to take care of them too.”

“But Master is kind! So he will do just fine.”

“I guess… and you’re a good girl, as always.”

She beamed, her tail wagging a bit faster at the praise and… yeah, we didn’t do much else during this first trip in town.

At home, I managed to sort out the economic situation- it turns out that I was part of some sort of ‘government program’ where I would be called to do ‘odd-jobs’ and random stuff like that. I had two variants to my wage, active and passive- the former was for when I was actually working and the latter for my current ‘inactive’ self

This was good as the passive wage was quite enough to pay for groceries and other items we may need while also keeping out a portion to use in an emergency fund. So yeah, we were gold in that regard.

Still, Lucy wanted some gym stuff- more than the ones I had around. I was no gym expert and I had just enough for some basic exercises. Due to her nature as a Fight-Type, Lucy needed other outlets for her personal stress.

So, I decided to order stuff online rather than push Lucy out for another trip outside and… the rest of the day moved quickly until it was time for bed.

Lucario made a point that, since we were going to cuddle in bed, it was only fair that I dropped any clothing for both not overheating due to the warmth she generated and also going for it if needed.

That was fine- a bit unexpected but… heh, it was still nice to cuddle with such a good girl. Considering how overwhelming the day proved to be, I ended up falling asleep quite fast together with Lucario… but nothing had prepared me to open my eyes to see…

Well, well, well… I suppose this is the one mother brought to this world,” A womanly voice muttered from over my body, and I frowned at her pretty blue eyes. “Hm? You seem surprised but… not scared? Don’t you know who I am?


And yet you don’t fear me. Why?” She inquired, lowering herself on my body, eyes narrowed dangerously and… my boner rubbing along her slit. “And- wait… is that… you know… your…?

I slowly nodded. “That’s my dick.”

Oh. You find me… attractive?


“I see. Well, what will you do with this? Will you hurt me? Will you… oh?”

I hugged her and nuzzled against her fluffy head.

“...What is this?”


“...What is ‘cuddles’?”

“Shhh. Just enjoy.”

Despite some degree of distrust I could perceive from the girl, the Legendary Pokemon slowly closed her eyes and… fell asleep. As I was suspecting, this Darkrai was clearly unaware of what cuddling means and… she liked it. To the point of ending up waking up between me and Lucy the next day.

But that, I am afraid, is a story for another time~.


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