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At the Gator’s 2 - or ‘I am Croc or Waylon, but no Killer’ (DC Comics/DCAU, Killer Croc!SI)

It’s been a month now since I had started visiting Pam at the local hospital.

Gotham was not known for its ‘effective’ system, but due to this situation being a Federal fuck-up, money was provided by the government as ‘hush money’.

From what I could get by the guy in black that wanted to speak with someone close to the comatose potential villain, the contract Pam signed allowed her to receive medical care in case of this sort of messes- however, this was balanced by the demand that she would be unable to lawyer up against the government once treatment was over.

This explained why Poison Ivy never aimed her wrath to the main source of this mess but just lashed out. Pam already knew this from the way the silver-tongued bastard was keen to point out, but that she took this gamble because ‘she believed in the project’. And her trust was paid back with betrayal.

The bastard that made her into this was the chief researcher she spoke highly of, portraying him as some sort of passionate pioneer. Which proved to be a fair red flag on him doing what he did in an act of desperation of losing his life-long project like that.

Despite how stupid this all felt, I managed to convince the government guy to make some new arrangements for Ivy: An isolated room, flowers and plants that I would personally tend, a special lamp to provide her with sunlight if the sky was clouded/raining, and recommendations to provide her a fruitarian diet once she woke up.

I passed it all as deduction and assumptions alone, which worked as the guy gave no fucks on the matter beyond keeping the government’s hands clean. Plus, my reasoning was sound from what the doctors told us both- she was now a human-plant as her blood was now replaced by chlorophyll, her skin was green and her sweat was… poisonous. This last bit was relevant for the medical personnel as they were instructed to use special gloves and masks while dealing with bathing her.

I was technically fine in not doing any of that. I have been told before that my current conditions made me somewhat resilient if not immune to most basic poisons, thus that was not a big deal.

Once I was done dealing with the ‘we did nothing wrong’ that the clerk had to tell me, I just had him leave because he was leaving me in a bad mood. I was already in one at the time, if I have to be honest but… I just needed to focus on Pam.

Now, I know what many here would think if they were put in my crocs at the moment- Waylon, you shouldn’t be caring for a villain like that. She will panic, she will do evil shit and all of that.

But I know Pam.

That’s what held me back from ditching her. And it mattered in way more than just a single meaning of that. Pam was a friend, a close one- I didn’t know her just by DC lore alone.

I knew her person, I knew her weaknesses and strengths. I knew what she wanted to do in the future and I knew, through a rather nervous confession, about the abuses she had in her childhood through her father. Nothing sexual, but she does trust women more than men out of instinct because of it.

So, instead of just checking on her and doing the minimum needed to keep around, I actually put an effort to make her coma actually comfortable. I would visit daily, I would bring an apple from the large cash I bought from the closest farms that handled that sort of business and would always slice it up in slices, ready to give her some once she woke up.

For a month, I would be the only one eating those. A rather bland snack for someone like me, but it was juicy enough to make it worthy. Hell, the taste just grew on me after just two weeks of doing that.

I still worked the shifts at the pub, but many started to realize that I was a bit less ‘free’ after the work hours. Not many were close enough to care, but some had started to bet on why that was a thing.

None asked, and I made it clear it wasn’t a subject of any conversation, no matter how well-paying or drunk the moron asking was.

Beyond that, everything was fine with the work business. Batman was around now and he started to clean the streets. From what I could gather by the now-missing group of punks that tended to visit the pub, the mafia was getting hit really hard.

It was still before the time proper villains took over Gotham’s gangs, so there was still some chance to see old-style thugs going around and causing trouble to some businesses.

I had gotten in contact with some proper methods to make cash from stocks. Normally, I wouldn’t make such a gamble early on, but with Wayne Enterprise making some ‘good promises’, I decided to put some money in their words.

I knew that Bruce was going to revive the company to be a nation-wide corporation rather than just one centered in Gotham, so I was more than welcoming of free cash on that front. Well, mostly free cash. You need to spend money to make money, after all.

Still, one month goes by and something has changed with Pam. The girl… stirred awake from her coma, slowly awakening as if she had gone through a rough night and… she was dizzy enough to ignore the fact she was in a hospital bed as she noticed me.


I smiled, thinking of what the doctor had told me in case she woke up. To not stress her and to treat this as a normal occurrence.

“Good morning, Pam.”

She offered a weak smile. “Hmm… How long?”

I blinked and then the young woman elaborated.

“How long have I been… asleep?”

It had been a chance. That she actually remembered what really happened to her once fully awake.

“A month.”

“...I lost my job.”

“That much I was told.”

“And my flat.”

I nodded. “Which is why you’re staying at the pub.”

“...I shouldn’t be imposing,” The redhead remarked. “I would be a bother.”

“I think it’s less of a choice and more of a necessity at this point.”

That confused her for a moment, but that was before she noticed her arms were green. And that there was a lamp aimed at her face. And that she could create flowers by her fingertips.

“...That’s not what I expected to wake up to.”

“It’s not that bad.”

I am green,” The woman dryly remarked, but then stopped as she looked back at me. “Oh.”

“Welcome to my world, Pam.”

I didn’t add any sharp sarcasm, only amusement as she was embarrassed by the fact that I was quite green myself.

“...I guess I can stay around… but I will work there.”

I nodded. “Sure. But I think it’s best if you have a bit of a rundown explanation on the changes so you don’t get overwhelmed by them.”

Pam found it reasonable enough and… she was upset by some of those just as I was expecting. The ‘plant-sensitivity’ topic brought up some skepticism, but it became quite clear to her as she was released in the next few days of check-ups that she was going to struggle a bit about it.

She latched onto my right arm through the walk to my car, doing her best to ignore ‘their screams’. Luckily for me, I treated my plants nicely enough that they weren’t screaming and Pam was blessed with ‘silence’ as we got to the pub.

For two days, she just ‘rested’. It was more of ‘testing out her powers in a safe environment’. She was surprised by the extent of those, and her newfound pleasure in eating fruits that were ‘willingly’ taken from plants.

It had been a test, really, and it bore some results as her diet wasn’t just about fruits. She was ‘carnivorous’ within the logic that more dead animals ‘meant less killed plants’. Plus, there were proteins her body needed that fruits alone couldn’t deal with and veggies were off the menu due to her new attachment to plants’ lives.

Once she got adjusted to her new life, Pam started to work as a waitress. She picked a relatively modest uniform, one with a knee-long skirt, half-sleeved dark shirt with a view on her cleavage. She was green but quite beautiful, ending up attracting a few men and women due to that gorgeous self.

However, Pam didn’t give them any attention. At first, I thought it was because she was just focusing on the job she had to try and repay the debt ‘she owned me’, but I soon learned that it wasn’t the case. Not fully, at the very least.

It was late in the evening, the shift was over and Pam was reading some books as I went to get myself a nice shower. Despite having scales, I still sweated nonetheless and needed to clean up from time to time.

Plus… having Pam around was getting me worked up a bit more than usual. She was curvier and sexier than before, as expected by Poison Ivy, yet the way she handled it around me was so… closer than I had predicted.

And it made me hard at times.

Hence why showers were now a way to not push it on the girl that I have a boner because of her. I just didn’t want to push it on her now that she was ‘working her life to stability’.

So, I was a bit stunned when she ultimately made a move on this very occasion. I was distracted with using the soap, trying to get squeaky clean and-

“I didn’t think it would be so human-like.”

Pam’s voice froze me up and I turned to the source of it, which was right beside me. A very nude and sexy Poison Ivy that was giving me bedroom eyes.


“I thought we could share a shower together for once.” She said, licking her lips and I smelled something… ‘pleasant’.

Pheromones. I frowned at this development and the fact they barely affected me.

“I would be fine with this… if you drop the sweet smell, Pam.”

She paused for a moment, trying to appear innocent, but my deadpan look had her sigh.

“You resist it?”

“Yep, plus you don’t need that,” I said as I turned my erection to her. “This is ‘your fault’ after all.”

Pam’s eyes widened in surprise. “W-Wait, I gave you that?”

“That and a few others in the previous days. You are a hot woman, why shouldn’t I react to that?”

“I am really confused. I thought you were avoiding me for- because I am not your type.”

“I was doing that because you were working on putting stability in your life first,” I corrected, leaving her stunned for a moment and then she just… facepalmed.

“I am an idiot.”

“A hot one,” I complimented, making her blush a bit as I took a step closer to her.

Pam noticed, she looked up at me as I leaned my head close to hers and asked her a simple question.

“Can I kiss you, Pamela Isley?”

I think I broke her for a moment as her response was plain hilarious.

“F-Fuck me hard, daddy.”

To her delight, I did give her what she asked for. In mere minutes, she was being lifted by her legs, lips clashing with mine as I pounded her green pussy silly. It’s been ages since I have been with a woman and to know that Ivy was my first one was… holy shit, an achievement.

She was ‘deadly’ to most people and was quite distrusting of most men so… I was quite in luck at the moment. The noise of my cock stretching her pussy, our groins slapping on each other and her moans echoing all over the room just made the entire setting heavenly.

I went in and out of that hungry cunt for two whole hours. I just couldn’t stop it, and she was gluttonous enough to go for it for that long. By the end of it all, we were in my bed, sharing the warmth while cuddling happily like good lovers.

“That was… amazing.”

“You’re welcome. And you were wonderful yourself.”

Pam beamed at the care put in the words but… “So, does that mean we are in a relationship?”

“Normally, I would say no because we didn’t date. But sex is a big thing on trust in those circumstances.

“We could go on a date and check out?” The girl offered. “But, I pick the place.”


Soon we went to sleep and… this is where things will start to get quite interesting from now on.



Pam is all out for the best friend to a Florida Man (the Crocodile Man). Still, she may find out that she alone can’t satisfy her lover… and plan something to help him with that.


Alex McGregor

I expect your confusing the ever loving shit out of Bruce


Waylon: The pretty gadgets you have, Mr. B? I pretty much put a cent or two on the full price. In return, however, you have to pay the man that pays your former hot employee.


Not gonna lie, I really want to see this story keep going. Would be awesome for Croc to be Batman's "Guy in the know".


Well, even if they don't fully click, I think Pam has found her male friend with benefits to scratch that itch. Now we just need to wait for her to go to a more normal universe (during shenanigans) and everyone's reaction. Pam: What? I like men, my problem is I go after the wrong guys normally. Which likely turned off my native self. I've got a great friend as a backup, with a great 'itch scratcher'. Also, both our life spans seem closer to YES than we are that thrilled about.


So the other guy Batman has Alfred call? [ThePandaRedd Reference]