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Rebuke of the Tatsu-boy 11 - or ‘How SI!Tatsurou outfucked and outcucked the Dark Lord’s worst fiends’ (Taimaninverse, Tatsurou!SI)

The Fuuma Revolt completely shredded the legitimacy and ancient power the Fuuma Clan once held.

While the group survived under the leadership of young Fuuma Kotaro, who seemed to be a ‘good version’ of the three potential outcomes he could have been like, the overall damage permanently sealed them off from ever influencing the village’s politics.

A strong reshuffle ensued within the Elder Council in charge of Gosha, with the Igawa primacy completely cemented and reconstruction ensuing after the damage. Criminals were processed, celebrations made and… rewards prepared as I was invited to spend the night at the Mizuki household.

Shiranui’s husband was out of the village to join operations to keep track of any runners after the revolt, so the place was perfect for the kind of debauchery the MILF had planned for us to take part in.

“Ara~ Ara~, to be as young as you two are- I so miss those old times.”

It was the three of us in that big bedroom and none of us was wearing clothes. I was pretty much fine with Shiranui quickly going nude, but Yukikaze jumping with earnest desire to comply with her mother’s request left me perplexed.

“It’s alright, Tatsu-kun. We are going to have fun! Mama said so.”

Dear Lord, this makes me feel so awkward.

Now, now. Both of you, come here to Mama~,” Shiranui had a rather lewd look on her face as she patted her legs while sitting, gesturing to us to approach her. “Yuki-chan, do you remember the basic things I told you a while ago?”

The tanned girl nodded. “Hai. My breasts, my pussy and my ass.”

“Good. Now, today I will teach you and Tatsu-kun about sex.”

“Oh? How does that work?” The girl inquired as she sat on her mother’s lap.

“First, I will teach you how to service a man like Tatsu-kun. This entire process is called foreplay and it starts with using your mouth.”


“Now, Tatsu-kun, come up and let Mama give a proper demonstration.”

That was my cue to get my dick sucked by a MILF. I didn’t hesitate to go through this, but it was a bit odd to know Yukikaze was there and ‘studying’ this interesting subject.

To my glee, however, Shiranui was pleasantly happy with the specimen I could muster for the day. She wasn’t surprised by it since she had been giving it frequent BJs ever since I agreed to be her secret fuckfriend but… Well, it was nice to make a statement for Yukikaze.

“Tatsu-kun has a good cock, Yuki-chan. It’s long enough for you, girthy as to give you a feeling of fullness without hurting you and, best of all, it is owned by your boyfriend.”

The girl nodded fast. “I see. But what if it was more or less than either of the points you made, Mama?”

“Too long would hurt, same as too thick. You need to find the balance to have a gorgeous dick- which is why you will find no issue with Tatsu-kun around to be your lover.”


Yay to me too, I suppose…

“Watch and learn, my dear daughter, as this is how you please your man with your mouth.”

And just like that, a blowjob happened. It was kind of like how Oboro did it, but softer and tender. Shiranui wasn’t trying to drain me dry as much had to be done tonight and Yukikaze had a lot to ‘taste’ out of this.

In fact, she didn’t even get to the point of drinking my seed as she just gave my throbbing thing for Yukikaze to handle it. An attempt to boost her daughter’s morale within the chances of a potential lacking skill? Maybe. I could see that point. What I didn’t expect was, however, the lack of hesitation in Yukikaze’s next steps in ‘sucking me dry’ as her mother joked about.

I… I have a confession to make. I think this is far more of an Alternate Universe than I could have expected. After all, there was no fucking way that a loli like Mini-Yukikaze is able to be the ultimate cock-sucker. I am not even trying to sound excessive here- one moment my dick was just tapping by her lips and the next one she had me vacuum-sucked as if she needed cum to live. And she managed to actually make me cum twice in the span of just twenty minutes. Considering the endurance training I had with Oboro and the fact that Shiranui was shocked as much as I was when this happened, that Yukikaze was just ‘off-the-chart’ with that sort of gift.

“Fuah~ So thasty~!” She proclaimed in delight, licking her lips. “How was that?”

“Good but… wait, Yuki-chan, you… liked that?”


I had an idea and it was a bit of a scary assumption.

“And you didn’t find it unpleasant to suck on something sweaty like that?”

Yukikaze tilted her head to the side. “Sweaty? It’s sweet!”

I turned to look at Shiranui as she looked thoughtful too. “Uh, Mama?”

“Yes, Tatsu-kun?” She hummed quietly.

“Can a Taimanin self-hypnotize themselves?”

She seemed to realize what I meant and she smiled widely at this. “Oh my, Yuki-chan~, I think Tatsu-kun is right.”

“What does that mean, mama~? Isn’t the white thing meant to be good?”

“Not for many when they start. It means that you tricked your body to ignore any negative thing so that you could please your lover.”

Her eyes lit up at that. “Hai, I love Takkun, so I wanted to make him happy.”

It sounds adorable… if you ignore the fact that she literally came close to shrivel up my cock with how intense and relentless that cock-sucking was.

“Which makes me wonder… Tatsu-kun, I think it’s time you go for the main part.”

“...You want me to do it with Yuki-chan… now?”

“Yes, I have an idea and I think you both will like it.”

I should have known that Shiranui was up to no good, but after that soul-sucking BJ, I kind of lost my thoughts for a moment. I briefly found them… before failing to realize in time why she wanted to skip to that.

Yukikaze was giddy for the ‘main dish’, spreading her legs and presenting her pussy before… literally overwhelming me as the sex started. I plunged inside, the warmth intoxicating as my groin burned with the wet passion nurtured within the loli’s virgin hole. Soon, I broke through the hymen but, instead of pain, something else came through.

I saw Yukikaze tense up for a moment and I thought she was recoiling from the pain. I was proven immensely wrong when her legs and arms wrapped around me, her lips smacked against mine and she started to pound back against me in one of the most aggressive and wild comebacks I have ever been subjected to.

She literally didn’t waste any time sheathing my full length inside her, breaking into her womb and turning it into an onahole for me to get teased and brainwashed from. Shiranui grinned as she could see her daughter had turned into a wild bunny and that she was riding me like a crazed slut.

“Aww, my baby girl is so ready for sex.”

Way too ready at that!

I could say without a doubt in mind that was the greatest and yet the most terrifying sex experience I ever had. With a Loli of all people and one that wasn’t meant to be this good at this shit.

Just as before, sex between us lasted roughly an hour without a break. My cock was just trying to fight back with Yukikaze’s seemingly endless hunger, fittingly drawing a tie as I ended up with my balls dried and Yukikaze’s belly and womb were inflated with my cum in a way she looked pregnant.

We were both extremely sore from this and ready to sleep… if not for the fact that Shiranui was still up and wanting me to pound her too. Well, considering the shit she put me through by siccing her daughter on my cock and having her for the first time turn her into a bit of a nympho, I decided to give her a taste of her own ‘pleasure’.

“Oh~ Oooooooooooooh~!” She moaned loudly as I fisted her pussy once again, while Yukikaze was given a simple order: play with your mama’s tits and ‘get some milk so you grow big and strong’.

Despite the hilarious connotation of what my words said…

I should have expected that some bullshit about Shiranui’s milk would then be responsible for some odd changes in how Yukikaze would turn to be once her body fully matured…



Shiranui skipped her side of the pounding for wringing poor Tatsu through horny loli-bunni Yukikaze. Sadly for her, when the time comes she will… learn that Tatsu ain’t exactly a pushover. Yukikaze has her horni mode, but her mommy doesn’t have that much of a sex drive as her daughter has. Not anymore, at least.

Next time a bit of a more serious chapter and… a ‘father-son’ bonding through… deathmatch!



Hilarity ensues with bonding between mother and daughter with Tatsu-boy. Can’t wait for a proper fight between father and son. Should be a nice fight.


Well written as always. Although maybe I should mention being careful with, well, Yukikaze's age. Patreon has an issue with that kinda thing.


Yes! Finally!! A most excelent chapter! Really looking forwards to the day-after~ Talking about that, wild guess, but I've the feeling that the deathmatch will happen *because* Rinko won't be subtle enought about being the next one to visit Tatsu's bed. Given how much he dotes on her and wants her to be his heir, I don't see him reacting too well to that. Hell, I can see him dropping all pretensions and going to the kill, even with witnesses there.