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Even Though I’M not from this World, My Step-Daughters Are Too Cute And  Working As An Househusband Isn't Too Much Of A Hassle - or ‘MotoBukha’ (MotoMusu SI)

“The prisoners are- GAH!”

DING! You level up!

Name: John Bukharin

LVL. 31

Title: Gamer
-Weak (Combination of ‘Thirsty’ and ‘Hungry’, Current Effects: No LVL Restoration; -75% to all Attributes; -90% Skills’ Efficiency);
-Cornered Animal (+200% EXP; -90% Skills’ Cost);
Money: <Null>

HP: 90/25500
SP: 10/2100

ATK: 120 (30)
DEF: 98 (22,5)
INT: 77 (19,25)
LCK: 40 (10)

Stab! Maim! KILL!

My thoughts were scrambling as the basic words tried and failed to corroborate something concrete out of the confusing mishmash of animalistic needs. To push forward, like a cornered animal that had very little to lose.

…Yet, I have something to lose.

As the hall was cleared, I walked up to where I came from, eyeing the frail figure that was leaning on the wall. She looked nervous, but she trusted me as I offered her a hand- she took it.


LVL. 42
HP: 160/30000

“D-Did you- did you kill them all?”

There was no fear, only hope. This place meant nothing to the one that once was the Crown Princess. Shunned, removed from power for being ‘dangerous’ for his white hair and heterochromic eyes… she was pregnant as her belly had swollen up in the few months she had been detained here.

“I did. Shirley- Let me help you.”

A slow nod, then she put herself against my body as I helped her walk to the close exit. We couldn’t go for the main gates, not without facing too many guards, and the stables had the means of transportation we needed to get the hell out of there.

I pushed the door leading upstairs into the rear courtyard of the small ‘security’ building where we had been located for a while, the princess having been removed by the Royal Palace due to the ‘worry of her presence tainting the air’.

This proved to be fatal for them. It’s how I met Shirley, how I listened to her begging- “Anything for my child! My life, my dignity! I will do anything!”

As someone that had been arrested for, and I quote, ‘Saving villages without Royal consent’, I found a moral obligation to flip the bird to the royalist bastards and actually give a chance to the woman. Our cells were close, and we spoke through the thin wall dividing us.

She wept, she hoped, she showed distrust but… she understood. Shirley knew we were in the same boat and… I had a plan. I couldn’t exactly bust our asses out of the dungeon with my fists alone- I needed a good opportunity and I offered her a trap for the bastards.

‘Raping the Mongrel Princess’ appealed to the warden and wanted a ‘fiendish scum’ like me to go for it. Of course, with the presence of the warden and other guards that needed some ‘pleasure’.

The moment most of the chains were off… boy, I went nuts. I felt days- no, weeks of pure hatred manifest in a homicidal streak that concluded in blissful silence and several level ups.

I recoiled moments after the butchering was over, worry flashing on my face as I turned to Shirley, expecting the woman to be angry but-

“Y-You did it!”

Relief, joy, need to hurry. I nodded, helping her out of her chains before we ransacked the guards and warden for anything useful. Keys, knives and two swords. One for me, the other for Shirley. Despite her body being frail at the moment, she had the right reaction time to hold her own in a defensive skirmish.

We carved our way through dozens of guards, some aware of disturbances, others engaging in patrols and finding out of this streak the ugly way. Now- now we were out. The stables were within reach and Shirley moved to seize one of the chariots.

She had a connection with some of the animals there after spending her early years finding refuge there, so she had the right horses in mind that could help us outspeed anyone chasing us.

But right as she prepared the chariot, I found out that the captain of the guards in this area had found out what was going on and rallied a few troops there. Four guards, a single captain.

Captain Oreland

LVL. 15
HP: 1500/1500

“I am really not in the mood- get out of the way!” I snarled, readying my sword as two of the closer morons got close enough to get shanked to death.

I paced fast towards the survivors, the guards trembling but the bastard holding up just as smugly as he had appeared the last time I saw him. He was the guy that had me arrested- the scum!

“As if I am going to listen some criminal scum that-”

The two guards that were meant to protect him were easily shredded.

DING! You level up!

Name: John Bukharin

LVL. 33

Title: Gamer
-Weak (Combination of ‘Thirsty’ and ‘Hungry’, Current Effects: No LVL Restoration; -75% to all Attributes; -90% Skills’ Efficiency);
-Cornered Animal (+200% EXP; -90% Skills’ Cost);
Money: <Null>

HP: 90/26000
SP: 10/2400

ATK: 125 (31,25)
DEF: 103 (25,75)
INT: 82 (20,5)
LCK: 45 (11,25)

“Y-You, you will pay for-”

Double Dash!

Double Dash - A Two-in-One Attack Skill that strikes an opponent from both sides. (Damage= ATK*2 - Cost = 100SP 10SP)

He raised the shield, but the captain found his chest shredded by the rest of the skill. His eyes widened, but I struck him in the guts and then in the chin, killing him swiftly and thus denying him a fitting mini-boss’ good death.

DING! You level up! x2

Name: John Bukharin

LVL. 35

Title: Gamer
-Weak (Combination of ‘Thirsty’ and ‘Hungry’, Current Effects: No LVL Restoration; -75% to all Attributes; -90% Skills’ Efficiency);
-Cornered Animal (+200% EXP; -90% Skills’ Cost);
Money: <Null>

HP: 90/27000
SP: 0/3000

ATK: 135 (33,75)

DEF: 113 (28,75)
INT: 92 (23)
LCK: 55 (13,75)


I snapped my attention to the stables where the chariot prepared by Shirley speeded through. I nodded at her as she determinedly rushed towards the entrance and… I jumped in time to land on the driver’s spot beside her, allowing for the horses to break through the doors and allow us a proper escape.

The worst was now over, but the fight was not. With Prince Albert being involved in this, the efforts to catch up with us will be greater than it would have been if I had gone out of there on my own.


I sighed as I softly wrapped an arm around Shirley’s pregnant waist and she leaned her head on my shoulder to keep her body straight up and not fall.

It was time to… achieve a happy life for us.


Ten years later…

It was morning, the sun had risen minutes ago. The birds were chirping, the town was sleepy as of yet and I stood before the counter of the kitchen to see the tools of my glorious hard work today.

Years of training between learning, trials and errors all crystallized in the knowledge of what I got to love for the sake of my good family. Inhaling some air, I felt my body reach its zenith and…

I struck.

Eggs were cracked, some bacon strips fried, apple juice was poured- life exerted its might within those brief moments as I masterfully managed to get the most important meal of the day ready for myself and my family.

Breakfast was now ready!

I felt my lips curl upward, just in time to hear ‘silent’ footsteps that were owned to… two tiny heads popping from the doorstep. One was owned by a white-haired girl with pretty red eyes, and the other owned by a mirthful child with the same hair-color and yet blue eyes. Tio and Sophia.

Papa, is Mama’s breakfast ready?” Sophia asked in a whisper.

Yeah, we want to surprise her.

My lips twitched at the mischievous mood offered by the two.

“Hm? It’s ready for sure. Want me to bring it up to her while you take care of the ‘wake up’?”

The twins both nodded giddily and retrieved a tray to put Shirley’s meal on. I followed the sneaky duo up to where Shirley was sleeping, our bedroom, and we found her… snuggling with a big pillow I had used to replace myself with earlier that morning.

The woman was, after all, a tremendous hugger while she rested, making it quite difficult to get out of her clutches without waking her up. Once again, another skill I learned thorough the years.

One, two…” Tio started to count and-

“CHARGE!” Sophia exclaimed as they both jumped the bed. Shirley’s eyes snapped open, but she could only gasp in surprise before being assaulted by giggles, hers and those from our beloved daughters.

“T-Tio, So-Sophia, no t-tickles!”

But no mercy was offered! For a while.

Soon the sisters released their mother and allowed her to receive her breakfast.

“Thank you, dear,” The woman hummed happily before leaning up to catch my lips in a brief kiss. “Smells delicious.”

“Glad to hear I am still good at it. And girls, I think it’s time for you to get through your meals. Don’t want to get to school late, right?”

Both nodded and, smiling eye-to-eye, they both bolted downstairs to claim their own food.

“They are… growing up fast. But they are still our most precious gems.”

Shirley nodded in agreement. “We will have to murder some foolish boys along the line. They will become so beautiful.”

“As beautiful as their mother for sure,” I remarked, the woman blushing a bit as I sat beside her. “So… how was yesterday’s work at the adventurers’ guild?”

“A bit tiring. I will keep around the house for a few days.”

“Glad to hear that. I bet our little rascals will love this too,” I confessed softly, hugging her and letting her embrace me tightly. “And now I am tempted to cuddle with you.”

“You could-”

“I still have a lot to do around the house. But… I will give you lots of love once I am done and the girls are out of the house.”

Licking her lips, Shirley looked giddy. “I am looking forward to this then, dear husband~.”

“As always, my beloved wife~.”

Life sure was lovely for the Bukharin Family… but their everyday life was far from peaceful.






It was the final page of chapter 1 of the Manga version. From what I understand it was colorized by the traslation team as a 'credits' page.


I didn’t know Motomusu until you showed this yet even I know after reading this chapter and skimming some of the plot of the original that wholesomeness is upon us as two parents protect their kids and raise them with love. Though I do wonder if this John will take or has already taken steps to prevent retaliation or threats from the royalists. What a wonderful first chapter and wonderful writing as always.


I'm looking forwards to the incoming curb-stomp fights, both the physicals and the verbal ones! Maaaaan, just reading a little of the series I want Prince Insecurity and Bastard Sister to suffer humiliation after humiliation, like it was a goddamn conga line!