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Even Though I’M not from this World, My Step-Daughters Are Too Cute And  Working As An Househusband Isn't Too Much Of A Hassle 2 - or ‘MotoBukha’ (MotoMusu SI)

Ghidorah, Lord of the Flames! Such a terrible name and what a mighty display of power!

Ghidorah, The Flame One

LVL. 200
HP: 3m/3m

“I still remember the first time we had this little spar, you cheeky dickwad,” I hummed to… well, myself as this was a braindead boss. Slightly tied to the lore of this world through the presence of a Forbidden Deity named as such, the monster was defined as a True Epic Boss that could only be found after Ascending to Lvl.200 due to its elevated power. “But that was… years ago.”

I raised my Ancient Wood Staff and… unleashed a ‘Water Implosion EX’ within its chest. The beast roared before ultimately detonating on itself. Type-Advantage sure tends to get scary when you get quite the high-level of damage output.

It was an insta-win and, as usual, a window opened to show the loot recovered and the EXP gained. Not enough to level up since I had gotten to the point that was negligible, and today’s visit was for the loot.

- Pearl of Pure Magical Flames -
Description: A powerful divine gem that is known to produce a temporary protection from all kinds of flames. (Limit: 1 Minute - Cooldown Timer: 12 Hours)

A rare 1 in 12 kind of reward that I needed for the crafting of Shirley’s birthday gift. I had been holding on to this for a while since it was so difficult to get this sort of stuff due to their rarity.

LCK impacted more the money I made from these rewards, which was how we never had much of an issue with that despite helping at the Deficit House in town. The place was important to us as it was where we finally found stability after being on the run for a while, which is why we would give a hand there when needed.

Still, back on the matter at hand, this was the last piece I needed as, together with the other eleven I got, plus the pure Mithril ingots and the right runic array, I was on my way for the best gift I could give Shirley at the moment.

We were both pragmatic with our desires in terms of needed tools, with the sole exception being what both Tio and Sophia would get us. They were still ‘working to get there’, but there was no reason to shame kids for doing their best with what they got.

And considering their efforts and planning behind each of  their own gifts… well, I felt a bit proud of them as that went above and beyond what I would have done as a child.

Knowing how Shirley was around these topics, having spent her first eleven years of her life as an unwanted child, I knew this was something that really meant a lot to her- just not in the same way it did to me.

To her, it was more. It wasn’t just the chance to be thanked for being a good parent, but to know that the seed of good was in her just like it was in our daughters. They were good kids, and… that’s why I went the extra effort for this occasion.

Normally I wouldn’t go for a Dungeon Raid on my own without Shirley to keep me some company. It was no secret between us, having been married for around a decade now, that I had specific powers tied to my ‘arrival’ to this world.

She was stunned at first, but proof was quick to provide and… she thrived through this. I wouldn’t say I gave her the chance to be a proper ‘Semi-Immortal’ as many were keen to call her due to her insane healing factor, but I gave her the means to be a powerful adventurer that was capable of handling her own struggles on her own when needed.

The physical ones. Shirley was still a softie for emotional stuff and liked the affection. It was something that she admitted she didn’t get much to appreciate during her relationship with Albert.

The memory was still bitter in her heart, but the thought given by Tio and Sophia’s happiness was enough to keep all that hatred under check. Plus, I would go as far as to say that we had the means to build something healthy out of the rocky alliance we had when I freed her from the dungeon.

We had a few ‘quarrels’ along the years, but it was Shirley herself that asked if I would be fine to see her as my bride. It wasn’t much of a proposal, but it soon became one when we chatted along those lines and… we agreed to properly marry.

It was a bit ‘rushed’ in insight, but the end results were more than worth it. Our girls started to understand things around themselves just after we got our rings binding us together, thus it was no issue for them to normalize us as their proper mother and father.

The idea of telling them of their true father was still a worrying thought but… I had this talk with Shirley already. Once they were old enough to wield a sword or use magic to a proper degree, we would both bring this up.

They were ten at this point- telling this info now would do them more harm than good.

…And a mere case of musing turned into something so silly and convoluted…

Oh well, I had to entertain myself as I carefully finished the equipment I had prepared for Shirley.

The special Red Belt was the pure union of madness and magical bullshit- relying on the continuous magic function of the mithril in conjunction with the array fueling the mellowed metal with the Pearl of Flames, she would have a perfect shield from intense flames covering her whole body.

The idea came up when I heard of a sudden increase in spottings regarding dragons taking over Goblins’ hives. It was not unusual for a strong monster to claim inferior ones such as Goblins, but Dragons… were not meant to be so common in this part of the Kingdom.

Something about this doesn’t smell right.

Beyond my own suspicions on what may be causing this, I knew that a certain ‘witch’ was already looking into this and I had to worry mostly about my family. The Red Belt was my way to give Shirley something to keep safe without being overbearing with my worry.

She will appreciate it.

I finished just in time for both Tio and Sophia to make it back home from school. With the gift ready and wrapped up, it was time to get the most important thing in a birthday- the cake.

“Come on! Let’s make this the bestest cake ever!” Sophia giddily charged the flour, Tio sleepily nodding as she happily followed her sister’s plans.

I helped them a bit so they didn’t waste too much of the ingredients, letting them make a few mistakes here and there so they knew what was up and how to do some of the important things right and… As night came and Shirley made it back from her recent quest, she was surprised by quite the celebration.

“Happy birthday!”

Her eyes widened in surprise, tears forming at the edge as a big wide smile appeared on her face.

“Thank you all.”

Quite the lovely celebration. A joyous prelude to what was going to be quite the troubled future for us all.



A nice little look into John's thought process as well as hints to what occured between him and Shirley once they escaped. Caution John and Shirley for though your enemies have been unable to locate you and been content with you disappearance (to a certain extent) that will not remain the same forever as even now the future is troubled so long as your enemies remain. Wonderful prologue to the rest of the tale, great chapter as always.