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Spiritually Driven 5 - or ‘The Traveler is ‘God’, but I am quite the Messiah in this Dark World’ (Destiny/Destiny II, Spirit!SI)

The Harmony Civilizations had progressed in these few decades. To the point where it had easily made its way to the Atlantis Federation as an equal member to the Krills and the Ammonites.

They received assistance in the colonization of five of the planets near to theirs, mostly due to their focus on a more spiritual aspect of their new technology. While a Theocracy had been prevented out of concern of the majority within their population, a strong sense of faith had developed towards the Traveler… and Me.

Sure, that was uncommon to the trust the Ammonites had towards me, but it never got to the point of worship. Not like it did with the Harmony. I think I could only blame myself for this- I was still a ‘Soul’ of a former human being that had more reasons to be attached to those that resembled more my fellow humans.

The Harmony were made by Lizard people, but they were bipedal and with a single pair of eyes, arms and legs. They were… familiar and nostalgic. I educated them through some spiritual aspects to evolve from and a few shrines were built in my honor.

I never pushed for anything grandiose such as temples as I felt that would be too big of a step. Emotions were a thing, ego and arrogance were thus a hassle to keep at bay, but I moderated myself and moderated the worship itself.

Independence and Free Will, both cardinal points becoming staple for their mental understanding of life. And when lectures of the Hive were introduced… shrines about the ‘three lost ones’ were made.

It was a bit odd to see ‘priests’ reveal the truth of the ‘false worms’ and of their heinous crimes against what is life and what is death, but I felt a bit of validation and ‘closure’ in the form of knowing I wasn’t losing my edge on the topic. I had done what I could and others could agree to it.

This also helped the faith to no longer pursue a path of condemnation for those heretical branches that originated through their main group, but rather sought to understand them and, at times, even integrated some fair aspects of these novel religious digressions back to the mainstream faith.

The Ammonites and the Krills slowly allowed this sort of preaching to be exerted in their lands and while the Traveler retained its mighty role of great Light-bringer, I slowly settled myself beyond my previous ‘oracle’ aspect. I was now a minor God to many, one that was driven by wisdom rather than genuine power like the ‘big-ass machine sphere from outer space’.


That was also a telling sign of change as it has been long since I had heard of the Hive. I had predicted through the Traveler’s help that they would have wasted two centuries to get through the struggle of proper space-warfare against better-equipped enemies.

They needed a single one.

I was… upset.

The news didn’t come from a tainted source, but from someone that knew better than anyone else that the Hive was growing stronger and that their society had evolved to overtake the previous organization imposed by the Worm Gods.

The Three ‘Gods’ that were born through sacrifice of soul, mind and body had been rekindled into their ‘latest’ form. And through dedication, hardship and perseverance to outlast these problems… they managed to destroy the Ecumene through subterfuge and deception.

My decision to have Taox left to them as a gift had been a blessing in disguise for them. One that the three praised as such since it allowed them to know of the Ecumene and to know how to strike at them before they could destroy the Hive.

Despite their military might, the Amiable Ecumene was too decentralized for rapid responses. And while the Hive struggled to keep up with the needed speed to overwhelm their opponents, Xivu Arath pushed through into the Dakauan territory and took it as a launching board for the subsequent offensive.

Savathun managed to slip through many planets and left sleeping cells to turn active once the war was in full swing. But it was Oryx’ achievements that was the most concerning.

The King had waged war against the Worm God Akka, the Worm of Secrets, and claimed the power needed to become the Taken King before facing the Ecumene. In this development, any chance for the Ecumene to push was ‘Taken’ away from them.

The Hive struggled early on, but the expense was far less insignificant compared to the losses they would have suffered if Oryx had taken time to manifest. This revelation raised a few red flags which would ultimately see a new wave of rearmament, with the Harmony actually rushing through to develop a formidable fleet capable of adding several new powerful battleships and dreadnoughts to the military budget.

The Darkness was soon to strike once they found out where we were and… I had to take a risk to save the one that told me all of this and allowed me to hand out warnings needed to prepare for a big war.

After all, with Oryx’s new power came also a sense of loss.

They had craved for something that they no longer had with their sisters- a family. And thus two sons came: Crota and Nokris.

Crota was what Oryx saw as the ideal heir and the child with the greater physical capacity. He was the champion of what Oryx was proud to call the best subjects of rulership.

Nokris was… a ‘disappointment’. To the Hive, this was normal. A member that was reluctant to pursue war at all cost? That I was reluctant to fight and to seek solace through tales by the books?

Some may think this was a spawn of ‘Savathun’, but when I heard a familiar prayer and I manifested before a young Hive-member with hopeful eyes and a sense of happiness that reminded me of three lost children… I knew what Nokris was.

If Crota was Oryx’s son, Nokris was Aurash’s heir.

‘I-It worked! The Flame Oracle is real.’

That’s one way to address me as, child. I am John Bukharin, hello.

‘Are you truly a Oracle?’ The frail Hive member asked. ‘The one with the knowledge to find purpose within life?’

I am not a God. I am a tactician with ideas, a mind refined by eons of careful trials and errors to achieve a proper course of action. Such is the finite role expanded upon eternity.

‘I don’t wish to sound too blunt but- c-can you really help me?’ The youth asked weakly, close to tears. Emotionally distraught. I forgave him as he was just close to losing all hopes.

Once again, I am not a God. I would require first to know what plight consumes you. Speaking of which, what are your names, child?

That very day, I ended up becoming the guardian of-


My neglected grandson. This time… I shall not fail.



Instead of pursuing the Worm Gods for power to be loved by his ‘father’, Nokris seeks the one that gave his ‘father’ and aunts the hope to fight on despite the horrible odds of their youth.



It’s be awesome to see Guardian Krill face off against the hive and taken.


I have never played, read about, or truly interacted with Destiny. Yet I am falling in love with this series through your snippets as I witness what would have been countless centuries of war and tragedy begin changing earlier for the better. I thank you for introducing this lore to me as the game has now gone higher on my list of new games to buy. Wonderful chapter as always.


did not know that about the game, thank you for that. I have to ask though is Destiny multiplayer or single player?

Sigma Team

Both, for a lot of content you can choose to play single- or multiplayer(for example the campaigns) but some activities are really only doable with multiple players(raids and such) and of course there is also a seperate pvp mode.


I'm a veteran player, and the person who suggested this story. Currently the newest dlc is lightfall. All characters when logging in will be 1600 light. I recommend buying the Destiny 2 dlc from CDkeys. They are a website that sells codes for cheap. For the big DLC's there's Beyond Light, Witch Queen, and then Lightfall. Destiny 2 has seasons. Seasons are like mini dlc's. New content but nothing as massive. There's also a 30th anniversary pack that grants you access to a dungeon and Halo themed weapons. If you're gonna buy the dlcs, don't buy the ones that say +season. The seasons tied to those dlcs are long gone as of Lightfall.