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Sinking Dread 3 - or ‘This Hunger for Blood… this Hunger for Souls!' (Vampire-Centric SI)

Ah Savannah! The city in Georgia where… I really couldn’t think of much.

Oldest city in the state, strategic port during the American Revolutionary War and the Civil War, nest of a group of ‘Legacy Vampires’ and also the current home of the Burns Family, a group of Monster Hunters.

So yeah, this was a frisky place to find some action at cheap risks and great rewards. As the flight to reach the place concluded with us masterfully smuggling some of our stuff through the security and hiding it in the plane through the entire duration of the trip, we were quickly cruising the streets aboard a bus we picked from the airport.

It took some wild infiltration through the airports’ bathrooms to get in and then out of those without getting caught by the security. It was risky, but it was feasible and we all had good fun at it.

Bree even stole a cop’s hat without him noticing. That was some mad shittery that made me happy and proud of having her as my padawan.

“So, what are we doing now?” Bree inquired as she finished breakfast. Or ‘drinking blood from my hand’ by sinking her teeth on my palm. “Do we rent a place or-”

“Renting. We are not staying for long,” I answered curtly, smiling a bit. “I mean, after the little situation with the vampires here, there’s not much to do here.”

“Are you sure we should be this open about ‘that’ topic?”

“I mean, we are talking about people dressing up as vampires calling themselves vampires. It would be silly for anyone to still believe that those creatures of the night exist anyway,” I remarked loudly enough to just get some sighs and groans from others in the bus. “Still, we have to get comfortable for our convention so… let’s pick a place.”

I had a newspaper with me. “This house?”

“...Too ruined. Seriously, isn’t it illegal to sell a house like that?”

“Like what?” I replied giddily. “That’s a bit of a diamond wrapped in crap. Just with some tough love and lots of money it can be a wonderful resting place- but yeah, I agree. Too ruined.”

I kept on browsing and ultimately found a place that could be fitting.

A small flat, really small for two people, but a good one for someone that, just like me, favored the couch to the bed. Bree was a bit surprised at getting the bed, but didn’t complain in regard to the size of the place: it was good and functional, so it was fitting for her.

From what I could gather from her attitude and some of the cryptic shit she was willing to let go about herself, the girl has been a homeless kid for a while before she was found by Vicky’s goons.

This sort of shit, being a vampire, put a wrench in her plans of just being a simple girl ‘wandering around and hoping for good chances of being happy’. So I was her blessing in vampiric disguise, yanking her out of the grasps of a vengeful redhead with a mad bitchy attitude.

Soon we were setting things down to make this temporary home… homely. It was mostly Bree as I didn’t have a prerogative to follow in the matters of dealing with that burden, and she found it quite relaxing to order things around to fit how she wanted those to be. An effort to find stability which was… quite fair, in my opinion.

A little way to distract herself while I went out to give a proper look around in town. I decided against stepping into the turf owned by the Fairmont Family just yet- they were the ones I had to talk with to operate around in a ‘legal framework’.

Still, I had the chance to ‘enjoy’ the nightlife and check on what to target to get more cash on my name. I was quite sure that was within the realm of possibilities- I just had to find a way to make easy money.

I didn’t personally annoy people as my hearing was impressive enough to pick up all the dirty shit I could listen to. Some gangs’ meetings were now known to me and I signed down the proper dates of when I had to go through some clean-up duty.

I wasn’t going to claim all of that at once. That was going to get the police’s attention and that was the last thing I needed to trigger in my rise to power. I had to be judicious with my picks, and I decided to carefully think of ways to make it seem like those that would take care of the gangs are more than just a ‘fashionable hooligan with a lovely smile and shades’.

But while I was contemplating a few murders, something else came up which made the ‘lonely night’ I was dealing with quite ‘intriguing’.

The element in question that made things a lot more fun was a hottie- blonde hair, pretty blue eyes, deliciously-plump lips and a cute dress that revealed the wonderful tits and ass that made her stand as a 10/10.

“Hello there~,” The girl greeted, and I caught her scent- vampire. My smile just widened at that as I recognized her.

“Hi. Fancy a drink?”

“Only if you offer,” Elinor Fairmont replied. Bloodthirsty vampire, ‘man-killer’, and someone with the cunning mixing with her unique power able to put Victoria to shame.  “And I have a feeling you will, handsome.”

“Obviously. Why shouldn't I give something to drink to a lovely lady? Let me guess, you are… the District Attorney’s daughter.”

Her smile dropped a bit. “Don’t bring father to this. I am here to have fun.”

I licked my lips. “It’s a fair request, but I have to admit that I may not know much of you since I am not from around.”

The conversation briefly stopped as the bartender mixed up something for the girl to drink and left us alone once more.

“Oh, are you new in town?” Elinor asked, eyes filling with desire… for my blood. “It’s almost like you are the finest treat around.”

“I tend to be. I am John.”


I grinned a bit. “Say, Elinor, since I think we can both enjoy this. You know that you and I are quite similar so… how about we have a sort of personal debate on the matter?”

“How personal?”

“How much blood would you like from me?”

That left her a bit surprised for a moment and then, she looked quite aroused.

“I think we can come to an arrangement for that~.”

I guess I can make my big entry in the Fairmont Family of Vampires by fucking my way into it through this sexy girl with a degree of insanity.



It’s the right time to stick it in the crazy one and leave her pregnant. Next time, John goes deep and hard on a very ‘unexpecting’ Elinor. After all, she is more accustomed to doing it with humans. She may find her standard expectations broken a few times.



You know the saying is to not stick it in crazy but with John going TFS Alucadd route that limit doesn’t really apply to him more for others who see him. Either way some neat fun next time indeed and wonderful chapter as always.