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Rebuke of the Tatsu-boy 8 - or ‘How SI!Tatsurou outfucked and outcucked the Dark Lord’s worst fiends’ (Taimaninverse, Tatsurou!SI)

I tend to forget that, lore-wise, Yukikaze isn’t exactly a ‘pure maiden’.

Even as a kid, the girl was not shy from studying ‘odd things’ that looked to be promiscuous at times.

An example of this is, if I remember correctly, when I read of her and Rinko having ‘test-kissed’ when they were kids. From what I had learned in recent days, that hadn’t happened… yet.

In fact, when I pretty much asked Yukikaze if she was up for a date, a ‘romantic’ one at that, she was… well, quite excited. I would even go as far to say she was a bit ‘too ecstatic’ about it, but I took this reaction as the one of a young girl that had a crush and wanted this to ‘go somewhere’.

The date was more of a standard hangout, but it was just the two of us. The arcade? We would hit it for a few hours, then to the park, and then back to her house. Shiranui was out for a mission, same for Yuki’s father, but that didn’t mean I was going to try anything risky just yet.

It was true that Oboro’s words made sense, but I wasn’t going to super-rush it. And I settled for the most basic intimate gesture: kissing.

I wasn’t planning for more, I wasn’t planning to lead Yukikaze anywhere with this sort of pressured relationship. So, I was kind of expecting a degree of eagerness but-

“Wait, you really don’t mind?” She asked, sounding a bit surprised. “I mean, I thought you were… you know, shy about this sort of thing.”

“Not… really? I would say it’s because it’s not a gesture you do with someone without being utterly trusting of them.”

Her eyes widened at that explanation and she nodded, a smile creeping on her face. “Okay~!”

I expected chastity out of this first kiss, a tongueful was not what I would deem as such. Not when it came from an inexperienced kid like Yukikaze. I was… unsure of what was going on for a moment. Yes, a kiss is a kiss- but french-kissing ain’t how I envisioned this moment. I expected her to be a bit nervous, doubtful and just… fumble this somehow.

But no, Yukikaze seemed to react instinctively about this closeness. And I am not referring to just her way of kissing me, but how she just… Well, she started to grind against me. Her crotch rubbed forward and tapped a bit against my belly and upper body.

It was surprising and… kind of reasonable. Taimanin had demonic blood mixed with normal human one - it was how they were able to harness the Taima Particles after all - but while that was good for their combat prowess, it made for their primal instincts to be far more intense. And since Yukikaze and I were relatively young, this effect was stronger than with adults.

I was able to deal with it after training my body into proper discipline, but Yukikaze didn’t have that luxury yet, so she was a little loli with a deep case of blood-related horniness.

Still, I refrained from going any further than kissing. Would I have gotten it my way if I had gone a bit further? It was possible, but I really felt a guttural limitation deep within from straying from the main plan. It was as if the mere thought just upsetted me with how ‘exposed’ Yukikaze was at this moment.

And right as it felt like this would have been a battle of wills for how to keep balance within the lewd and the modesty, our little interaction saw an abrupt end as we heard a loud noise. The door had opened suddenly and I felt a panic surge as I thought it was my future ‘father-in-law’ having caught us in the act.

Turns out that it was not ‘Uncle Mizuki’, and definitely not Shiranui. Standing up quickly as she had tripped through while leaning on the door she thought was fully closed, Rinko looked absolutely terrified at being caught in that awkward position.

She spared us a look and we both blinked back at her as-

“S-Sorry, I will just-”

“Stop!” I raised an open palm as a gesture for her to halt at once.

Rinko did so, her blushing face betraying surprise at that interruption.


“I have questions. Same for Yuki-chan.”

The tan-skinned girl nodded in agreement. “Hai, Rinko-nee. We can talk about this.”

The embarrassment slightly lessened at this as confusion took hold on the older girl’s face.

Soon she started to explain how she ended up to this very point. How she had thought we were just ghosting her by going for a mere ‘playdate’, but she slowly realized it was a proper date. Eventually Rinko followed us up to the house and decided to spy on us and… got a bit aroused by the sight of our kissing.

“I-It’s just that it felt so… pleasant to watch. It looked like it was so good and-”

“You could do it with Tatsu-kun,” Yukikaze pointed out, stunning my sister and I both. “I don’t think he would mind.”

The two girls were soon looking at me for confirmation, Yukikaze with confidence and Rinko with desire and… I was really unsure what to do there. The ‘smartest’ decision would just be to say no, but expect some hell from both but… I also saw an opportunity.

While I was sure this was the world’s own way to put me in a somewhat femdom situation, I actually had the meta-knowledge to turn it back on them. I just had to say the right words to get this scene set nicely for pure amusing teasing.

“I could do it… within a single condition,” I admitted, getting both girls off-guard with that statement, but I wasn’t done with the surprises. “I will do it if… Yuki-chan kisses Rinko-nee too.”

“Heh?! But we are both girls?”

“So? Don’t you like each other too?” I pushed back on Yukikaze’s own reluctance. “Plus, it’s not like you’re two strangers to each other.”

They shared a look and they slowly cracked small smiles.

“I-I guess that wouldn’t be a bad idea,” Rinko reasoned calmly, with Yukikaze nodding.

With that being agreed upon, Rinko shifted close to me, behaving the opposite of Yukikaze as she looked genuinely nervous about this experience but… that changed when the kiss happened… and she put her tongue out for playful clashing in our mouths.

The kiss then devolved in the way it did with Yukikaze, so it was a bit more predictable but pleasurable nonetheless. The real deal came when it was Yuki’s turn to kiss my sister.

It was no secret for those fans of Taimanin Asagi that knew of these two that they had some attraction to one another. And this was crystallized by the kiss they gave to one another right in front of me.

Tongues were playing, eyes were rolling and they were grinding against each other as horny rabbits. They even ended that intense smooching by still touching tips with their tongues and allowing some saliva to drop down to their pressing chests.

“Yuki-chan~” “Rinko-nee~”

“You both are so beautiful together,” I remarked, causing them to half-snap from their fluttering hearts’ moment. “It shows that you actually like each other too.”

They finally turned to address me, burning blushes on their faces.

“B-but I am with Tatsu-kun already.”

“And- And I like- Otouto too!”

And they were back to stare at each other.


“Well, I don’t see any issue here so… how about we all be in a relationship?”

Their heads snapped back to me with pure awe.

“T-The three of us- Together?” Rinko inquired and Yukikaze gulped nervously. “Is it possible?”

“Well, we should probably ask Auntie. She would be open to talk about it but… not dad.”

“Or Papa,” Yukikaze added. “But yeah, Mama will help us with this.”

And knowing Shiranui, she was going to coax this to happen. With the kissing over, however, there was a big question remaining… what to do now?

“Cuddles, obviously.”

Had they been older, that would have warranted a deadpan look from both, but the two were still quite young so cuddling in bed together sounded like a masterful idea. So, that’s how that ‘experiment’ ended, with us piling up in the bed and falling asleep while waiting for Yukikaze’s parents to come back. But while we were resting, I failed to realize that it hadn’t been just Rinko that had been spying on us.

Huffing to herself, a certain pinkette looked away from the nearby building’s rooftop, sensing our energies now ‘slowly dropping’ while mixing up. It was not a sign of sex, but sleep, which was fine to her but… she remained quiet as she studied the words she heard through the listening device she planted on Rinko.

“So… ‘sharing is caring’ now, Tatsu? I guess I will just have to show you that… I am into this too~.”



Next time, some more Gosha politics and Felicia strikes!



Not taken too fast but still laying groundwork for later with a pink tease on the horizon as well. Nicely done


Hahahah poor Felicia, I can see her trying to ambush him in his bed after that, with a overwhelming mix of kissing, licking, maybe bitting and maybe a handjob, all in an attempt to dom him... just to get dom'ed in turn. And oh boy, I can see her receiving the Medb Treatment.