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The Moon’s Brother and the BS Game 8 - or ‘Help, I am supposed to be a background character, but I have to be a MC for my silly sister’s sake!' (Sailor Moon Xover, Gamer!SI!Shingo Tsukino)

It’s been…

(Japanese Language - LVL.56/100) - Your capacity to understand basic Japanese, both verbal and written. Current Level allows for Middle School-tier understanding.

DING! You reached LVL.50 of an INT-based Skill. Receive +5 INT!

(English Language - LVL.34/100) - Your capacity to understand basic English, both verbal and written. Current Level allows for basic comprehension.

DING! You reached LVL.10 of an INT-based Skill. Receive +1 INT!

DING! You reached LVL.20 of an INT-based Skill. Receive +2 INT!

DING! You reached LVL.30 of an INT-based Skill. Receive +3 INT!

INT: 46


(Natural Scientist (Earth) - LVL.44/100) - Your capacity to understand Natural Science. Current Level allows for Middle School-tier, granting you a +44% ATK Boost when facing animals known to Earth.

(Chemistry- LVL.51/100) - Your capacity to understand Chemistry. Current Level allows for Late Middle School-tier, granting you a +51% Boost to Chemical Production.

(Medicine - LVL.36/100) - Your capacity to understand and employ Medical Knowledge. +36% Effect Boost for Healing Items you consume or create.


(Fencing - LVL.34/100) - Your capacity to understand and employ Fencing in combat. +34% ATK Boost while using a proper Weapon and Fencing Stance.

DING! You reached LVL.10 of an ATK-based Skill. Receive +1 ATK!

DING! You reached LVL.20 of an ATK-based Skill. Receive +2 ATK!

DING! You reached LVL.30 of an ATK-based Skill. Receive +3 ATK!

(Boxing - LVL.74/100) - Your capacity to practice Boxing. 74% Boost to your ATK when using the Boxing Style.

DING! You reached LVL.60 of an ATK-based Skill. Receive +6 ATK!

DING! You reached LVL.70 of an ATK-based Skill. Receive +7 ATK!

(Taekwondo - LVL.46/100) - Your capacity to practice Taekwondo. 69% Boost to your ATK when using the Taekwondo Style.

DING! You reached LVL.40 of an ATK-based Skill. Receive +4 ATK!

ATK: 59


You have run for 10 Km, get +50 SP.

SP: 170/170

You have done 50 Push-Ups, get +100 HP

You have done 120 Sit-Ups, get +240 HP

HP: 620/620

(Healthy Body - LVL.6) - Your Body is the Temple of your Mind. +15% Boost to all Stats. (This skill will evolve the more HP you have.)

ATK: 59 (67,8)

DEF: 17 (19,5)
INT: 46 (52,9)
LCK: 17 (19,5)


Man, studying should not be that ‘fun’ and intense. Training is even more tiresome, but I wouldn’t say that the progress was ill-deserved or unwanted. In fact, this was all done because I wanted this first proper ‘Heroic Patrol’ to go as good as I wanted it to go.

I had been keeping an eye on my sister, helping her a bit more with the homework despite the fact my decision to leave her to handle the Sailor Mercury’s situation had given her a friend that also worked as her homework coach when free, and making sure she got some subtle advice on how to not fuck up as a heroine.

Usagi was still not totally sold on some superhero comics, but she was secretly enjoying them all as she ‘borrowed’ a few comics I had bought recently. Truth be told, I bought them on purpose just for her to pull the ‘I like it, and I am your sibling, so we can also share it’.

The more she got the handle on how to do the Sailor Moon stuff right, the easier it will be for her to know how to not fuck up without having to rely on me being around to pull her ass out of trouble. Sure, I wasn’t going to miss being a good brother and help- but I wanted my sister to also grow up from being a whiny teen if she had to deal with this whole Sailor Moon stuff.

I had been preparing for this very moment to not get fucked by fate like Taylor Hebert got in her attempt at being a Superhero, going as far as taking extra effort in Chemical stuff to get my hands on makeshift smokebomb. I am going to play it as rough and ruthless as Batman would with those evildoers and… it started relatively tame.

The first three sights of crime were petty stuff. A gang of barely prepared thugs tried to pull a woman in an alley, only for them to be properly pepper-sprayed by their victim and then soundly put out of commission by yours truly.

Sure, they got beaten back by their victim with that cheeky counter, but that wouldn’t have stopped them from causing more issues to other less fortunate souls. I had some rope on me and, mimicking Spider-man I had them tied up and hanging upside down by a nearby lamp.

Finally, before leaving, I left a written message that said: This group of morons tried to rob women around. They are criminals that were spotted by some cameras nearby - Yours truly, the Japanese Moon Knight.

“Not exactly a piece of work but… it will do,” I hummed back then and… I noticed that I had received a notification.

+1000Y for dealing with this Crime.

I blinked in surprise at it, but then decided to further test if this was a stable factor or if there were other things that made it go upper and lower. Turns out it was more of the latter as I had to then deal with two drunk hooligans that were harassing people around and trying to push a girl on a nearby alley, this time demanding my full attention as the girl was tipsy and had nothing to defend herself.

She was a bit stunned by the development but she seemed lucid enough to understand I didn’t try to harm her as she thanked me before leaving. Once again, same process as before with the ropes and-

+1200Y for dealing with this Crime.

So yeah, this was pretty much a good reason beyond the moral one to be seeking an end to crime in the capital.

The next crime I faced was one where a group of people were trying to force their way into a nearby building. One of them got in already, causing me to deal with the guy keeping an eye for an issue outside first and then take care of the masked robber inside.

Both roped up and put upside down and-

+5400Y for dealing with this Crime.

I noticed just then that the shop they were robbing was a jewelry- I really wasn’t paying that much attention to my surroundings while handling this kind of scum… which was concerning if I have to be honest but…

I planned to end it there. I had fun, I made a good test run and I was planning to make it back home for some nap. It was roughly 23 at this point as I left at 20 right after making sure I had said goodnight around and had the ‘reason’ to lock my room’s door before leaving by the window.

I had been testing the grappling hook a bit more from time to time, so I had a bit more awareness on how to use it swiftly and without wasting time during this very important night.

But right as I was making it back home, I ended up passing near Tokyo's bay and noticed quite the scene happening there. It was a small section of the docks, nothing really relevant in big operations but… the best setting for something pesky. Which proved to be the case as I could see, from afar, a recognizable bitch of the zombified kind that was part of the Taimaninverse.

In the distance, right as I landed to the nearest safe rooftop before the docks, I could see Oboro, one of the Nomad’s main enforcers- Nomad being the group that is the main antagonist in most of the series.

Oboro herself was a ‘mid-boss’ kind of deal. Dangerous, but stupid due to how she lacks her original soul since it got ejected from that body ages ago. She was taking part, and leading from the looks of it, a criminal exchange.

Now, I know what many would think now- Am I going to stop them? No. Like, I am getting strong, but I am not getting anywhere to fight that. In fact, the Game didn’t even give me a quest through this entire patrol and nothing that told me to intervene on that matter.

It was just above my paygrade and-

“Are you a superhero?”

I actually jumped at this, turning around to find a young woman with short blond-orange hair, blue eyes, and- Oh no.

Igawa Sakura

HP: 400/400

Age: 14

Sister to Igawa Asagi, Sakura is the Protagonist of Taimanin Asagi 2 and…

She’s not 14! I refused it. Anime world or not, this is just bullshit- Look at that body! My sister is the MC of Sailor Moon and she can only dream to have some of these curves despite being a thicc girl herself!

Pushing as mightily as I could these -I hate them Moon Genes and Taimanin Genes Bullshit!- thoughts away, I focused on the issue at hand.


Improved Relationship with: Igawa Sakura

“Oh, that’s so cool but… aren’t you a bit short? And young?”

I frowned. “Aren’t you a bit young to be around to be using Spandex as a battle outfit?”

“I-It’s not spandex. I think,” Sakura replied with a degree of unease. “Still- this is my first mission as a Taimanin.”

“...What’s a Taimanin?”

“A Taimanin is… wait, I am not supposed to tell this to a stranger.”

“To be fair, I can kind of identify you to a degree, Igawa Sakura.”

She gasped in surprise at this and-

Improved Relationship with: Igawa Sakura

Improved Relationship with: Igawa Sakura

“That’s so cool! What else can you tell? About me, I mean!”

“You are 14.”

Improved Relationship with: Igawa Sakura

“That’s… yeah, that’s right,” She admitted sheepishly. “What else?”

“Your sister would be annoyed if you are just wasting time in this interaction when you have a job to do.”

Improved Relationship with: Igawa Sakura

This, I don’t get.

“Ah- right! I have to spy on… that woman. She is a nasty woman.”

“A Zombie at first glance,” I admitted, tagging along with the scouting. “It looks to be an exchange of sorts.”

“Oh, that’s… how can you tell? Another power of yours?”

“Nomad’s side is giving briefcases to the other side, which is a common thing to do when those are full of money. In return, the other side, those with the ship, are pushing boxes to them. Large boxes.”

“What could be kept in those?”

“There are holes in the boxes,” I answered Sakura’s question. “So I think there’s living beings there. Either monsters or kidnapped individuals.”

Improved Relationship with: Igawa Sakura

Improved Relationship with: Igawa Sakura

Sakura frowned. “Why would they want to buy kidnapped people?”

I actually turned to look at Sakura. “How much do you know about Nomad’s illegal business?”

“They… kill people?”

“They also kidnap women to become slaves. Taimanin in particular get it rough because they are more resilient,” I replied flatly, shocking the rookie on the spot as I remembered only now that she was quite naive about the job until the beginning of the first game… when she got a taste of what I just told her firsthand. “Demons are, on most occasions, horrible individuals willing to sell their grannies to make a fortune. Which is why informants are rare and why you really should keep an eye out for surprises and always be prepared to go and ‘overkill’ missions.”

The blonde slowly nodded. “I see…”

“Also, this is just a warning. Your sister’s power, it can kill Edwin Black, which is why he has plans to try and eventually kidnap her. If she plans to retire for some reason, she has to be completely sure Nomad is entirely destroyed.”

Improved Relationship with: Igawa Sakura

Improved Relationship with: Igawa Sakura

Improved Relationship with: Igawa Sakura

“I will tell her as much… I don’t think I asked for your name.”

“Moon Knight. And yes, I copied it from the Marvel Comics.”

“...What’s Marvel?”

“It’s a brand that makes comics of various kinds in the US. Good superheroes stuff.”

Improved Relationship with: Igawa Sakura

Improved Relationship with: Igawa Sakura

“Oh, I will give it a look then after I am done with the report and… yeah, the exchange is over. This was… easier than I thought.”

“You were not in danger’s proximity and you still got a success, this will only get tougher and more dangerous if you mess things up.”

“I will not. I promise!”

Improved Relationship with: Igawa Sakura

Improved Relationship with: Igawa Sakura

I sighed, turning back to see Oboro and co. leaving the docks and… Sakura left while I was busy staring, giving me the chance to leave too without being followed around. I still took long turns around the city before going home to shake off anyone tailing me and I returned home safely and sound as-

- Taimanin Moon Knight 0 -

Difficulty: ★★★★☆


-Prepare for the beginning of ‘Taimanin Asagi’ plot line;
-Prevent the Bad Ends from happening;

-Kill Edwin Black;

Time Limit:



-50000 EXP;

-Improve Relationship with: Igawa Sakura;

-Improve Relationship with: ???;

-Improve Relationship with: ???;


-Igawa Asagi and Igawa Sakura are turned into sex slaves;

Well, that’s going to be a dreadful thing to keep an eye on from now on…



End Chapter Stats

Name: Tsukino Shingo

LVL. 13

Age: 10
EXP: 235/290

Title: Princess Serenity’s Otouto

Money: 10800Y
HP: 620/620
SP: 170/170

ATK: 59 (67,8)
DEF: 17 (19,5)
INT: 46 (52,9)
LCK: 17 (19,5)


(Gamer’s Body) - Your body follows game logic.

(Gamer’s Mind) - Your mental factors follow game logic- your thoughts are protected by this skill’s effect.

(Human Being - 10YO Child) - You are recognized by laws and people as a child due to your young age. Add a +25% ATK Boost to Sneak Attacks, +45 SP/min Recharge, Add a -75% Price Reduction to Learning-related events.

(Moon Dynasty - False) - Some members of your family are reincarnations to the Moon Dynasty of the First Millenium, while you are not. Receive a +5% ATK Boost while using Moon Magic attacks.

(Healthy Body - LVL.6) - Your Body is the Temple of your Mind. +15% Boost to all Stats. (This skill will evolve the more HP you have.)

(Physical Endurance - LVL.17) - Your capacity to endure attacks is increased by 17%. (This skill will evolve the more DEF you have.)

(Learning Capacity - LVL.46) - Learning-related events have a -46% Price Reduction. (This skill will evolve the more INT you have.)

(Japanese Language - LVL.56/100) - Your capacity to understand basic Japanese, both verbal and written. Current Level allows for Middle School-tier understanding.

(English Language - LVL.34/100) - Your capacity to understand basic English, both verbal and written. Current Level allows for basic comprehension.

(Language Switch) - You are able to switch Languages among those you know. Current Languages: Japanese (Main), English.

(Natural Scientist (Earth) - LVL.44/100) - Your capacity to understand Natural Science. Current Level allows for Middle School-tier, granting you a +44% ATK Boost when facing animals known to Earth.

(Chemistry- LVL.51/100) - Your capacity to understand Chemistry. Current Level allows for Late Middle School-tier, granting you a +51% Boost to Chemical Production.

(Detection - LVL.4) - You can now see some people and enemies’ HPs and LVLs. (This skill will evolve the more INT you have.)

(Bloodlust Detection - LVL.2) - You can now perceive when people are directing bloodlust in your general direction. (This skill will evolve the more INT you have.)

(Fencing - LVL.34/100) - Your capacity to understand and employ Fencing in combat. +34% ATK Boost while using a proper Weapon and Fencing Stance.

(Medicine - LVL.36/100) - Your capacity to understand and employ Medical Knowledge. +36% Effect Boost for Healing Items you consume or create.

(Boxing - LVL.74/100) - Your capacity to practice Boxing. 74% Boost to your ATK when using the Boxing Style.

(Taekwondo - LVL.46/100) - Your capacity to practice Taekwondo. 69% Boost to your ATK when using the Taekwondo Style.

(Moon Knight Mask - LVL.1) - You can now transform the Paladin of the Moon. Current addition to the suit:
-+ 1/3DEF;
-Unlimited Moon Cutters (Throwable Objective- Damage = ATK/10);
-Moon Hook (Max. Range = 23m);


(Sprint - LVL.17) - Use SPs to increase your speed by 17%. Price: 10 SP per Minute. (This skill will evolve the more SP you have.)

(Focus Attack - LVL.5) - Use SPs to deliver a boosted attack. Price: 20 SP per hit. (This skill will evolve the more ATK you have.)

(Focus Defense - LVL.1) - Use SPs to increase your guard’s defense by 2%. Price: 20 SP per Minute. (This skill will evolve the more DEF you have.)



Saw that quest popup coming a mile away. I'm also curious to read what all the taimanin's he saves from bad endings will do once "Their" shota heros identity is discovered. Sister's gonna be like "Who are these Thots around my brother". Also, dude needs something for his skill of "Stabbing with a longer shank".

Baillie444 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-12 14:47:34 Title: Princess Serenity’s Otouto & Some members of your family are reincarnations to the Moon Dynasty of the First Millenium, while you are not. This makes me think he is serenity's brother brought to the future.
2023-02-05 19:45:22 Title: Princess Serenity’s Otouto & Some members of your family are reincarnations to the Moon Dynasty of the First Millenium, while you are not. This makes me think he is serenity's brother brought to the future.

Title: Princess Serenity’s Otouto & Some members of your family are reincarnations to the Moon Dynasty of the First Millenium, while you are not. This makes me think he is serenity's brother brought to the future.


I never played taimanin so does bless holy bullets from Hellsing kill demons as well as anything from the Belmonts in Castlevania or does overwhelming force still work.