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Omega Solo Mafioso 3 - or “How a Human became the Galaxy’s most renown Gangstar!” (Mass Effect SI)

The Carrd District was as many had expected it to be.

A small section of Omega that had very few Elcor-owned activities and a lot of unused buildings that could enjoy new activities. Which became the case through the two weeks we took over the area.

That’s not to say we harassed people to move, but we promised fair rights and conditions to those civilians that moved out of the nearby districts that were suffering due to a large clash between Batarians and Volus.

I knew that it would have happened in two years from now, but the skirmishes had been unfolding for years now, so civilians were eager to leave early for Cardd District in pursuit of cheap but safe new beginnings.

I sought to keep the ‘fee’ to pay to keep the protection over the new shops lingering at a relatively fair 5% of the income, thus making it less of a factor to heavily rely on and making a profit from the loyalty of the new denizens- after all, the main source of credits was taking care of the smaller gangs, take their shit, keep some of it and then sell the rest of money.

The merchants were more than happy to get the stuff bought at a reasonable price while also allowing us to buy essential supply for food and water to keep the gang capable of handling that sort of stuff- it was a bit of a hassle to find the right supplier for food for Turians due to their peculiar biology, but we found two good ones that were actually being life-savers due to this circumstance.

Like hell I was allowing anyone to starve under my… leadership.

I was the Boss, the leader, the Chief-in-Charge… someone that had been pushed into the role within a circumstance tied to my omni-tool. Now, there’s much to say about this gadget in particular, especially on how it helped.

The Omni-tool was a mini-computer. And more. While it was one thing to have a standard Omni-tool, this one had a few things that made it stand out from the rest- starting with the fact it had my old computer’s stuff uploaded in it and taking very little space within the device’s memory.

Likewise, it was granted an upgrade that allowed it to produce a small yet quite sharp blade. I wouldn’t say it was as powerful-looking as the one Shepard would end up using, but it was enough to stab and kill people. Which, coupled with some stealth approach, allowed me to go through the few individuals keeping an eye on the tank’s rear, and then handle the Tank’s system.

The hacking tool was ‘simplified’ to be similar to a mini-game of ‘Simon Says’, with symbols replacing colors and… yeah, it was a fun way to drive a tank ‘as if it was a game’. A very real game with very dead Blue Suns mercenaries at the wake of that massacre.

It took me a while to fully accept the fact this was ‘real real’, but these weeks had slowly mollified me to the concept of murder being a necessity in many circumstances while I am stuck in Omega. At the same time, I had Larmus deciding to ‘teach me how to fight’.

Let’s just say that I had forgotten that Turians are meant to be peak soldiers regardless of how they left the military and their planet and Larmus was no merciful bastard as he just whipped my ass into shape in a way that made me regret having just taken him as a my close buddy within the formation of a… leading clique.

It would be wrong to say one man can rule all when there are so many things I can’t do due to ignorance, so… I decided to have my own ‘dream team’ take care of the things I couldn’t. Veterans in their own affairs, people that were loyal at this moment and quite effective in their roles.

Reorganizing the gang into various groups with different purposes was tedious, but it allowed the gang to be fluid in its action and to always have the best-prepared squad meant to handle all sort of matters, from enforcing rules when petty criminals harassed shop-keeper to actually helping around the community with medical assistance or fixing construction issues with the buildings around.

All for a price, obviously, but never to make this sort of service disappointing for any potential customers.

And yet, while most commissions entailed simple fetch quests, there were these few developments that required more than just a bit of charisma or intimidation.


Hesitation is a sign of weakness.

Vetra Nyx remembered this lesson from her mother when she was still young and the older Turian was still around to take care of her and her sister… but that had been far too long for Vetra to remember so precisely.

Still, that shouldn’t be an issue considering that moving around and doing odd jobs in this part of the galaxy had left her in quite the paranoia when handling all sorts of commissions. Especially here in Omega where nice people were a rarity and sane people even rarer.

Ever since she moved there, regret had followed as it had been a struggle to make ends meet and get the right amount of credits needed to not only get the proper food through the limited trade into Omega, but also keep Sidera safe as the little Turian was roughly twelve at this point and in no condition to learn how to fight just yet. Two more years, then she would get trained. But for now, it was best for her to learn the ‘mindset of a survivor’.

That didn’t extend to being kidnapped by some bastards that tracked down their safehouse.

Blood Pack was one of the least powerful gangs in Omega, with the group being too disorganized to really be a threat but… still made by hotheaded idiots with power-crazed ambitions.

And now they had Sidera with them.

Vetra had to abide by their request by first finding the building they owned nearby, then enter it without weapons and then stand there as the bastard Vorcha that had taken offense over her due to some jobs she took against his group wanted Vetra to suffer a bit.

And she did in quite the unpleasant fashion.

She had been bruised up a fair bi, her body sore after going through a rather ferocious Krogan that had been hooked to hurt her to this extent. Tiring, but not enough to crack her entirely as the Vorcha that was in charge of this ‘retribution’ stood there with a gleeful eye, always gesturing to Sidera as the girl could only watch in shock at what was going on.

Soon the Krogan left, and it was once again her, Sidera and the Vorcha. Anger polluted her mind as the gang there still had plenty of men to kill them both if she tried to free her sister now. Sidera was just shaken by the sight, but called for her- each scream fueling her wrath and worry at once.

“That was so exhilarating, but it was just a taste. Oh… I am so going to hurt you more now and your little sister is going to-”

A loud knock interrupted the malicious delight in his voice, the Vorcha turning at the lone door of the room.

“I am busy!”

“Now, as I was saying-”

Knock Knock

“I said that I was busy!”

The knocking resumed, this time drawing the Vorcha to draw his assault rifle before approaching the door.

“Who is it?!”


The Vorcha looked outright confused and angry. “Joe who!?”

He reached for the door, gun ready to eliminate the cause of that weird exchange, but a shotgun’s pellet struck him in the face right as he opened it.

“Joe Mama!” The owner of the M-23 Katana replied loudly, walking in the room while still leveling the gun on the barely alive Blood Pack Trooper. “Man, it sucks when the baddies don’t get the reference…”

Vetra frowned, fairly confused by this ‘reference’ herself but… mostly perplexed by the sight of a human man being the source of that odd but life-saving development. Rather than stay still, Sidera rushed to her side, ignoring the fact that this new face may as well be more trouble than a genuine rescue operation.

In fact, Vetra struggled to think who this man could be and why he decided to just kill off the Vorcha. But, much to her relief, the answer soon came when he approached them, weapon now resting on his shoulders.

“I suppose you two are Vetra and Sidera Nyx, correct?”


“Sidera!” Vetra half-snapped, the pain making her awfully more reactive in her annoyance. “W-Who is asking?”

“John Bukharin, leader of the Blood Raiders. The rest of the squad I got here is taking care of what is left of this detachment of Blood Pack,” The human answered, his blunt greeting clicking neatly in Vetra’s mind as she remembered hearing of him.

A mysterious figure that took over the gang and took them to Carrd District. The place had gotten much safer, but Vetra had been very nervous to entertain extensive businesses due to how ‘odd’ this situation felt.

But there had been quite a chance for some smuggling as the gang had been paying to provide their Turian members with dextro-food, making it easy to establish a small but stable exchange of resources for credits. And here she saw him for the first time and… he was relatively interesting.

He knelt down for a moment, displaying his Omni-tool and… Vetra felt better. Medigel was applied through her own Omni-tool, clearly hacked as she stared wide-eyed at her healing injuries. But she remained quiet, unsure of what to say as the human just stood there and then nodded.

“You should be ready to go soon so…”

“This is awkward,” He pointed out, the silence really not helping anyone there as Sidera was the least affected by it, the little Turian focusing on her sister mostly, but aiming inquisitive and curious eyes at the human that was helping them.

Truly awkward.



Remember kids:


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