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Omega Solo Mafioso 2 - or “How a Human became the Galaxy’s most renown Gangstar!” (Mass Effect SI)

Survival before leadership.

The gang that went by the name of ‘Blood Raiders’ was as much of a parasite as it could get within the current environment of Omega- with no central leader and with the Blue Suns still plotting their demise, the first issue they had to face was indeed a need to find proper shelter.

The building they currently had was not going to do despite its size and, while some were arguing to ‘push back’ the enemies occupying their former main base, that idea fell through with the majority of the group.

Relocation was needed and they just had enough resources for a single major trip with the entire group- if they made a choice now, they wouldn’t have the opportunity to go back on their steps.

So, there was quite the lengthy exchange between strong minds over where to go. Some suggested actually taking the fight to another gang- either by challenging the Talons or Eclipse, or worse the Blood Pack (for having such a stupid name and stupid Krogan leaders, cue some irritation from the Krogan in the gang).

I was there, now wielding some armor over my clothes and holding a fairly heavy M-15 Vindicator assault rifle. I have yet to test it out, but, if I remember correctly, it was a three-burst round kind of weapon so… not exactly something I favored in many games due to how difficult it was to get clear shots with this sort of stuff.

It was 2181, two years before Mass Effect and still too close to the starting point of the game timeline to take steps in preparing for the Reapers from where I was. It was still good I knew ‘when’ I was at the moment but-

Still, I was more focusing on the fact that I was now part of the gang, and expected to, one way or another, put my voice through over this matter. Obviously I didn’t expect to get that much attention and agreement but… my plan wasn’t exactly insane, but it relied on something not many were a fan of: not retaliating.

“What if we just focused on getting a nice spot where to lick our wounds, get some jobs done to buy new resources and then we plot to fuck the bastards that we are at was up on a better circumstance?” I asked sarcastically. “Mind you, I am not asking to end our confrontation with the Blue Suns, but one way is to behave and lash out as some sort of mindless group of morons, another is to behave in a way that could actually go successful. You all said this, survival before leadership, so why should it also be pride before survival?”

“So, we just run now? Do you want us to be cowards?”

I looked at the bastard that spoke and… he is a human. “You know that in war there is something called ‘retreat and reorganize’, the concept of getting in a good position to win the war rather than make some gloryhound’s wet dream come true and die in a battle that could have been won if played smartly.”

“Where should we go?” Someone else asked, but this one was hidden between the crowd.

“Considering the current borders? I would say we should relocate to the Cardd District,” I offered calmly. “Small district, but still spacious enough for our current numbers and with a business situation that can be expanded if we play our cards right.”

It was also one of those rare ‘neutral’ districts where no gang claimed ownership due to how poor it was but… it was a nice place to set up a hideout for the time being and perhaps build up an operation base.

“Still, we are not going there with no credits on ourselves. The untouched bits we recovered from the destroyed tanks, a few of the weapons and some of the armors we looted- those things we can’t keep will be sold to the Eclipse gang, and we shall engage in some trading with independent businesses to get money to circle round the district.”

“Why the Eclipse?” Larmus, the Turian medic I have been talking to, asked.

“Well, why wouldn’t the ‘official rivals’ to the Blue Suns not want to steal their rivals shit? Give this stuff to them at a modest price and they will pay gold for what we have right now.”

“And?” Someone else pushed forth.

“And then some of what we make there, plus what it’s in the gang’s coffers should be split on a stable monthly wage. The rest we can use to lure business-owners in the district we are relocating to get resources moving there while having a reason to have jobs as enforcers in case someone gets harassed by other gangs.”

There was an awful lot of silence once I was done and, for just a moment, I thought I had used the ‘wrong dialogue options’. Like, there was some murmuring but nothing that was easy for me to get once I was in the middle of the crowd but-

“What’s your name, human?”

A Krogan asked.

“J-John Bukharin, but-”

“Bukharin is leader,” The Krogan interrupted with that flat admission, followed by many others doing the same.

“What? I am not- The point of this discussion is to relocate, not to-”

“Bukharin is our boss!”

“Yeah, he will lead us to survival!”

“Boss, boss, boss.”


I paused as I felt Larmus pat my shoulder. “Everyone is in need of someone that knows what to do next and that has weight behind their words.”

“I just joined,” I remarked, but the Turian ‘grinned’.

“Yet you saved the gang with what you did. That says a lot about your strength.”

I sighed loudly, knowing that, in this world, deeds and words were quite powerful… especially with desperate people like those I had just helped.

So yeah, I am the boss of a group of mercenaries that were latching onto me as if I was the only safety boat they could get on. Not a good prospect for long-term survival but… it wasn’t bad. Yet.



Next time, the Blood Raiders get down to business and... ends up potentially getting new members. Plus some familiar faces appear.



Great to see another chapter of this prompt.


Just waiting for one of them to call him "The Don". Would Larmus be considered the underboss or the Consigliere?