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We are joined by Dr. Eric Osgood (@EdoajoEric) to talk the big picture of Covid, vaccines and new boosters, and how anti-vaxxers mislead about rare vaccine harms.


The State Of The Pandemic w/ Dr. Eric Osgood

We are joined by Dr. Eric Osgood (@EdoajoEric) to talk the big picture of Covid, vaccines and new boosters, and how anti-vaxxers mislead about rare vaccine harms.



Has Dr. Osgood ever discussed (publicly) his past statements about ivermectin, e.g, in TMBS 165 (https://youtu.be/3FLMx8N8PtI)? He was hyping it pretty hard at the time, but I'm gonna assume he has since changed his views?


Death Panel podcast did a good episode on how poorly Sweden handled the pandemic. They largely fell prey to many of the same "Let's get back to normal" and "This only affects those with comorbities" etc. arguments that the US did.


Did you watch the full interview? If not, skip to around 45:00.


Yes he did a whole episode about it on Matt Binder's show.


Thanks, y'all. I'll check that out. I thought I heard the full interview, but sometimes when I'm listening (usually when I'm trying to do something else at the same time), I'm not always fully tuned-in, and that's a charitable way of putting it.