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Hello guys. 

Sorry for taking a while to post, I've been feverish in bed for days and I haven't been able to work too much. But I have been able to finish this image of Lindsay of Total Drama for you to enjoy. As before, the full image will be sent to you by email. Please check your inboxes and spam folders before asking me to resend the image.

And I must warn you, each picture will have a very special distinction that will include your specific Username… so if anyone starts leaking my content without my consent, I will definitely know who did it. So again, I want to ask you guys not to leak my content, if this continues there might be severe consequences against the leaker.

Thank you all for your support and I hope you all continue to enjoy my content.


Hola Chicos. 

Perdón por tardar en publicar,  llevo días con fiebre en la cama y no he podido trabajar demasiado. Pero he podido terminar esta imagen de Lindsay de Total Drama para que la disfruten. Como la vez anterior la imagen completa les será enviada por correo electrónico. Por favor comprueben sus bandejas de entradas y carpetas de Spam antes de pedirme que les vuelva a enviar la imagen.

Os aviso que estas imágenes estarán codificadas con vuestro Nick de usuario, por lo que si se publican sin mi permiso sabré quien es el responsable, así que os pido que no lo hagáis por favor, ya que tendría que tomar medias serias sobre el responsable.

Como siempre gracias por vuestro apoyo y espero que sigáis disfrutando de mis trabajos mucho tiempo.




My favorite picture so far.

Edo Nova

Oooohhh, la buena de Lindsay 😍❤️❤️❤️❤️

Pablo Diablo

Love it you should do heather next


Genial 👌🏻 Seria interesanate ver a Heather en esta serie pero bueno, gran trabajo! Y ojala te recuperes pronto de la fiebre 😄


Nope dont it just checked


Sneaky Chef :D

gg bitch

Hey man, could you send me the ask 22? I just got 23 but since it wasn't that long since I joined I missed number 22.


Checked email. Never received this.


I'm afraid I still haven't gotten it yet and I've checked my spam folder (dunno why it'd be there though the last was in normal box)


She is hella fine


This one was one of my favorites so far. This character is so pleasantly ditsy and sweet and it is kinda cool to entertain the concept of her being a little unintentionally slutty.


It’s understandable that you’re doing this. Just expect a lot of people to be asking for it... Like me and I can get 22 as well


I don't think i got this one i got 22 though


She's a cutie


New can you please send

Masked Moron

Just pledged,is it possible to send this one and 22?


Just pledged, haven't received it yet


Just pledged, I feel like theres got to be a better way to go about keeping this stuff secure instead of everyone asking for pages they missed


Can send this and 22?


Just Pledged could i get this and 22 please?


Pledged 2 days ago, could you send?


I just pledged could i get 22 and 23?


I don’t get the email can you one


please send


Send please