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And I thought I had given you a pretty obvious hint about which was the right answer. Anyone that knows or has played an Assassins Creed game must know that taking a “Jump of Faith” is always the right choice. Oh well…

This was your second and final “Game Over”, no more lives for you. It was a fun story and a pretty crazy one too, even though you didn’t get the sexy scenes I would’ve liked (mostly because people would go for the option others chose), but it was fun. But now we have to choose what we’ll be doing next.

Should we restart the game with a different path, other girl, etc? Or should I start with Chain Reaction Ch.2? I’m still thinking about it, but I would like to know what you guys think. I’m leaving a little poll for you to vote for one of these two options. This doesn’t mean that I’m going for the most voted one, but it will help me choose the best option. I hope you guys had fun playing this CYOA as much as I did.

Big hug to all of you.




Well, you cannot always win. ^^


Well, I never played Assassins Creed, so that's my excuse (and I'm sticking to it). Now Wendolin, waterlogged but unbowed, can go on to Chain Reaction 2.


I would love to see Auri!!!


Thank the gods Wendolin is safe. And if we go to CR2, I hope to see more Nahia/Wendolin action ;)

Kamen Astartes

I wanna go on the Auri date.


Poor Wendolin.