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Alchemical experiment^^

And an earlier picture dedicated to how I was blocked on the russian analogue of Patreon for a day. Because some asshole reported goblin witch picts for "child pron":




People need to see the difference between fantasy and real life....well, glad you're back though!


Love Gobbo Witch ♥️

Brandon. A

Heretic! How dare they try and send Gobo away! We all love Gobo.

Michael Zemancik

If humie drank the potion, I wouldn't be surprised if his 'mushroom' grew (splitting are gobbo girl in twain)


I understand that some people may view children as horrifying, greedy, little monsters, but that is just insulting to Goblins, to compare them to such things. :V Good to see you back.


Half a hour! Gobbo needs to find a way to make it permanent! Also human should her how boobas can hold mushrooms.😜

Reier Gotter

Yay! I love seeing more of the gobbo witch!

Jon Logan

Poor Gobbo witch

Delicious Dee

More like this one, please!


Honestly did not expect him to fixate on her, but to each their own.


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zenos14 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-22 20:41:11 >Enlarge potion failed Kinda want to see giant goblin now
2023-06-22 15:07:58 >Enlarge potion failed Kinda want to see giant goblin now

>Enlarge potion failed Kinda want to see giant goblin now


"All I wanna do, Is let me see you, Turn into a Giant Goblin Woman!"