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Let me know if there're mistakes in the text



Brandon. A

Keep doing what you love, Sister!


I think the sister at the organ should be saying "herself" rather than "himself" but I loved the comic regardless!


Even the Noise marines are terrified! Run away Cultist-chan

Super Vader

So the Sisters of Battle has a new weapon? Without knowing it.


"someone, just like me" doesn't need the comma there. It would also sound less awkward if it was "someone else in our order" rather than "someone just like me".


We love this! XD

Shane Wegner

Ear blood for the ear blood god!!

Shane Wegner

Noise Marines aren't the only ones who can use this strategy. Endure the holy canticles (and missiles) of the God Emperor, heretics!!


When you think about it, something like that tank should have been on an 80's heavy metal album cover. Hell, replace the battlenun with Eddie and it's a perfect Iron Maiden cover.