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Continuation of Grash's sister's adventure in the jungle. NSFW




That black guy

Oh it's yet again, that's interesting to come back to this


I absolutely love this, made my morning!


Thoroughly fantastic. I'm so glad this one was answered. ^^


Both the elves and the orc are really hot and (I hope this doesn't come off as demanding) I hope to see more of them soon.


Really great stuff, really hot to see the tables turned

Pelzmann Fuchs

Lovely! 2 Things could happen which would make me laugh and love it: 1 The Orc lady break free and decide to not kill the elf boys, cause she form a harem for her or gonna sell them. (Imagining a Orc on s horse, behind in one line several elfe boys)

Pelzmann Fuchs

2. Second could be that Grash find her sister bound amd fucked and "rescue" her. But cause she got caught by the law of orcs Grash turn her sister into a slave, cause she isn't honorful to be a dom/warrior. :)


Now this is a ritual! XD