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Apologies to my patrons and my current commissioners for being out of action and literally gone from all forms of media the past 3 days. I've been bed ridden with a terrible virus and am finally on the recovery. Just wanted you all to know what's going on. I should have more updates rolling out in the next few days. The current monthly renders have also been updated accordingly.



Glad you're alright, hopefully you recover well!


Sorry to hear that, but glad that you're feeling better now. Please take as much time as you need as you get better 🙂


Good to hear you are rcovering! Now like the others already said, just take your time and get well. Beeing healthy has a higher priority than doing art


Take your time bro, make sure youre feeling 100% before you get back into it, dont force yourself to work if its gonna make you feel like shit


Oh my gosh, please take care and full recovery, health is always the first


Take your time, man.


Please take a good rest. I hope you will get well soon.


I was wondering where the Tifa render was since it was a thanksgiving one. I figured that you would do it next month cause it wasn't on the list before. Anyways, don't be hesitant to take time off when needed. You might feel like you've betrayed your Patrons by taking time off or not getting on schedule but I'm 100% confident everyone has this mindset: your health is way more important than the eye candy your produce.


Thanks for the concern, the tifa render will be on thanksgiving ^^