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Ok so I thought of a bit of a more organized way to settle this legendary tier issue. In the case that someone from the final tier might miss out on a monthly render I revised it so now it shows everyone name by name, and what their current monthly render is. This way you know you're up on the list and you're not forgotten. You'll also notice red question marks next to some names sometimes, this indicates that person has yet to give me their tier 1 render idea. So please if you are part of the legendary tier, get your money's worth! check to see if you have red question marks and if you do, please give me your tier 1 render idea very soon. I won't take any ideas after the 20th of this month.

I'm sure this goes without saying, but if your name and your commission idea are already posted, you can disregard this message for the time being.

Thank you very much for your time and I hope this helps some.


Kez (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:48:31 Shout out to the 3 guys who all commissioned Himiko <3. Although this is A LOT more renders compared to the previous months. As much as I love more content, don't burn yourself out my dude.
2019-11-16 21:42:52 Shout out to the 3 guys who all commissioned Himiko <3. Although this is A LOT more renders compared to the previous months. As much as I love more content, don't burn yourself out my dude.

Shout out to the 3 guys who all commissioned Himiko <3. Although this is A LOT more renders compared to the previous months. As much as I love more content, don't burn yourself out my dude.


I took a gamble when I added the legendary tiers, and now it's time to buck up or shut up. If I can't rise to the task how can truly earn the wonderful support you all have shown me up until now? Thank you though, for the concern.

Mario Lemieux

Whew that list, there are some lovely ladies on that list. I can't wait to see all these images when you're done with them.