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After weeks of holding onto that promise and having several days of not working because of my birthday, I finally did it. I managed to get Part 3 released by the end of the month, and all that hard work honestly was worth it. Now with that big project complete, It's time for me to do the next difficult task of starting the next video that requires a lot of my time. It was an extremely eventful month, but I think it was all worth it (minus getting sick). Anyways, here was my week.

- Released Part 3 of Animation Lookback: The Muppets: As much as it was a big task to make this video, including refilming the green screen shots with Puppet AniMat to get better takes of them, this was honestly easier to make than the last part. The big reason is because I don't have to worry about having this feel too similar to Defunctland's video and I can confidently craft this as my own with how I can highlight the Muppet movies like The Great Muppet Caper and The Muppets Take Manhattan and really dive into Muppet Babies. There was a part of me that was a bit worried that I wouldn't find much info on the films, but the Brian Jay Jones book was extremely helpful to bring up the events that occured during their productions. It's another big part, but still one that I'm really happy with. However, I know the next one will get a bit more serious and will introduce a new challenge where I will be talking more about the events in the Muppets' and Jim's history than some of the individual projects. But that will be for when I get back to the next part!

- Making some updates to AniMat's Crazy Cartoon Cast: Yes, it was a rare moment where there was no episode of the podcast this week. It was a very dry time where I did not have enough news or discussions to fuel the show, so I decided to skip this week's and save it for the next. However, that does not mean that I didn't do anything with the podcast. Behind the scenes, I've made a few adjustments to help improve the show and the viewing experience (at least on Twitch). I upgraded my mic and changed some of the settings to make it sound as crisp and clear as possible for the best quality and I discovered a new feature that I'm sure fans are going to love. I won't say what it is just yet, but it will be a major noticeable change that will make watching the podcast live less...disruptive, per say. I'll definitely be back on Monday with a new episode, and it will simultaneously be a test to see if my new system works!

- Starting to watch episodes of the next Series Review: Just when you thought I was done for a while with anime reviews after last month, I find myself back at it again with another anime to watch and analyze. This time, it will be a big anime that I only have to watch the first 2 of the 3 seasons that it has. For me, it's an anime that I've never watched before, but I remember hearing the name often when I was a kid. I didn't really bother with it back then and I stuck with checking stuff like Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh!. However, I now have my chance to see what this show has in store and this could take a while to get through because I still have over 50 episodes to watch. I've got an idea of what to talk about based on my first impressions, but there's still plenty more of episodes to go that could change my mind on it.

- Currently working on the review of Wendell & Wild: I technically took a break after that big wave of new animated features throughout the summer, but now it looks like streaming is coming with their wave to cap off the year, starting with Henry Selick's grand return. This is one of those that I'm personally excited to see as a Selick fan, especially when it's been over 13 years since Coraline. The trailers already make this look enjoyably crazy, so I will come in with high hopes on this one. The timing seems to fit just right now that I'm done with Part 3, so now I'll have to get back into my reviewing mode and get ready for some new stop motion goodness. 

And that's been my week of starting fresh after completing another big part of AL: The Muppets. We'll be entering a new month soon after the Halloween festivities, but after all the Happy Birthdays I've gotten throughout this month, I'm ready to really go bigger and better with my work. After the small hiatus, I'm back and ready to get crazy! So, until next time...

See ya later, dudes!


Lady Tyler Bio Rodriguez

Can't believe its been this long for a Henry Selleck project. Glad its here though.

Joshua Copelan

Can't wait for the Wendell & Wild review.