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In a way, I experienced a little bit of deja vu. What I went through this week is a little similar to what happened last week in terms of what I needed to do with my work. I started off with an ACR, then I went and started some other small projects. Some outcomes are different like this week's video is certainly much bigger than the last, but I was still able to get same good amount of work done. So here's what's been happening this week.

- Released Part 2 of Animation Lookback: The Muppets: If you guys have been counting, this took me over a month to produce, and this was an extremely challenging video to create. Not only I had to make this at the same time as tons of other reviews came in and living my life outside of videos, but I also had to spend weeks of revisions sure that this is completely different than Defunctland's series so that our videos don't look the same. However, through all that hard work, I must say that I'm very proud with what I did with this video. I knew this was going to be a major one, since this would cover The Muppet Show and how the gang we knew today was ultimately formed. There was definitely a lot that I learned from this and I was even able to play more with the comedy and entertainment aspect when I added more scenes with Puppet AniMat. This was quite a banger of an episode, and I'll admit that, even if there are more parts coming, it won't be easy topping this one.

- Worked on the next AniMat's Classic Reviews: While I did start a bit last week, I actually did most of the work for the next ACR at the start of this week. I'll admit that it was fun revisiting Madagascar, but it did turn out that I actually have quite a lot to say. As I was making this one, I've noticed that my reviews are getting longer and longer and this one is starting to become proof of that. It will make sense when you see it, but believe me when I say that I'll be going deep into this feature. Also, I did spend a little more time editing this not because the review is longer, but to chop up the clips into tiny little pieces to make sure that I don't get nagged at by the copyright system on YouTube (they can be very picky with Universal and DreamWorks films). But regardless, this will turn out to be a very fun review and I hope you'll enjoy it when it comes out.

- Started Part 3 of Animation Lookback: The Muppets: Well, this is not really to say that Part 3 is now underway. I just took the first few steps and then moved on to other stuff. You see, there was one day that I was collecting files and videos for other upcoming projects, but they were taking hours in order to get. I figured that, as I wait until they're ready, I went and wrote the intro to Part 3. However, I did not go anywhere further than that, but it did make me know where to start when I do commit to getting into this production where I'll be diving right into The Great Muppet Caper. So yes, I did start Part 3, but the production hasn't officially begun yet.

- Created an AniMat Interviews video: Been a little while since I've done an interview like this, especially to promote a crowdfunding campaign for an animated project. This was a bit of a last-minute addition, but by the end of the week, I was able to get it complete and all ready to go. You'll see this soon enough, but it was nice and enjoyable to hear the person talking about their project because of the passion that they were expressing about it. Even looking at what they've done, it looks very interesting and I'd be interested to see how this will come to life. Next week, I'll be going into a bit of promo mode to help some indie creators bring their cartoon to life!

- Started working on the next Anime Review: Admittedly, this one was not easy to find, and even when I did, it took a long time to turn them into videos that I could use. On the plus side, what I was asked to review is not long at all. In fact, this one is considered more as an OVA with only 8 episodes. So, as you're reading this, I'm currently in the writing process and will start with making sure I start getting into these series reviews that I know that a few of my patrons have been eagerly awaiting. I'll admit that this anime I'm seeing is quite special, so maybe I'll be a reason to make the review equally as special as well...but in a different way because...well, you'll see when it comes.

So that's overall been my week with reviews and clearing out small stuff. A little same as usual, but now things will be different with my work and even that has already started right now. I'll be entering some different territories and will result in plenty of surprises coming this September. August was quite an exciting month for my channel and I hope to keep the flow going when the new month comes. So, until next time...

See ya later, dudes!


Hunter O'Laughlin

I think you did a great job with the second part of Animation Lookback: The History of the Muppets and I didn’t think you made it too similar to DefunctTV’s Jim Henson series. One thing you really did differently from DefunctTV’s episode on The Muppet Show and The Muppet Movie is going more into the technical innovations Jim Henson made while filming the Muppet Movie to bring the Muppets into a real life environment. While I do look forward to your Madagascar review, I’m concerned about you making it longer too. Your last Classic Review of The Jungle Book I understand because it is a significant and important animated film for being Walt Disney’s last animated film, so I understand why you’d make that review longer and more in-depth. Madagascar on the other hand, is a more cartoony and straightforward animated film where I don’t know how you could make your longer and more in-depth. I feel like your short review format would suit more with Madagascar, but nonetheless, I’m curious to hear more of your thoughts you want to express when the review is released.

Trenton Girone

I’m late again, but as you’ll see from my Twitter, @TKristofferG, I had a good excuse. Looking forward to seeing what’s next.