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Last weekend, I've officially finished off editing Part 2 of Animation Lookback: The Muppets. It was such a long journey that, once I wrapped up that part, I decided to put Patreon as my top priority. This means that, at least for the next few weeks, I'll be focusing on catching up with AniMat's Classic Reviews (like I did this week), and then I'll be taking care of requests like anime reviews and art commissions. I believe they've been on hold for long enough, and it's time to reward those patrons for the support they've been given me.

- Created & Released my review of The Jungle Book (1967): Despite finishing AL: The Muppets Part 2 first, I wanted to see if I'd be able to go with my original schedule and make this month's ACR on time and save AL for the end of the month. Amazingly, I managed to get the job done and I'm officially all set for the rest of the month. What I appreciate the most about reviewing Walt Disney's The Jungle Book is that this is the first time in a while that I got to review a GOOD movie or just talk about something in general. Yes, there were some that were okay at best, but I feel like I've finally return to make a video where I say "I like this thing. I enjoyed it and it was good, despite a few flaws". And what could be a better fit for that than a Walt Disney classic? But lucky for me, the jungle fun is going to continue because then next review will be none other than Madagascar. I always had a blast with that movie as a kid, so it'll be fun to go back to see Alex and the gang on that nostalgic adventure.

- Working on AniMat's Classic Reviews and Extra Filming: With one big project over, the first thing I did afterwards was set a map for what to work on next and what are the Patreon projects that are on hold that I need to take care of. Of course, with none that are ahead, I decided to first take care of the ACRs because I was due to making some new ones to be released soon. However, with other priorities to take care of like my family, the podcast and organizing Patreon chats, the most I had time to work on was just on the ACRs. As you're reading this, I'm finishing up the Madagascar review for next month and I'll be straight jumping onto the next Patreon projects next week. At the same time, I also did a few extra filming to quickly take care of a few extra projects on the side. One for a special video for another reviewer and a retake of the intro for AL: The Muppets Part 2. I had to make another one because the original take, while good for what it is, it was too noticeable that I was sweating like crazy and would leave a bad first impression on the video. In a way, I've definitely kept myself busy, but this is only the start of my Patreon duties.

- Drew some Art Commissions: This ended up as some kind of last-minute decision, but there was one day where I decided I just put my Madagascar review to the side and work on some Art Commissions that I had on hold for a bit. It was never part of my plans, but I guess while drawing during my down time, I found myself on a roll and continued to draw until I was done with what was needed to be done. As a result, I created 2 artworks form these commissions. The first is a portrait of the patron himself and the other is a comical scenario where Randal and Dante from Clerks (in their animated form) dress up as the Pixar characters that share their names. Again, I didn't expect that I'd get these done this soon and was planning to get into those after I finished off my round of ACRs, but one thing led to another and here I am with some completed artworks. If you'd like to receive an art commission from me like with these drawings, then upgrade your pledge to $25/month and then we'll talk about what you'd like me to draw!

And that was my week of getting back into ACR. I'm definitely excited for next week for the premiere of possibly my biggest project of the summer and soon I'll be taking care of delivering your requests like some special reviews! You've all given me so much and I am forever thankful to you all, but now it's time to give you something back, and more than just my usual work ;) So, until next time...

See ya later, dudes!


Lady Tyler Bio Rodriguez

Gotta say I love the commissions. You've come quite far in your art skills.

Jeff B. Hughes

The Clerks art is funny & just in time for the third film with these two knuckleheads plus the best medical sellers even if the law disagrees with their methods

Joshua Copelan

Love both art commissions Mat 👍.

Hunter O'Laughlin

I love the idea of the second art commission by having the characters from the animated version of Clerks dress as the Pixar characters they share the same name with. Very clever. I look forward to Part 2 of Animation Lookback: The History of the Muppets.

Trenton Girone

Both of these look awesome!

Trenton Girone

Also, since today is my mom’s birthday, I’m considering my portrait an early present!