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This will be a Halloween unlike any other...seriously, with this pandemic coming at us at full power, this won't be the same Halloween with the parties and trick-r-treating happening. The best we can do is buy a ton of candy anyways, but keep it to ourselves. Just for today, sugar will be our excuse to stay at home and safe (and mask can be optional this time). But before we get into it, let me tell you about my week. 

- Released The History of The Magic of Disney Animation: After going deep into a controversial topic with last week's video, I figured it's the best time to come out of there and return to making Disney content. It's not AL:WDAS+, but I consider this to be like a spinoff video where I go into something that I have talked about there, but not in its entirety. In fact, some of the things I have mentioned were already said in some parts of AL, but worth repeating as they do play a part here as well. The one thing I am surprised about this is that I have yet to see any of the big Theme Park YouTubers talk about this, since it is technically an attraction a Disney's Hollywood Studios. I've always been fascinated to know its history, but if none of the big players are gonna do it, then I might as well make a video myself. I've already done half the research already, I just needed to look into the rest with the "ride" side of it. I do miss that place and I remember frequently visiting it during my trips to Walt Disney World, but I hope I did that area justice and highlight how some major moments in Disney Animation history were made there.

- Released my tribute art of the Top 10 Scariest Disney Moments: If you follow me on social media (either on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram), you might have seen me making posts with special black & white artwork on a daily basis. I didn't have time to make a special video about it, but I knew I wanted to make something special for the 10th anniversary of the most popular video I've done so far. Been a little while since I've done some drawing and bring 'em to life on Photoshop, so I decided to go and do that. Even if I chose to go with a more minimal approach, it still took some time and a lot of revisions on each to get 'em right. My goal was to have each character form the list appear like they're coming out of the shadows. I get some were harder to read than others, but maybe later, I could show the sketches I've done before the line work for them to fully get where I was going with. Tonight I'll be posting the last one and a final piece that will include all of them together. Here's to the Top 10 Scariest Disney Moments and hope it won't be my only video that will have more than a million views!

- Working on a Special Series Review: It took  a while to go through the episodes, but I've finally finished up on watching the entire series. Now that the longest part is done, I could finally get into working on the actual review itself. It's been quite a while since I have done a series review and I am more use to reviewing movies, but what I do hope is that I can still deliver a solid review with what I have to offer with this one. Anyways, as you are reading this, I should be almost done with working on this project. I already made the script and recorded the VO for it, so now all that's left is finishing up on the editing and it should be ready to go in a few weeks. After going through all the episodes and doing this review and making all those drawings at the same time, it'll be refreshing moving forward to focus on one new project with no other smaller commitments I have to do that takes time away from that :P Haha, only kidding, but it was still fun making another series review.

- Starting Part 12 of AL: Walt Disney Animation Studios +: Technically I haven't fully started to dive right into this project yet, but while I was watching the episodes, I also slowly began making the script for Part 12. I didn't do a whole lot though, only writing the introduction (which I had to do twice because I thought up of an amazing idea while I was writing the first draft) and only began writing on Home on the Range and included its summary. Once I'm finished with the Series Review, my next project is to go all in on making this part. I did plan to have this out in less than a month, so I know I need to get to it soon, especially when I also need to pitch to Logan animation ideas for this one. I already took the first few steps for it and I can't wait to do the whole walk.

And that has been my Halloween week. Remember to stay safe, wear a mask (either for your costume or for when you go out of your house) and if you live in America and are over 18, please don't forget to vote because this could be the most important vote you'll ever make. Happy Halloween and until next time...

See ya later, dudes!


Lady Tyler Bio Rodriguez

Yep haven't forgot about the election. I'm not worried, best of luck.

Trenton Girone

Awesome! Happy Halloween, Mat!

Kim Lechman

I had visitors the other day over to see my new townhouse, and even though we were all inside, we all each wore a mask just to keep each other safe.