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I feel like I've been pretty clear about this, but some of the exit surveys from dearly departed patrons are mentioning SS being on hold or no longer in development. That's not true. I'm still working on SS. I said back in late April that I was gonna take some time and shift Hex to my priority 1 project for about 6 weeks (wound up being like 8 or 9, so yeah, sorry about that) so I could get the alpha out because I wanted people to be able to see what I was doing so they could make an educated decision about whether to keep supporting me.

And if you didn't like Hex that's as good a reason as any to hit the old dusty trail. But if you are worried that I'm not gonna finish SS, don't be! I even made a cool meme a few days ago! Behold.

Pictured: a "cool" "meme"

Look, I know it's a risk to try to move on to something new and that I do expect my patron count to go down. I just want you to know that I'm not gonna leave SS unfinished. And I plan to continue to release content for it for the next few years, though at a slower pace once I start working on Hex as my main project (which will be next year sometime, not that soon).

Now, I think maybe I have been talking about Hex too much and that's why people think SS is on hold. But I am already spending your money on Hex and that is something I feel like I can't keep doing with a clear conscience without your knowledge. I think it's important for you to know what I'm using the money for, so that's why I thought it was important to get the alpha into your hands as soon as I felt it was good enough to show off.

Now, something I did think I did wrong was the about page on this Patreon campaign. It didn't mention Hex, so I can see someone signing up, seeing all this stuff about a different game than the one they signed up to support, and feeling ripped off. I have made a small update to the about page to mention Hex and I will make more updates in the future. So if you feel like you got baited, I am sorry, that was my fault.



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