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I hope to have an update preview out in the next week or so. By Mid-June, I mean some time in the second or third week of June, to be a bit more specific. I can't specify a concrete date yet.

I've gotten a lot done on the mod tools front, I expect to have some test mods for patrons in v0.10, but that's not a promise for right now, as there are some technical issues in how the engine loads data that I need to solve, and there's a chance those issues may be harder to correct than I think. Still, it's not an unsolvable problem, it's more about how much code I'll need to rewrite.

On a more personal note, some family issues have also been occurring in my life over the last month that have definitely impacted my productivity and may continue to do so in the future, at least in the near-term. I don't want to get into the specifics, but I do expect this update and the next to maybe include a little less content than you may be accustomed to, even though I'm taking more time to make them. I ask that you please bear with me, and I'll try to be as transparent as possible with my productivity.

One other issue I've been dealing with that's impacted my productivity is a hardware failure, specifically a busted hard drive.  I use a VCS and keep backups both on physical drives and in the cloud, so the amount of work lost was minimal. Still, getting set back up again has taken some time, and I've only just gotten back on track; I was unable to work on the game at all for the last few days. Regardless, this was a pretty minor setback, so I don't expect it to have any major consequences in terms of the size, quality, or delivery date of v0.9.

The update preview will cover what's actually in v0.9 in greater detail, but I think it's shaping up to be a pretty neat update and I'm excited for you guys to get your hands on it. I'll see you in the next week or so with the update preview!


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